We like to follow the path of new experiments and new challenges. And here is the result of a new interaction between the two elements where pyrotechnics ignite the fire! To be a Fire! 🔥
Customer - @Mayor of Dushanbe City
Artistic Director, Creative Producer, Head of Staging - Vladimir Marin
Director of the project - @Nurjahon Ismoilov
Coordinator, co-director - @NavruzYunusov
Art-Director - @Obijon Nazarion
Head of Choreographer, Staging Director, Styly and Costumes Coordinator- Irina Marina
Executive producer, Project Manager - @Iryna Plakhotnyuk
Technician Director - @MohonchukVolodymyr
Scenery and props Designer - Klisenko Natalia
Choreographer, Staging Director - @Dmitriy Stoikov
Choreographer, Staging Director - Aleksandr Martyshev
Music Composer - @golstrider Valentyn Chumachenko
Light Designers - @dmitryigolkin & @EvgeniyDoroshenko
Art Directors of Motion Design - @OlgaNikitina & @AlexandrSerbin
Motion Designer - @Ana Tischenko
Costume designers -@Mavluda Hamraeva @Nisso Kaumova @Vasylysa Zolotova
Live Stream TV Director - @Olga Lazko
Assistant of Live Stream - Gai Kateryna
C.O.P. of Cameraman - @Yuriy Smetanin
Stream preproduction - @Max Lytvynov
Sound Director - Anton Markman
Stage Director - @Tatyana Gordeeva
Special Staging Effects - Oleg MainSfx
Pyrotechnic - @IgorSidorovich
Managers - @Bahtior Odynaev, @Sharofudin Talabov, @Dilshot Nazriev, @Nekruz Nobiev
Program Director - @Shohiyon Nurali
Script Concept Author’s - @Nuriddinov Shamsudin, @Jalolov Nabi, @Khabibzoda Muhammadali
Chief Director - @Khabibzoda Muhammadali
Chief Choreographer - @Imomi Rakhmoniyon
Musical director - @Ibrohimzoda Ubaydullo
Chief Administrator - Rakhmonov Rakhmon
Scenery supervisor- @Abdurazakov Bekhruz
Staging directors - Kurbonzoda Bakhrom, Mirzoev Kamariddin, Shonazarov Nekkadam, Jalolov Nabi, Rahmanulloev Shuhrat, Janjolov Suhrob, Qurboni Khomid
Choreographers - Faizulloev Ismatullo, Kholova Rajabgul, Rakhmonova
We like to follow the path of new experiments and new challenges. And here is the result of a new interaction between the two elements where pyrotechnics ignite the fire! To be a Fire! 🔥
Customer - @Mayor of Dushanbe City
Artistic Director, Creative Producer, Head of Staging - Vladimir Marin
Director of the project - @Nurjahon Ismoilov
Coordinator, co-director - @NavruzYunusov
Art-Director - @Obijon Nazarion
Head of Choreographer, Staging Director, Styly and Costumes Coordinator- Irina Marina
Executive producer, Project Manager - @Iryna Plakhotnyuk
Technician Director - @MohonchukVolodymyr
Scenery and props Designer - Klisenko Natalia
Choreographer, Staging Director - @Dmitriy Stoikov
Choreographer, Staging Director - Aleksandr Martyshev
Music Composer - @golstrider Valentyn Chumachenko
Light Designers - @dmitryigolkin & @EvgeniyDoroshenko
Art Directors of Motion Design - @OlgaNikitina & @AlexandrSerbin
Motion Designer - @Ana Tischenko
Costume designers -@Mavluda Hamraeva @Nisso Kaumova @Vasylysa Zolotova
Live Stream TV Director - @Olga Lazko
Assistant of Live Stream - Gai Kateryna
C.O.P. of Cameraman - @Yuriy Smetanin
Stream preproduction - @Max Lytvynov
Sound Director - Anton Markman
Stage Director - @Tatyana Gordeeva
Special Staging Effects - Oleg MainSfx
Pyrotechnic - @IgorSidorovich
Managers - @Bahtior Odynaev, @Sharofudin Talabov, @Dilshot Nazriev, @Nekruz Nobiev
Program Director - @Shohiyon Nurali
Script Concept Author’s - @Nuriddinov Shamsudin, @Jalolov Nabi, @Khabibzoda Muhammadali
Chief Director - @Khabibzoda Muhammadali
Chief Choreographer - @Imomi Rakhmoniyon
Musical director - @Ibrohimzoda Ubaydullo
Chief Administrator - Rakhmonov Rakhmon
Scenery supervisor- @Abdurazakov Bekhruz
Staging directors - Kurbonzoda Bakhrom, Mirzoev Kamariddin, Shonazarov Nekkadam, Jalolov Nabi, Rahmanulloev Shuhrat, Janjolov Suhrob, Qurboni Khomid
Choreographers - Faizulloev Ismatullo, Kholova Rajabgul, Rakhmonova
The Amazing Fire Power show act staged by our very talented choreographer and staging director @iryna_marin in collaboration with @adelaida_fireshow and @ser.zhylin as chief of this group. As creative producer I love so much work with special staging effects and for sure our Carnival was more brightness with this Fire Power Act!!! Take a chance to touch of incredible atmosphere from our last project Carnival of Joy! Enjoy! Produced by @marin.art.studio and Artistic Director @vladimir.marin.pro
Customer - @Mayor of Dushanbe City
