Humlehøj Festkælder

Humlehøj Festkælder Welcome to the Humlehøj Party basement facebook profile. Here you can see the upcoming events and request ideas for future events.

We always need more people so if you are interested to join the party crew just contact us.

Donation lists for tonight's drinksDonations liste for drinks og shots i aften

Donation lists for tonight's drinks
Donations liste for drinks og shots i aften

The bar is open come get a drink

The bar is open come get a drink

The basement has been prepared for tomorrow night! It's going to be real spooky ☠️

The basement has been prepared for tomorrow night! It's going to be real spooky ☠️


The party crew at Humlehøj Kollegiet is still looking for people to join them,

what do they do you may ask?
Well, they come up with ideas for party themes, they prepare for the party, make sure the party is a blast by serving you drinks, and also clean the basement after the parties.

What do they get out of doing this you may ask?
Very easy - they get to feel they are a part of the dorm and their ideas matter, an amazing time and hygge together with those, who are not only crew members, but friends. Also, they get special deals during the party when they bartend, and nice experience they can add to their CV + knowledge of how to make interesting alcohol mixes and partial DJ’ing skills.

So if any of this sounds interesting send us an email with your application.
[email protected]


Så er vi klar til tour the cambre ;)
kom ned i kælderen inden kl. 21 og vær med til at gå rundt til de forskellige værelser.
Kælderen vil være åben igen kl. 00. :)

We are ready to tour the cambre ;)
came down in the basement before 21 and join us to go around to different rooms.
The basement will be open again at 00. :)


Hej Alle sammen. :)
Fest kælderen søger nye medlemmer, så kunne du tænke dig at være en del af et team som får gang i festerne her på humlehøj? så skriv en besked her eller til Cecilie Munthe-Fog.

Hi every one. :)
The party committee is looking for new members , so would you like to be part of a team, who is getting the party started here on Humlehøj ? please write a message here or Cecilie Munthe - Fog.


Så er baren helt klar og åben.
Kom og vær med :)


Husk vi holder årets første fest på Humlehøj d. 24-01! Tilmeld jer på begivenheden i "Damgade- og Humlehøjgruppen"

Hvis I har interesse for at komme med i festudvalget, så sig endelig til :)


Damgade 82


Vær den første til at vide, og lad os sende dig en email, når Humlehøj Festkælder sender nyheder og tilbud. Din e-mail-adresse vil ikke blive brugt til andre formål, og du kan til enhver tid afmelde dig.

Kontakt Virksomheden

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