MaRiN aRt StudiO

MaRiN aRt StudiO Show Production Company provides creative services to produce spectacular shows for bright events in the worldwide entertainment market.

The MARIN ART STUDIO company specializes in the production of difference-scale spectacular show performances such as grand events, variety shows, music concerts, TV shows, cabaret, and circus performances. Our leaders and the creative team specialize in the creative development and implementation of events of global importance. Experience of our realized show projects includes worldwide geography.

We carry out the production and control the implementation of the show at all stages of its production. We also produce individual parts of events such as the opening and closing ceremonies of international festivals and sports competitions. We develop a unique idea for each client, including a scenario and director's structure of any complexity, taking into ideological account and artistic concept of an event and the conditions for the concert by its scale. We try to be relevant by using modern technologies in the process of project implementation. Trust our talents and expertise!

“Harmony of countries created by the arts”! Saudi & Brazil Cultural Exchange! Dear friends! We are glad to share with yo...

“Harmony of countries created by the arts”! Saudi & Brazil Cultural Exchange! Dear friends! We are glad to share with you result of our awesome show project in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. 
This is project reflected of cultural exchange between two nations of the Saudi & Brazil. CONEXAO project created from The Royal Institute of Traditional Arts in Riyadh. Location King Farad Cultural Centre.

Client / TRITA Royal Institute of Traditional Arts
Customer / ADD+ 
Executor / 
Producer / 
Show creation / 
Director / 
Choreographer / 
Saudi Choreographer / 
Brazil Choreographer / 
Motion Design / 
Lighting Design / 
Music Composer / 
Saudi Composer / .juraybi
Saudi Composer / 
Brazil Composer / 
Project manager / 
Project manager /
Technician crew / 
Showcaller / 
Backstage crew /
Tech equipment / 
D3 video engineer / 
Indoor drone show / 
and many others talented people were with us
Thanks for all of you, guys!

Urgently needed !!!!!

Urgently needed !!!!!


We are looking dancers
Boys, who bases in Europe and girls mostly from Ukraine! Important things all participants must have dark or black hair


We like to follow the path of new experiments and new challenges. And here is the result of a new interaction between the two elements where pyrotechnics ignite the fire! To be a Fire! 🔥 
Customer - of Dushanbe City 
Artistic Director, Creative Producer, Head of Staging - Vladimir Marin
Director of the project - Ismoilov
Coordinator, co-director -
Art-Director - Nazarion
Head of Choreographer, Staging Director, Styly and Costumes Coordinator- Irina Marina
Executive producer, Project Manager - Plakhotnyuk
Technician Director -
Scenery and props Designer - Klisenko Natalia
Choreographer, Staging Director - Stoikov
Choreographer, Staging Director - Aleksandr Martyshev
Music Composer - Valentyn Chumachenko
Light Designers - &
Art Directors of Motion Design - &
Motion Designer - Tischenko
Costume designers - Hamraeva Kaumova Zolotova
Live Stream TV Director - Lazko
Assistant of Live Stream - G*i Kateryna
C.O.P. of Cameraman - Smetanin 
Stream preproduction - Lytvynov
Sound Director - Anton Markman
Stage Director - Gordeeva
Special Staging Effects - Oleg MainSfx  
Pyrotechnic -
Managers - Odynaev, Talabov, Nazriev, Nobiev
Program Director - Nurali 
Script Concept Author’s - Shamsudin, Nabi, Muhammadali
Chief Director - Muhammadali
Chief Choreographer - Rakhmoniyon
Musical director - Ubaydullo
Chief Administrator - Rakhmonov Rakhmon
Scenery supervisor- Bekhruz
Staging directors - Kurbonzoda Bakhrom, Mirzoev Kamariddin, Shonazarov Nekkadam, Jalolov Nabi, Rahmanulloev Shuhrat, Janjolov Suhrob, Qurboni Khomid
Choreographers - Faizulloev Ismatullo, Kholova Rajabgul, Rakhmonova Zulfiya,
Saidova Farogat, Kayumova Aziza, Radjabov Iskandar, Radjabov Nazirsho, 
Seidova Valida, Juraeva Firuza, Makhmadaliev Bakhriddin, Sharipova Zarina, Sattorova Dilorom


