Glynis German Celebrant

Glynis German Celebrant Glynis German offers truly memorable ceremonies, filled with laughter & tears of joy!

Everyone will celebrate a special moment in their life at one point or another. Glynis German is a self annointed hippy high priestess who uses values as the base from which to build. She is warm, sincere and positive and these qualities she shares willingly with those who want to remember fondly and with love those bigger moments in their lives.

Mi cumple🎶🙏🏾💝💗🎂👑😍 my birthday🧘‍♀️🐈😊☀️💖🎊💐

Mi cumple🎶🙏🏾💝💗🎂👑😍 my birthday🧘‍♀️🐈😊☀️💖🎊💐


I admit it! I love Say yes to the dress! And this particular story just ticks all the boxes of humanity, compassion, love and beauty! Enjoy!

Being a celebrant is the BEST job I have ever had!Keeping in touch with couples after their wedding is just the icing on...

Being a celebrant is the BEST job I have ever had!Keeping in touch with couples after their wedding is just the icing on the cake, especially when they've added to the family.💗🙏🏾

I married Alex and Damian in 2021, a delay from a 2020 wedding because of the pandemic. We started our journey in 2019, so they did get to meet my mother in the early years of us getting to know each other. 💫👏🏾

Keep coming back, you three, and I can't wait for the next visit😍😁

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I am delighted to start 2025 with some great news!  I shall be taking less weddings this year (July and August) as I wan...

I am delighted to start 2025 with some great news! I shall be taking less weddings this year (July and August) as I want to add more baby naming and blessing ceremonies to my work.💝

This type of ceremony is even more beautiful than all the other ceremonies I perform. It's a chance to welcome baby to the community; we'll understand why you've chosen the name/s you have and we'll hear the parents' promises to their little one as well as make our own.💫

We know it "takes a village to raise a child" so gather yours and let's make it happen!🙏🏾

I am available to come to the UK too✈️

Spread the news!  Babies, your Aunty Gee is coming for you!!

Spread the news! Babies, your Aunty Gee is coming for you!!

I am delighted to start 2025 with some great news! I shall be taking less weddings this year (July and August) as I want to add more baby naming and blessing ceremonies to my work.

I am therefore available to travel to the UK in the summer months if any couples I married over the years and who have had children since wish to welcome their new borns with a ceremony.

This type of ceremony is even more beautiful than all the other ceremonies I perform. It's a chance to welcome baby to the community; we'll understand why you've chosen the name/s you have and we'll hear the parents' promises to their little one as well as make our own.

We know it "takes a village to raise a child" so gather yours and let's make it happen!

I am delighted to start 2025 with some great news!  I shall be taking less weddings this year (July and August) as I wan...

I am delighted to start 2025 with some great news! I shall be taking less weddings this year (July and August) as I want to add more baby naming and blessing ceremonies to my work.

I am therefore available to travel to the UK in the summer months if any couples I married over the years and who have had children since wish to welcome their new borns with a ceremony.

This type of ceremony is even more beautiful than all the other ceremonies I perform. It's a chance to welcome baby to the community; we'll understand why you've chosen the name/s you have and we'll hear the parents' promises to their little one as well as make our own.

We know it "takes a village to raise a child" so gather yours and let's make it happen!

I am delighted to be offering the first "Light up a Life"✨️ in Mallorca.  Thanks to Naomi Hasson, who introduced me to t...

I am delighted to be offering the first "Light up a Life"✨️ in Mallorca. Thanks to Naomi Hasson, who introduced me to this beautiful way of remembering loved ones when all around are celebrating. Celebrating Christmas might not be so easy for those who are grieving the death of a loved one.🙏🏾

There will be poetry from Pepa Vélez, Heather Smith and Christina Moreno Jaffrain, and the sounds of the Tibetan Bowls from Oihane Dobaran.

Once again, thank you to SFM Mallorca, who have opened their doors and allowed us to have regular death cafes, occasional open days, and moments like this to remember loved ones.💝

Remember to let us know you're coming! This Thursday in Inca.😉

Estoy encantada de celebrar el primer " Ilumina una vida " en Mallorca. Gracias a Naomi Hasson que me introdujo a esta hermosa manera de recordar a los seres queridos cuando todos alrededor están celebrando. Celebrar la Navidad puede no ser tan fácil para aquellos que están de luto por la muerte de un ser querido.💫🕯

Habrá poesía de Pepa Vélez, Heather Smith y Christina Moreno Jaffrain y los sonidos de los cuencos tibetanos de Oihane Dobaran. 🎶

Una vez más, gracias a SFM Mallorca que han abierto sus puertas y nos han permitido tener Death Cafés habituales, jornadas de puertas abiertas ocasionales y momentos como este para recordar a los seres queridos.💖

¡Acuérdate de avisarnos de que vas a venir! Este jueves en Inca.🤞🏼

What a great catch up with just a handful of wedding suppliers.  This has to become a regular feature in my diary please...

