Cheftohome Ibiza

Cheftohome Ibiza Chef To Home Ibiza creates an unforgettable culinary experience within the comfort of your own home.

We will create your personalised menu in your kitchen and look after every detail with impeccable professionalism so that you can sit back relax and enjoy

.Maracuyá mousse served in a glass.A condensed milk sweetened dessert with the touch of the sweet and sour fruit passion...

.Maracuyá mousse served in a glass.

A condensed milk sweetened dessert with the touch of the sweet and sour fruit passion that is very refreshing after of our summer menus.
Mousse de maracuyá servido en vaso.

Un postre endulzado con leche condensada con el toque agridulce de fruta de la pasión que resulta muy refrescante después de nuestros menús de verano.

.Beetroot risotto with goat's cheese and crispy beetroot.Another colorful vegetarian dish that we can serve on any of ou...

.Beetroot risotto with goat's cheese and crispy beetroot.

Another colorful vegetarian dish that we can serve on any of our menus.
Risotto de remolacha con queso de cabra y crujiente de remolacha.

Otro colorido plato vegetariano que podemos servir en cualquiera de nuestros menús.

.Thanks to  to give us the opportunity to work with local product and have these beautiful flowers to give some color to...

.Thanks to to give us the opportunity to work with local product and have these beautiful flowers to give some color to our dishes.
Gracias a por darnos la oportunidad de trabajar con producto local y tener estas preciosas flores para darle color a nuestros platos.

.Plating up of the hake with green sauce and baby clam we served in our today's dinner with a three course menu. Sometim...

.Plating up of the hake with green sauce and baby clam we served in our today's dinner with a three course menu.

Sometimes it is just about having a nice team working with you and a f**king nice MEP!
Emplatado de la merluza con salsa verde y almejas que servimos en nuestra cena de hoy con un menú de tres platos.

¡A veces se trata simplemente de tener un buen equipo trabajando contigo y una muy buena MEP!

.Traditional gazpacho soup!Just need a nice Ibicencan seasonal tomato to make this starter gorgeous.¡Sopa gazpacho tradi...

.Traditional gazpacho soup!

Just need a nice Ibicencan seasonal tomato to make this starter gorgeous.
¡Sopa gazpacho tradicional!

Sólo necesitas un buen tomate ibicenco de temporada para que este entrante quede espectacular.

.Gnocchetti Sardi with red pesto and cherry tomato.You can try this beautiful and tasty dish on any of our summer menus,...

.Gnocchetti Sardi with red pesto and cherry tomato.

You can try this beautiful and tasty dish on any of our summer menus, always using fresh and seasonal products.
Gnocchetti Sardos con pesto rojo y tomate cherry.

Puedes probar este bonito y sabroso plato en cualquiera de nuestros menús de verano, siempre utilizando productos frescos y de temporada.

.Gnocchetti Sardi, one of our favorite homemade fresh pasta, today we made it as a starter with a red pesto and cherry t...

.Gnocchetti Sardi, one of our favorite homemade fresh pasta, today we made it as a starter with a red pesto and cherry tomato from our client's garden.
Gnocchetti Sardos, una de nuestras pastas frescas caseras favoritas, hoy la hemos preparado como entrante con pesto rojo y tomate cherry de la huerta de nuestro cliente.

.Our beautiful and tasty sweet potato soup with ginger and coconut milk, using pumpkin seeds and pomegranate to add some...

.Our beautiful and tasty sweet potato soup with ginger and coconut milk, using pumpkin seeds and pomegranate to add some cryspy and seasonal touch.
Nuestra hermosa y sabrosa sopa de camote con jengibre y leche de coco, usando semillas de calabaza y granada para darle un toque crujiente y de temporada.

.Some of the starters we served today at our tapas lunch for one of our clients.You can taste the flavor of Spain always...

.Some of the starters we served today at our tapas lunch for one of our clients.

You can taste the flavor of Spain always using seasonal and fresh products.
Algunos de los entrantes que hemos servido hoy en nuestro almuerzo de tapas para uno de nuestros clientes.

Podrás saborear el sabor de España utilizando siempre productos frescos y de temporada.

.For the prawn lovers!An easy and tasty dish that all our clients love, grilled red prawns with garlic and parsley sauce...

.For the prawn lovers!

An easy and tasty dish that all our clients love, grilled red prawns with garlic and parsley sauce.
¡Para los amantes de las gambas!

Un plato sencillo y sabroso que a todos nuestros clientes les encanta, gamba roja a la parrilla con salsa de ajo y perejil.

.Breakfast time!We love ensuring that our clients fully enjoy their vacations together and taking care of the most impor...

.Breakfast time!

We love ensuring that our clients fully enjoy their vacations together and taking care of the most important food of the day, which is breakfast.