Backstage Secrets of how we created La BOHEME! Produced LIFE EVENTS by Safarly and show creation by MARIN ART

Location - ELEXUS Premium Resort, Cyprus

managment team:
Event Agency - LIFE EVENTS by Safarly
General Manager - NARGIZ SAFAROVA
Event Manager - OLGA CHEBYKINA
Hospitality Manager - TISCHENKO MARIA
Show Caller - SABINA SH*TOVA

creation team:
Show Production - MARINART
Artistic Director - VLADIMIR MARIN
Choreographer - IRINA MARINA
Co-choreo - DIMA STOIKOV
Assistant director - IRINA PLAKHOTNYUK
Costumes makers - & 

artistic team:
Conferance - PAVEL TUPIKOV
Show Ballet -
Cover Band - UNITY BAND

videographer - RUSLAN PASHAYEV .vibes

Music by INFRACTION “Ultraviolet”
Music from (free for Creators! License code: JTZ7BAODCYPRH81I )

NASTYA IZOTOVA nastyakasabian
DIMA STOIKOV demon5to5

The “Carnival of Joy” was gegreous, and our experiance were incredable of creation brigh celebration NAVRUZ DAY 2024. Br...

The “Carnival of Joy” was gegreous, and our experiance were incredable of creation brigh celebration NAVRUZ DAY 2024. Bravo 👏🏻 for everyone who took part and her/his share talents of this successfull project!
Customer - Mayor of Dushanbe City
Production - MaRiN aRt StudiO
Director of project - Нурчахон Исмоилов Nurjahon Ismoilov
Coordinator and co-director -
Artistic Director, Creative producer, Head of Staging - Vladimir Marin
Art-Director - Обиджон Назаров
Head of Choreographer, Staging Director, Styly and Costumes coordinator- Ірина Маріна
Executive producer, Project Manager - Плахотнюк Ірина
Technician Director - Володимир Мохончук
Scenery and props Designer -
Natalia Klisenko
Choreographer, Staging Director - Stoikov Dmitriy
Choreographer, Staging Director - Martyshev Aleksandr
Music Composer - Валентин Чумаченко
Light Designers - &
Art Director of Motion Design -
Art Director of Motion Design -
Motion Designer - Ana Tischenko
Costume design - Vasykysa Zolotova
Live Stream TV Director - Olga Lazko
Assistant of Live Stream - *i Katerina G*i
C.O.P. Head of Camera man -
Yuriy Smetanin
Live stream preproduction -
Sound Director - Anton Markman
Stage Director -
Special Staging Effects - Oleg MainSfx
Pyrotechnic -
Managers - Bahtior Odynaev, , Dilshot Nazriwv, .nabiev_1000
Program Director - Shohiyon Nurali
Authors of the concept and script - Nuriddinov Shamsudin, Jalolov Nabi, Habibzoda Muhammadali
Chief Director - Khabibzoda Muhammadali
Chief Choreographer - Imomi Rakhmoniyon
Musical director - Ibrohimzoda Ubaydullo
Chief Administrator - Rakhmonov Rakhmon
Coatumes Designers - Nisso Kaumova, Mavluda Hamraeva
Staging director - Kurbonzoda Bakhrom Staging directors - Mirzoev Kamariddin, Shonazarov Nekkadam, Jalolov Nabi, Rahmanulloev Shuhrat, Janjolov Suhrob, Qurboni Khomid

The “Carnival of Joy” was gegreous, and our experiance were incredable of creation brigh celebration NAVRUZ DAY 2024. Br...

