En temps en els que la convivència amb l’entorn es sovint relegada a un segon terme per la quotidianitat urbana, les agències barcelonines Contrast i B4 Bookings, l’escola de producció musical EUMES, la plataforma de música electrònica gironina Electrona i l’Ajuntament de Girona proposen de manera conjunta una jornada fortament marcada per l’escapisme. Cedint protagonisme a un entorn natural integ
rat en la urbanitat i convidant a l’assistent una escapada marcada per la interacció entre les arts avançades i la natura. Partint d'obres i instal·lacions eco-sostenibles realitzades per artistes locals, es projectarà l'abundant talent regional integrat en els Jardins de la Devesa, prenent la música d’avantguarda com a element integrador tant en horari diürn com nocturn.
In times where the coexistence with the environment is oftenly pushed into the background due to urban lifestyle, Barcelona based Contrast and B4Bookings Agencies, school of advanced music and sound EUMES and Girona´s electronic music platform Electrona join forces to offer an experience mainly based in escapism. Giving prominence to a natural enviroment surrounded by adjacent urban neighborhoods, proposing an escape focused on the interaction between advanced arts and nature. An experience based on escapism, happening in natural environment in the middle of the urban life, communing the progress of man with nature, showcasing the local artistic talent of Girona's area through eco-friendly installations around Jardins de La Devesa and taking forward thinking music as a common factor, by day and night time.