Healthy and fresh food served and surrounded by the beauty of Ibiza.
Hora del desayuno!

Nos encanta conseguir que nuestros clientes disfruten plenamente de sus vacaciones juntos y cuidando el alimento más importante del día que es el desayuno.

Comida sana y fresca servida rodeada por la belleza de Ibiza.

. Moroccan Lamb stew with honey and mustard served with roasted veg, nuts and mint couscous.One of our mediterranean mea...

. Moroccan Lamb stew with honey and mustard served with roasted veg, nuts and mint couscous.

One of our mediterranean meat stews for the spice lovers.
Estofado de cordero estilo Marroquí con mostaza, miel y servido con couscous de verduras asadas, frutos secos y menta.

Uno de nuestros estofados de carne para los amantes de las especias.

.Beef tartar with mango, quail egg yolk and spicy mango coulis.A fresh and flavorful tapa or starter you can taste in ou...

.Beef tartar with mango, quail egg yolk and spicy mango coulis.

A fresh and flavorful tapa or starter you can taste in our menus this summer.

Have look into our website to see all the services we offer.
Tartar de ternera con mango, yema de huevo de codorniz y coulis de mango picante.

Una tapa o entrante fresco y sabroso que podrás degustar en nuestros menús este verano.

.Rabbit stuffed with meat and nuts, Jerusalem artichoke puree, baby vegetables, hollandaise sauce and of course our meat...

.Rabbit stuffed with meat and nuts, Jerusalem artichoke puree, baby vegetables, hollandaise sauce and of course our meat sauce.

A very tasty and colorful dish that you can enjoy on any of our menus.

Visit our website to see all our services.
Conejo relleno de carne y frutos secos con pure de tupinambo, verduras baby, salsa holandesa y por supuesto nuestra salsa de carne.

Un plato muy sabroso y colorido que podrás disfrutar en cualquiera de nuestros menús.

Visita nuestra web para ver todos nuestros servicios.

.Scallops with pea cream, beetroot crisp, coconut foam and fresh watercress.A fresh and colorful starter that you can tr...

.Scallops with pea cream, beetroot crisp, coconut foam and fresh watercress.

A fresh and colorful starter that you can try on any of our menus.

Visit our website:
Vieiras con crema de guisantes, crujiente de remolacha, aire de coco y berros.

Un fresco y colorido entrante que puedes probar en cualquiera de nuestros menús.

.Our wonderful and comforting autumn rice with meat, sh*take mushrooms, a rich meat broth and a touch of cinnamon.Have a...

.Our wonderful and comforting autumn rice with meat, sh*take mushrooms, a rich meat broth and a touch of cinnamon.

Have a look into our website and get in touch with us for more information about our rices and paellas.
Nuestro maravilloso y reconfortante arroz de otoño con carne, setas sh*take, un rico caldo de carne y un toque de canela.
Echa un vistazo a nuestra web y ponte en contacto con nosotros para más información sobre nuestros arroces y paellas.

.Tuna tataki with coconut and coriander basmati rice and our teriyaki sauce. One of the fish dishes you can enjoy in our...

.Tuna tataki with coconut and coriander basmati rice and our teriyaki sauce.

One of the fish dishes you can enjoy in our oriental menus.
Tataki de atún con arroz basmati de coco, cilantro y nuestra salsa teriyaki.

Uno de los platos de pescado que puedes disfrutar en nuestros menús orientales.

.Our delicious black fish and seafood paella! We use calamari, monkfish, red prawns, mussels, and our flavorful house ma...

.Our delicious black fish and seafood paella!

We use calamari, monkfish, red prawns, mussels, and our flavorful house made fish stock.
Nuestra deliciosa paella negra de pescado y marisco!

Utilizamos calamares, r**e, gamba roja, mejillones y nuestro sabroso caldo de pescado casero.

.Spanish omelet with blakolives and alioli. You can enjoy this beautiful and delicious platter in one of our tapas menus...

.Spanish omelet with blakolives and alioli.

You can enjoy this beautiful and delicious platter in one of our tapas menus.
Tortilla de patata con aceitunas negras y alioli.

Puedes disfrutar de esta bonita y deliciosa tabla en cualquiera de nuestros menús de tapas.

.Carrot, curry, and coconut milk soup with our homemade croutons. You can enjoy this asian style soup as a starter in an...

.Carrot, curry, and coconut milk soup with our homemade croutons.

You can enjoy this asian style soup as a starter in any of our menus.
Crema de zanahoria, curry y leche de coco con nuestros picatostes caseros.

Puedes disfrutar como entrante de esta crema con un toque asiático en cualquiera de nuestros menús.