The “Carnival of Joy” was gegreous, and our experiance were incredable of creation brigh celebration NAVRUZ DAY 2024. Bravo 👏🏻 for everyone who took part and her/his share talents of this successfull project!
Customer - Mayor of Dushanbe City
Production - MaRiN aRt StudiO
Director of project - Нурчахон Исмоилов Nurjahon Ismoilov
Coordinator and co-director -
Artistic Director, Creative producer, Head of Staging - Vladimir Marin
Art-Director - Обиджон Назаров
Head of Choreographer, Staging Director, Styly and Costumes coordinator- Irina Marina Ірина Маріна
Executive producer, Project Manager - Плахотнюк Ірина
Technician Director - Володимир Мохончук
Scenery and props Designer -
Natalia Klisenko
Choreographer, Staging Director - Stoikov Dmitriy
Choreographer, Staging Director - Martyshev Aleksandr
Music Composer - Валентин Чумаченко
Light Designers - &
Art Director of Motion Design -
Art Director of Motion Design -
Motion Designer - Ana Tischenko
Costume design - Vasykysa Zolotova
Live Stream TV Director - Olga Lazko
Assistant of Live Stream - *i Katerina G*i
C.O.P. Head of Camera man -
Yuriy Smetanin
Live stream preproduction -
Sound Director - Anton Markman
Stage Director - Tatyan Gordeeva
Special Staging Effects - Oleg MainSfx
Pyrotechnic - Igor Sidorovich
Managers - Bahtior Odynaev, Shorofutdin Talabov, Dilshot Nazriwv, .nabiev_1000 Nekruz Nobiev
Program Director - Shohiyon Nurali
Authors of the concept and script - Nuriddinov Shamsudin, Jalolov Nabi, Habibzoda Muhammadali
Chief Director - Khabibzoda Muhammadali
Chief Choreographer - Imomi Rakhmoniyon
Musical director - Ibrohimzoda Ubaydullo
Costumes Designers - Niso Kaumova
& Mavluda Hamraeva
Chief Administrator - Rakhmonov Rakhmon
Staging director - Kurbonzoda Bakhrom
Staging directors - Mirzoev Kamariddin, Shonazarov Nekkadam, Jalolov Nabi, Rahmanulloev Shuhrat, Janjolov Suhrob, Qurboni Khomid
Choreographers - Faizulloev Ismatullo, Kholova Rajabgul, Rakhmonova Zulfiya,
Saidova Farogat, Kayumova Aziza, Radjabov Iskandar, Radjabov Nazirsho,
Seidova Valida, Juraeva Firuza, Makhmadaliev Bakhriddin, Sharipova Zarina, Sattorova Dilorom
Scenery production supervisor- Abdurazakov Bekhruz
Assistants director’s - Salomova Umeda, Mirzoaminov Toir, Sherali Qurbonali, Gulomova Tukhfaniso, Amriddini Sadriddin, Radjabov Shakhzod, Sherov Vatandor, Murodzoda Abuali,
Abdualimov Akhliddin
Sound director at the event - Khamroev Khusrav
Chief Sound operator - Barotov Kamoliddin
Head of costumes and props - Kodirova Muhabbat
Head of costume storage - Dovudov Karomatullo
Head of storage of details - Rakhmatullozoda Bakhtiyor
Administrator for organizational issues
- Norov Tolib
Interpreter- Saidov Mirzoolim
Performer of the role of the Sun - Sukhrob Nurahmadzoda
Performer of the role of Spring -
Nozanin Yulchieva
Performer of the role of Summer - Gulmira Akhrorzoda
Performer of the role of Autumn - Almukhamedov Rinnat
Performer of the role of Winter - Nurov Sukhrob
Performer of the role of Navruz -
Asadulloev Nasriddin
Performer of the role of Anokhit - Kosimova Farangis
Performer of the role of Mehrgon - Shukurzoda Salohiddin
Performer of the role of Ozar - Daler Rakhmonzoda
Performer of the role of Farmer - Asadullozoda Shujoat

Press about our cooperation in the “Carnival of joy” dedicated for celebrating Navruz 2024.

