Photographer problems ;)
Dress & Veil by Stella York
Suit by CityMan - Menswear
Dirty Dancing at the Welch wedding!
Melissa Baranello interrupts John Baranello 's saxophone solo for the jump.... "This is my jam! Ready? You gotta catch me!"
Wedding video montage coming soon!
Linda & Björn
Hola guapos! I am now offering video and photo fusions, please take a few minutes to see my first video I made for the sweet couple Linda and Björn from Sweden, married at the beautiful Hotel Bendinat. As always, I would love to hear your thoughts. (Also, purchasing a good microphone, audio will be much more clear the next time around!
Welcome message to Mason from Mom & Dad.
in my Course: Documentary Photography: Strategies for Creating Dynamic Images with Andre Lambertson at ICP, we were given the assignment to document someone long term. I met Sarah while volunteering at The Womens Shelter at the Park Avenue Armory. She was conducting an arts and crafts class for the women living at the shelter who suffer from mental illness or medical illnesses. At the time, Sarah was in her 3rd trimester with her little baby boy, Mason. Sarah is also a multimedia performance artist, and I had the privilege of documenting one of her performances. Wearing a nude body suit, Sarah projected images from her childhood onto her body. While cycling through accessories like a lions mane, and a prosthetic nose she made herself, she recited an abstract and very personal monologue, manifesting an internal battle between herself and imaginary characters from her past. (Correct me if I'm wrong Sarah!) After spending just one day with Sarah, I admired how patient she was with the women, how she was so honest with who she was. Hearing about the great relationship she had with her husband, the excitement they had awaiting Mason, her passion for art and for her job, brought me a lot of peace and gave me a lot of hope at the time. After the second week of volunteering with her, I started to document Sarah's last few weeks of her pregnancy. It was a great experience getting to know Sarah and her husband Brian. For the 1st time, I spent more then a few hours documenting someone, and had a new appreciation and understanding of documentary photography. (I also got to experience what it's like to feel a belly with a baby moving all around inside!) I hope you enjoy the work I created with Sarah, Brian and Mason.
Congratulations to Michael Loughran and Jennifer Loughran! You two are an amazing match and awesome dancers. Thank you for sharing your special day with me :) All the happiness and love for the future!