.Local fresh fruit is the best choice for the summer heat.You can enjoy it as a dessert in our menus, in our breakfast o...

.Local fresh fruit is the best choice for the summer heat.

You can enjoy it as a dessert in our menus, in our breakfast or in a platter to share in any of our paella and bbq menus.
La fruta fresca local es la mejor elección para el calor del verano.

Puedes disfrutar de ella en nuestros menús, en nuestros desayunos o en cualquiera de nuestros menús de Paella o barbacoa para compartir.

.Our beautiful meat caneloni with truffle bechamel, we prepare the fresh pasta ourselves o make sure it has the proper h...

.Our beautiful meat caneloni with truffle bechamel, we prepare the fresh pasta ourselves o make sure it has the proper homemade texture and flavor.

Try this simple but flavorful dish in one of our menus with the comfort of you home.
Nuestros preciosos canelones de carne con bechamel de trufa, la pasta fresca la preparamos nosotros mismos para asegurarnos de que tenga la textura y el sabor casero adecuado.

Prueba este sencillo pero sabroso plato en uno de nuestros menús con la comodidad de tu hogar.

The season has just started, and we can't wait for you to have an unforgettable experience. Do not hesitate to contact u...

The season has just started, and we can't wait for you to have an unforgettable experience.

Do not hesitate to contact us and we will inform you about all our services.
La temporada acaba de empezar y estamos ansiosos por que tengas una experiencia inolvidable.

No dude en contactar con nosotros y le informaremos sobre todos nuestros servicios.

.Our beautiful and flavorful grilled skirt steak with roasted piquillo peppers and side salad. One of the best choice to...

.Our beautiful and flavorful grilled skirt steak with roasted piquillo peppers and side salad. One of the best choice to share in our summer bbq's!
Nuestro preciosa y sabrosa entraña de ternera a la parrilla con pimientos del piquillo asados ​​y ensalada. ¡Una de las mejores opciones para compartir en nuestras barbacoas de verano!

.Grilled shrimp with parsley, lime and garlic sauce. Always a nice choice to give to the bbq menu a fresh touch!Gambones...

.Grilled shrimp with parsley, lime and garlic sauce. Always a nice choice to give to the bbq menu a fresh touch!

Gambones a la plancha con salsa de perejil, lima y ajo. ¡Siempre es una buena opción para darle un toque fresco al menú de barbacoa!

.This is the joy that cooking for our customers gives us! Another successful barbecue service with our team!Esta es la a...

.This is the joy that cooking for our customers gives us! Another successful barbecue service with our team!
Esta es la alegría que nos da cocinar para nuestros clientes. ¡Otro exitoso servicio de barbacoa con nuestro equipo!

.Pumpkin gnocci with red pesto and dried cherry tomatoes.A nice choice as a vegetarian dish or as a starter in one of ou...

.Pumpkin gnocci with red pesto and dried cherry tomatoes.

A nice choice as a vegetarian dish or as a starter in one of our menus!
Gnocci de calabaza con pesto rojo y tomates cherry secos.

¡Una buena elección como plato vegetariano o como entrante en uno de nuestros menús!

.Avocado and cucumber soup. This is another beautiful and healthy cold soup for the summer.You can have it as starter as...

.Avocado and cucumber soup.

This is another beautiful and healthy cold soup for the summer.

You can have it as starter as well as an appetizer for our menus or as a tapa in a glass.

We always garnish it with celery and shichimi togarashi to add a punch to it.
Crema de aguacate y pepino.

¡Esta es otra sopa fría hermosa y saludable para el verano!

Lo puedes tomar como entrante, como aperitivo de nuestros menús o como tapa en copa.

Siempre lo adornamos con apio y shichimi togarashi para darle un toque especial.

Do you wanna try our sushi mix? You can enjoy one of our sushi menus with your love ones!It is a nice and helthy choice ...

Do you wanna try our sushi mix?

You can enjoy one of our sushi menus with your love ones!

It is a nice and helthy choice for the summer heat.

¿Quieres probar alguna de nuestras variedades de sushi?

¡Puedes disfrutar de uno de nuestros menús de sushi con tus seres queridos!

Es una opción agradable y saludable para el calor del verano.

Deseando empezar a trabajar con este producto. ¡Gamba roja del mediterráneo!Este maravilloso producto es perfecto para u...

Deseando empezar a trabajar con este producto.

¡Gamba roja del mediterráneo!

Este maravilloso producto es perfecto para utilizar como entrante en nuestros menús de tapas, al grill en nuestras barbacoas o para hacer que nuestras paellas sean inigualables.

Looking forward to start working with this product.

Mediterranean red shrimp!

This wonderful product is perfect to use as a starter in our tapas menus, on the grill in our barbecues or to make our paellas unique.





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