Press about our cooperation in the “Carnival of joy” dedicated for celebrating Navruz 2024.
Ukrainian and Tajik group: //
Customer - Mayor of Dushanbe City
Production - MaRiN aRt StudiO
Director of project - Нурчахон Исмоилов Nurjahon Ismoilov
Coordinator and co-director -
Artistic Director, Creative producer, Head of Staging - Vladimir Marin
Art-Director - Обиджон Назаров
Head of Choreographer, Staging Director, Styly and Costumes coordinator- Irina Marina Ірина Маріна
Executive producer, Project Manager - Плахотнюк Ірина
Technician Director - Володимир Мохончук
Scenery and props Designer -
Natalia Klisenko
Choreographer, Staging Director - Stoikov Dmitriy
Choreographer, Staging Director - Martyshev Aleksandr
Music Composer - Валентин Чумаченко
Light Designers - &
Art Director of Motion Design -
Art Director of Motion Design -
Motion Designer - Ana Tischenko
Costume design - Vasykysa Zolotova
Live Stream TV Director - Olga Lazko
Assistant of Live Stream - *i Katerina G*i
C.O.P. Head of Camera man -
Yuriy Smetanin
Live stream preproduction -
Sound Director - Anton Markman
Stage Director - Tatyan Gordeeva
Special Staging Effects - Oleg MainSfx
Pyrotechnic - Igor Sidorovich
Managers - Bahtior Odynaev, Shorofutdin Talabov, Dilshot Nazriwv, .nabiev_1000 Nekruz Nobiev
Program Director - Shohiyon Nurali
Authors of the concept and script - Nuriddinov Shamsudin, Jalolov Nabi, Habibzoda Muhammadali
Chief Director - Khabibzoda Muhammadali
Chief Choreographer - Imomi Rakhmoniyon
Musical director - Ibrohimzoda Ubaydullo
Chief Administrator - Rakhmonov Rakhmon
Costumes Designers - Nisso Kaumova, Mavluda Hamraeva
Staging director - Kurbonzoda Bakhrom
Staging directors - Mirzoev Kamariddin, Shonazarov Nekkadam, Jalolov Nabi, Rahmanulloev Shuhrat, Janjolov Suhrob, Qurboni Khomid
Choreographers - Faizulloev Ismatullo, Kholova Rajabgul, Rakhmonova Zulfiya,
Saidova Farogat, Kayumova Aziza, Radjabov Iskandar, Radjabov Nazirsho,
Seidova Valida, Juraeva Firuza, Makhmadaliev Bakhriddin, Sharipova Zarina, Sattorova Dilorom
Scenery production supervisor- Abdurazakov Bekhruz
Assistants director’s - Salomova Umeda, Mirzoaminov Toir, Sherali Qurbonali, Gulomova Tukhfaniso, Amriddini Sadriddin, Radjabov Shakhzod, Sherov Vatandor, Murodzoda Abuali,
Abdualimov Akhliddin
Sound director at the event - Khamroev Khusrav
Chief Sound operator - Barotov Kamoliddin
Head of costumes and props - Kodirova Muhabbat
Head of costume storage - Dovudov Karomatullo
Head of storage of details - Rakhmatullozoda Bakhtiyor
Administrator for organizational issues
- Norov Tolib
Interpreter- Saidov Mirzoolim
Performer of the role of the Sun - Sukhrob Nurahmadzoda
Performer of the role of Spring -
Nozanin Yulchieva
Performer of the role of Summer - Gulmira Akhrorzoda
Performer of the role of Autumn - Almukhamedov Rinnat
Performer of the role of Winter - Nurov Sukhrob
Performer of the role of Navruz -
Asadulloev Nasriddin
Performer of the role of Anokhit - Kosimova Farangis
Performer of the role of Mehrgon - Shukurzoda Salohiddin
Performer of the role of Ozar - Daler Rakhmonzoda
Performer of the role of Farmer - Asadullozoda Shujoat

25 марта в Душанбе состоялся грандиозный Международный Карнавал Навруза, яркость, масштаб и художественное исполнение которого получили высокие оценки руководств...


We are proudly presenting our new project well done ✅”CARNIVAL of JOY” dedicated for celebrating International Day NAVRUZ 2024! It was successful experience in history of our company! Thanks for all of team who put his (her) talents to this beautiful show!
Customer - Mayor of Dushanbe City
Production - MaRiN aRt StudiO
Director of project - Нурчахон Исмоилов Nurjahon Ismoilov
Coordinator and co-director -
Artistic Director, Creative producer, Head of Staging - Vladimir Marin
Art-Director - @ОбидНазаров Обиджон Назаров
Head of Choreographer, Staging Director, Costumes supervisor - Irina Marina Ірина Маріна
Executive producer, Project Manager - Iryna Plakhotniuk Плахотнюк Ірина
Technician Director - Володимир Мохончук
Scenery and props Designer -
Natalia Klisenko
Choreographer, Staging Director - Stoikov Dmitriy
Choreographer, Staging Director - Martyshev Aleksandr
Music Composer - Чумаченко Валентин
Light Designer -
Light Designer -
Art Director of Motion Design -
Art Director of Motion Design -
Motion Designer - Ana Tischenko
Costume design - Vasykysa Zolotova
Live Stream TV Director - Olga Lazko
Assistant of Live Stream - *i Kateryna G*i
C.O.P. Head of Camera man -
Yuriy Smetanin
Live stream preproduction -
Sound Director - Anton Markman
Stage Director - Tatyan Gordeeva
Special Staging Effects - Oleg MainSfx
Pyrotechnic - Igor Sidorovich

