The Three Wise Men come to adore Baby Jesus.
Who had just been born in Loja.
In the church of San Francisco, its people rejoice on the day of the Epiphany.
Visit our city, you will love it!!!
#ecuador #lojaturismo #thethreewisemen #thethreewise
#travelecuador #lojaecuador #vacation #elcardenalhotel
We set out on our RTW trip!!!
Carl & Isabel
(Abby & Addy) from the UK 🇬🇧.
set out on their RTW trip in July 2023, started in Alaska.
We were part of their dream. Thank you!!!
Good luck, many blessings and say hi to everyone around the world you visit!!!
#life2 #life2ontour #rtw #rtwtrip #roundtheworld #roundtheworldtrip #overlander #overlanders #motorcycleadventures #ridetheworld #worldtravel #getoutdostuff #coupleswhotravel
#elcardenalhotel #hotelenloja #ecuador #lojaecuador
#travelecuador #vacation
To our Friends and guests!!!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!
Thank you for visiting us!!!
#ecuador #lojaecuador #travelecuador
#vacation #travel
Que sea una hermosa Navidad!!
Queridos amigos !!!
#navidad #navidadloja
#hotelenloja #lojaecuador
#travelecuador #ecuador
🎄✨ ¡Ya estamos listos para dar la bienvenida a la época más bonita del año!
🎁 En El Cardenal Hotel hemos decorado nuestro hotel con todo el espíritu navideño, creando un ambiente único para llenar de ilusión a nuestros huéspedes. 🎅❤️
¡Que la magia de la Navidad nos rodee y haga de tu estancia algo especial! 🎉
🎄✨ We are ready to welcome the most beautiful time of the year!
🎁 At El Cardenal Hotel, we’ve decorated our hotel to reflect the Christmas spirit that’s in the air, making sure to delight our guests. 🎅❤️
Let the magic of Christmas surround you and make your stay truly special! 🎉
#hotelenloja #navidad #navidadloja
#elcardenalhotel #vacation
Free WiFi is available in all rooms. This room will be great option to enjoy your stay with family. Ideal for families of up to 4 persons. Family Rooms feature a king-sized bed and two single bed. Each room is beautifully decorated in modern style and has spacious living area.
#hotels #hotel #travel #hospitality #hotellife #vacation #luxury #restaurant #holiday #tourism #hotelroom #restaurants #travelgram #food #hoteldesign #interiordesign #hotelier #love #luxurytravel #hospitalityindustry
El Cardenal Hotel
Ven con tu familia
#hotels #hotel #travel #hospitality #hotellife #vacation #luxury #restaurant #holiday #tourism #hotelroom #restaurants #travelgram #food #resort #hoteldesign #interiordesign #hotelier #love #luxurytravel #hospitalityindustry #relax
Nuestras Habitaciones !!!
Hotel El Cardenal
en Loja te espera!!!
#hotels #hotelesenloja
#travel #vacation #holiday #hospitality #Tourism
El arte en el Festival Internacional de Artes Vivas Loja
#ecuadorturistico #lojaecuador #FIAVL2024 #hotelesenloja
Ven a Loja
Fiesta de Independencia de Loja
Hotel El Cardenal
Saluda a Loja
¡La espera terminó! 🎉
🙌🏼La novena edición del #FIAVL2024 llega para llenar cada rincón de la ciudad con arte y magia.
🚀Prepárate para un recorrido de 10 días cargados de creatividad y talento en vivo, con artistas nacionales e internacionales y la Unión Europea como invitada de honor.
¡No te pierdas esta experiencia única!
📌 ¡Nos vemos en Loja!
#hotelenloja #lojaturismo
#ecuador #festivalartesvivasloja2024