We have the latest trends in brunch. Let's try them!
We have the latest trends in brunch. Let's try them! #weareTSE #venuespace #brunch #brunchandchill #gif #blueberries #green #summer #barcelona
Hakunabcn ft. The baSEment
✍ A trip to self-knowledge, in which a space of complicity is created to investigate what is the fear and how it makes us feel this emotion that helps us grow. #hakunabcn #weareTSE
TESTIMONIAL SERIES • Joss Jaycoff, activista de género no binario, también nos da su testimonio tras su paso por The baSEment Barcelona con el proyecto ‘’Skin is The New Canvas’’.
Joss Jaycoff, a non-binary gender activist, also gives us her testimony after passing through The baSEment Barcelona with the project ‘’Skin is The New Canvas‘’.
#weareTSE #venuespace #SkinisTheNewCanvas
TESTIMONIAL SERIES · Claudia Sahuquillo
TESTIMONIAL SERIES • Claudia Sahuquillo colaboradora en activo del proyecto “Skin is The New Canvas” nos da su testimonio tras su paso por The baSEment Barcelona.
Claudia Sahuquillo active collaborator of the project "Skin is The New Canvas" gives us her testimony after passing through The baSEment Barcelona.
#weareTSE #venuespace #SkinisTheNewCanvas
Skin is the New Canvas 🌈
Coming soon: Skin is the New Canvas 🌈
A new project collaboration with @ladieswinedesignbcn and @claudiasahuquillo
Stay tuned!
#weareTSE // Plató Fotográfico
Do you want to know how works our photography set? We test until we find the desired environment. Lights, fabrics, cameras are our assistants in a unique and unrepeatable creative process. #weareTSE 📸
¿Quieres saber cómo funciona nuestro plató fotográfico? Probamos y probamos hasta dar con el ambiente deseado. Luces, tejidos y cámaras son nuestros ayudantes en un proceso creativo único e irrepetible. #weareTSE 📸
#venue #interiordesign #creators #set #photography #setphotography #barcelona #mannequins #dilobarcelona
WE ARE TSE • Somos un equipo multidisciplinario que trabaja para llevar a cabo el evento deseado. Nosotros aportamos ese valor añadido, imprescindible para materializar tus ideas. #versatilidad · #detallismo · #tranformación · #singular · #creatividad
WE ARE TSE • We are a multidisciplinary team that works to carry out your desired event. We provide that added value, essential to materialize your ideas. #weareTSE #creators
#inspo #interiordesign #event #venue #harrypotter #team #transformation
OUR TERRACE · Feeling the spring 🌿
OUR TERRACE · Feeling the spring 🌿 #wearebaSEment #wemakeEvents #spring #NEW #terrace
Ideal to optimize your events and bussines meetings // Ideal para albergar tus eventos y reuniones empresariales. 🖇
#events #bussinesmeetings #enterprise #thebasement #barcelona
Unique and adaptable space. We have: a photography set, also a home space and a terrace. We connect people @thebasementbarcelona 📋
#events #bussinesmeetings #enterprise #thebasement #barcelona
Ideal to optimize your events and bussines meetings // Ideal para albergar tus eventos y reuniones empresariales. 🖇
#events #bussinesmeetings #enterprise #thebasement #barcelona
La Zona Home es el espacio perfecto para hacer una pausa, descansar o charlar junto a tus invitados. Se complementa con la terraza y la cocina, los que le entregan un toque acogedor y único.