Program Director - Shohiyon Nurali
Chief Director - Khabibzoda Muhammadali
Staging director - Kurbonzoda Bakhrom
Chief Administrator - Rakhmonov Rakhmon
Costumes Designers - Nisso Kaumova, Mavluda Hamraeva
Authors of the concept and script - Nuriddinov Shamsudin, Habibzoda Muhammadali, Jalolov Nabi
Musical director - Ibrohimzoda Ubaydullo
Composers- Kosimzoda Sherali, Saidzoda Furkat, Safarzoda Nosir, Qutbiddini Davlatmand.
Musicians - Tilloev Daler, Solizoda Olimjon
Music editors - Tagirov Alexander, Karimov Zainiddin, Nematov Bakhovuddin
Sound Recording directors - Saidov Ismatullo, Latipov Khudoydod
Chief Choreographer - Imomi Rakhmoniyon
Choreographers - Faizulloev Ismatullo, Kholova Rajabgul, Rakhmonova Zulfiya, Saidova Farogat, Kayumova Aziza, Radjabov Iskandar, Radjabov Nazirsho, Seidova Valida, Juraeva Firuza, Makhmadaliev Bakhriddin, Sharipova Zarina, Sattorova Dilorom
Chief of scenery production - Abdurazakov Bekhruz

Stagings - Mirzoev Kamariddin, Shonazarov Nekkadam, Jalolov Nabi, Rahmanulloev Shuhrat, Janjolov Suhrob, Qurboni Khomid

Assistants & Administrators- Salomova Umeda, Mirzoaminov Toir, Sherali Qurbonali, Gulomova Tukhfaniso, Amriddini Sadriddin, Radjabov Shakhzod, Sherov Vatandor, Murodzoda Abuali

Assistant artistic director (coordinator) -
Abdualimov Akhliddin
Sound director at the event - Khamroev Khusrav Chief
Sound operator - Barotov Kamoliddin Head of costumes and props - Kodirova Muhabbat
Head of costume storage - Dovudov Karomatullo
Head of storage of details - Rakhmatullozoda Bakhtiyor
Administrator for organizational issues
- Norov Tolib
Interpreter- Saidov Mirzoolim

Performer of the role Sun - Sukhrob Nurahmadzoda
Performer of the role Spring -
Nozanin Yulchieva
Performer of the role Summer - Gulmira Akhrorzoda
Performer of the role Autumn - Almukhamedov Rinnat
Performer of the role Winter - Nurov Sukhrob
Performer of the role Navruz -
Asadulloev Nasriddin

Performer of the role Anokhit - Kosimova Farangis
Performer of the role Mehrgon - Shukurzoda Salohiddin
Performer of the role Ozar - Daler Rakhmonzoda
Performer of the role Farmer - Asadullozoda Shujoat


The event's show could be in different styles, but it should be as luxury La BOHEME world. If you wanna organize a brightly celebrating event we are ready to produce a perfect event by LIFE EVENTS by Safarly and to create an amazing show by MARIN ART show production studio

La BOHEME (show event)
Location - ELEXUS Premium Resort, Cyprus .il

management team:
Event Agency - LIFE EVENTS by Safarly
General Manager - NARGIZ SAFAROVA
Event Manager - OLGA CHEBYKINA
Hospitality Manager - TISCHENKO MARIA
Show Caller - SABINA SH*TOVA

creation team:
Show Production - MARIN ART
Artistic Director - VLADIMIR MARIN
Choreographer - IRINA MARINA
Co-choreo - DIMA STOIKOV
Assistant director - IRINA PLAKHOTNYUK
Costume Designer - VASILISA ZOLOTIVA
Costume Designer - IRINA KOT

artistic team:
Conferance - PAVEL TUPIKOV
Show Ballet -
Cover Band - UNITY BAND

videographer - .vibes Ruslan Pashayev

NASTYA IZOTOVA nastyakasabian


Calle Velarde, 3, Distrito Centro


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