Director of the project - @Nurjahon Ismoilov
Coordinator, co-director - @NavruzYunusov
Art-Director - @Obijon Nazarion
Executive producer, Project Manager - @Iryna Plakhotnyuk @irikka19
Technician Director - @MohonchukVolodymyr
Scenery and props Designer - Klisenko Natalia
Choreographer, Staging Director - @Dmitriy Stoikov
Choreographer, Staging Director - Aleksandr Martyshev
Music Composer - @golstrider Valentyn Chumachenko
Light Designers - @dmitryigolkin & @EvgeniyDoroshenko
Art Directors of Motion Design - @OlgaNikitina & @AlexandrSerbin
Motion Designer - @Ana Tischenko
Costume designers -@Mavluda Hamraeva @Nisso Kaumova @Vasylysa Zolotova
Live Stream TV Director - @Olga Lazko
Assistant of Live Stream - Gai Kateryna
C.O.P. of Cameraman - @Yuriy Smetanin
Stream preproduction - @Max Lytvynov
Sound Director - Anton Markman
Stage Director - @Tatyana Gordeeva
Special Staging Effects - @Oleg MainSfx
Pyrotechnic - @IgorSidorovich
Managers - @Bahtior Odynaev, @Sharofudin Talabov, @Dilshot Nazriev, @Nekruz Nobiev
Program Director - @Shohiyon Nurali
Script Concept Author’s - @Nuriddinov Shamsudin, @Jalolov Nabi, @Khabibzoda Muhammadali
Chief Director - @Khabibzoda Muhammadali
Chief Choreographer - @Imomi Rakhmoniyon
Musical director - @Ibrohimzoda Ubaydullo
Chief Administrator - Rakhmonov Rakhmon
Scenery supervisor- @Abdurazakov Bekhruz
Staging directors - Kurbonzoda Bakhrom, Mirzoev Kamariddin, Shonazarov Nekkadam, Jalolov Nabi, Ra
Backstage Secrets of how we created La BOHEME! Produced LIFE EVENTS by Safarly @nargizevents and show creation by MARIN ART @marin.art.studio
Location - @elexushotel ELEXUS Premium Resort, Cyprus
managment team:
Event Agency - LIFE EVENTS by Safarly @nargizevents
General Manager - NARGIZ SAFAROVA @nargizevents
Event Manager - OLGA CHEBYKINA @chebinika
Hospitality Manager - TISCHENKO MARIA @maryan80
Show Caller - SABINA SH*TOVA @rocknrollpole
creation team:
Show Production - MARINART @marin.art.studio
Artistic Director - VLADIMIR MARIN @vladimir.marin.pro
Choreographer - IRINA MARINA @iryna_marin
Co-choreo - DIMA STOIKOV @demon5to5
Assistant director - IRINA PLAKHOTNYUK @irikka19
Costumes makers - @528_hertz & @_irina_kot_costumes
artistic team:
Conferance - PAVEL TUPIKOV @tupikov_pavel
Show Ballet - @5to5
Cover Band - UNITY BAND @unity.music.agency
Illusionist - ROMAN BONDARCHUK @romanbondarchuk
Dj - PROHOR @prohormusic
Gymnats Pool - ANATOLIY BULAKH @anatoliy_bulakh
Hand Stand - RIMA GRADUINOVA @rimmaki
videographer - RUSLAN PASHAYEV @pashayev.vibes
Music by INFRACTION “Ultraviolet”
Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators! License code: JTZ7BAODCYPRH81I )
IRINA MARINA @iryna_marin
OSKAR LITOROWICZ @oskarlitorowicz
VLADYSLAV HOVORUN @vladyslavhovorun
ALBINA LEPETUN @albina.lepetun
NASTYA IZOTOVA nastyakasabian
DIMA STOIKOV demon5to5
Backstage Secrets of how we created La BOHEME! Produced LIFE EVENTS by Safarly @nargizevents and show creation by MARIN ART @marin.art.studio
Location - @elexushotel ELEXUS Premium Resort, Cyprus
managment team:
Event Agency - LIFE EVENTS by Safarly @nargizevents
General Manager - NARGIZ SAFAROVA @nargizevents
Event Manager - OLGA CHEBYKINA @chebinika
Hospitality Manager - TISCHENKO MARIA @maryan80
Show Caller - SABINA SH*TOVA @rocknrollpole
creation team:
Show Production - MARINART @marin.art.studio
Artistic Director - VLADIMIR MARIN @vladimir.marin.pro
Choreographer - IRINA MARINA @iryna_marin
Co-choreo - DIMA STOIKOV @demon5to5
Assistant director - IRINA PLAKHOTNYUK @irikka19
artistic team:
Conferance - PAVEL TUPIKOV @tupikov_pavel
Show Ballet - @5to5
Cover Band - UNITY BAND @unity.music.agency
Illusionist - ROMAN BONDARCHUK @romanbondarchuk
Dj - PROHOR @prohormusic
Gymnats Pool - ANATOLIY BULAKH @anatoliy_bulakh
Hand Stand - RIMA GRADUINOVA @rimmaki
videographer - RUSLAN PASHAYEV @pashayev.vibes
Music by INFRACTION “Ultraviolet”
Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators! License code: JTZ7BAODCYPRH81I )
IRINA MARINA @iryna_marin
OSKAR LITOROWICZ @oskarlitorowicz
VLADYSLAV HOVORUN @vladyslavhovorun
ALBINA LEPETUN @albina.lepetun
NASTYA IZOTOVA nastyakasabian
DIMA STOIKOV demon5to5
We are proudly presenting our new project well done ✅”CARNIVAL of JOY” dedicated for celebrating International Day NAVRUZ 2024! It was successful experience in history of our company! Thanks for all of team who put his (her) talents to this beautiful show!
Customer - Mayor of Dushanbe City
Production - MaRiN aRt StudiO
Director of project - Нурчахон Исмоилов Nurjahon Ismoilov
Coordinator and co-director - @NavruzYunusov
Artistic Director, Creative producer, Head of Staging - Vladimir Marin
Art-Director - @ОбидНазаров Обиджон Назаров
Head of Choreographer, Staging Director, Costumes supervisor - Irina Marina Ірина Маріна
Executive producer, Project Manager - Iryna Plakhotniuk Плахотнюк Ірина
Technician Director - @VolodymyrMokhonchuk Володимир Мохончук
Scenery and props Designer - @gagarinmedia
@NataliaKlisenko Natalia Klisenko
Choreographer, Staging Director - Stoikov Dmitriy
Choreographer, Staging Director - Martyshev Aleksandr
Music Composer - @ValentynChumachenko Чумаченко Валентин
Light Designer - @IgolkinDimitry
Light Designer - @EvgeniyDoroshenko
Art Director of Motion Design - @OlgaNikitina
Art Director of Motion Design - @AlexandrSerbin
Motion Designer - @anatistechko Ana Tischenko
Costume design - @VasylysaZolotova Vasykysa Zolotova
Live Stream TV Director - @OlunyaLazko Olga Lazko
Assistant of Live Stream - @KaterynaGai Kateryna Gai
C.O.P. Head of Camera man - @YuriySmetanin
Yuriy Smetanin
Live stream preproduction - @MaxLytvynov
Sound Director - @AntonMarkman Anton Markman
Stage Director - @TatyanaGordeeva Tatyan Gordeeva
Special Staging Effects - Oleg MainSfx @mainsfx
Pyrotechnic - Igor Sidorovich @IgorSidorovich
Program Director - Shohiyon Nurali
Chief Director - Khabibzoda Muhammadali
Staging director - Kurbonzoda Bakhrom
Chief Administrator - Rakhmonov Rakhmon
Costumes Designers - Nisso Kaumova, Mavluda Hamraeva
Authors of th
The event's show could be in different styles, but it should be as luxury La BOHEME world. If you wanna organize a brightly celebrating event we are ready to produce a perfect event by LIFE EVENTS by Safarly @nargizevents and to create an amazing show by MARIN ART show production studio @marin.art.studio
La BOHEME (show event)
Location - ELEXUS Premium Resort, Cyprus @elexushotels.il
management team:
Event Agency - LIFE EVENTS by Safarly @nargizevents
General Manager - NARGIZ SAFAROVA @nargizevents
Event Manager - OLGA CHEBYKINA @chebinika
Hospitality Manager - TISCHENKO MARIA @maryan80
Show Caller - SABINA SH*TOVA @rocknrollpole
creation team:
Show Production - MARIN ART @marin.art.studio
Artistic Director - VLADIMIR MARIN @vladimir.marin.pro
Choreographer - IRINA MARINA @iryna_marin
Co-choreo - DIMA STOIKOV @demon5to5
Assistant director - IRINA PLAKHOTNYUK @irikka19
Costume Designer - VASILISA ZOLOTIVA @528_hertz
Costume Designer - IRINA KOT
artistic team:
Conferance - PAVEL TUPIKOV @tupikov_pavel
Show Ballet - @demon5to5
Cover Band - UNITY BAND @unity.music.agency
Illusionist - ROMAN BONDARCHUK @romanbondarchuk
DJ - PROHOR @prohormusic
Gymnats Pool - ANATOLIY BULAKH @anatoliy_bulakh
Hand Stand - RIMA GRADUINOVA @rimmaki
videographer - @pashayev.vibes Ruslan Pashayev
IRINA MARINA @iryna_marin
OSKAR LITOROWICZ @oskarlitorowicz
VLADYSLAV HOVORUN @vladyslavhovorun
ALBINA LEPETUN @albina.lepetun._
NASTYA IZOTOVA nastyakasabian
DIMA STOIKOV @demon5to5