What a great catch up with just a handful of wedding suppliers. This has to become a regular feature in my diary please, especially off season when none of us have a wedding the next day.🤞🏼

Until the next time Michaela, Vicki, Victoria, Amanda, Hanna and Josephine!😍

GREAT lunch too and definitely worth coming all the way from Binissalem!👏🏾

Qué gran encuentro con algunas profesionales del sector de las bodas. Esto tiene que convertirse en una cita habitual en mi agenda, por favor, especialmente fuera de temporada cuando ninguna de nosotras tiene una boda al día siguiente.😉

Hasta la próxima, Michaela, Vicki, Victoria, Amanda, Hanna y Josephine.😁

El restaurante también fue GENIAL y sin duda mereció la pena venir desde Binissalem.👍🏽

How exciting to be preparing for their wedding in June 2025 with this gorgeous couple! 💖 We had a lovely catch-up at the...

How exciting to be preparing for their wedding in June 2025 with this gorgeous couple! 💖

We had a lovely catch-up at their venue, Son Berga, with their planner, Michaela from Girl Friday Events. Billie Media came along too, but missed out on the photo op with me - the non photographer!😉

I can't wait to see you next summer, E & J. So until we meet again, happy Christmas, happy new year, happy 3 kings and happy birthday to me (January 10th hee hee) too!😂

Thank you for your words, Eli of Son Berga, a most wonderful hostess who takes the very best care of this stunning venue, which is also her family's home.🙏🏾

¡Qué emocionante es prepararse para su boda en junio de 2025 con esta preciosa pareja! 💝

Nos pusimos al día en Son Berga con su wedding planner, Michaela de Girl Friday Events. Billie Media también vino, pero se perdió la sesión de fotos conmigo, ¡la no fotógrafa!😁

No puedo esperar a veros el próximo verano E & J. Así que hasta que nos volvamos a ver, ¡feliz Navidad, feliz año nuevo, felices Reyes Magos y feliz cumpleaños para mí (10 de enero je je) también!😉

Y gracias por vuestras palabras Eli de Son Berga, una anfitriona maravillosa que cuida al máximo de este impresionante lugar que es también la casa de su familia.🙏🏾

It was a truly wonderful weekend to Shakespeare's town to celebrate the naming ceremony of this little one. ✨️I did the ...

It was a truly wonderful weekend to Shakespeare's town to celebrate the naming ceremony of this little one. ✨️

I did the wedding of Alexis and Andy in Mallorca back in 2017 and have been fortunate to be involved with the family as it has grown. First born had his naming ceremony in 2019, and this weekend, it was the turn of the second born.🎊

What a joy to meet up with the couple, their kids, and the extended family and friends. Now, I'm getting ready to have breakfast with another of my couples before flying home.💝


We are nearing the start of our death festival, now in its fifth year!Take a look at all the events taking place across ...

We are nearing the start of our death festival, now in its fifth year!
Take a look at all the events taking place across Spain and as far away as Argentina and Mexico! What great news!

If you've organised an event but don't see your poster (with our logo please) then let us know! And if you want to organise something, but you're not sure what, have a look at our web page under participate and get some inspiration!

Let's change attitudes towards talking about death and become more comfortable with the one guarantee!

Hablar de la muerte trae una apreciación mucho más profunda de la vida. Conocer a los profesionales en este ámbito puede aportar calma, un sentido de orden y un gran sosiego interior.

These two will be glad to see the back of me!!😄  I've been there so many times for weddings this summer and today is the...

These two will be glad to see the back of me!!😄 I've been there so many times for weddings this summer and today is the last visit for a while.💝

Thank you Cristina and Rosy, you two are just the best!👏🏾

¡¡Estas dos se alegrarán de ver mi espalda!!😁 He estado allí muchas veces para bodas este verano y hoy es la última visita por un tiempo.💖

Gracias Cristina y Rosy, ¡sois las mejores!💫


Oh, this was a fabulous wedding with so many hilarious moments!  There was a bittersweet element to it due to the sad ne...

Oh, this was a fabulous wedding with so many hilarious moments! There was a bittersweet element to it due to the sad news of the passing of a very cherished loved one, but we incorporated this into the ceremony so there wouldn't be an elephant in the room! However, on the day the heavens opened and rain poured gently on us! There was even the most gorgeous cat that suddenly appeared in the aisle! The loved one was definitely there in spirit.💫💝

Congratulations, Katie and Tom. What a truly special wedding you had! Everyone's going to be talking about this one forever. Come back soon!🙏🏾

Dream team was:
🎶 .es

¡Oh esta fue una boda fabulosa con tantos momentos cómicos! Hubo un elemento agridulce debido a la triste noticia del fallecimiento de un ser muy querido, ¡pero lo incorporamos a la ceremonia para que no hubiera un elefante en la sala! Sin embargo, ese día los cielos se abrieron y la lluvia cayó suavemente sobre nosotros. Incluso apareció un gato precioso en el pasillo. Sin duda, la persona amada estaba allí en espíritu.💓✨️

Enhorabuena Katie y Tom, ¡qué boda tan especial habéis tenido! Todo el mundo hablará de ella para siempre. Volved pronto.🤞🏼

This couple flew 8,517 km to get to the island of calm, and we celebrated their sacred union beside this 13th monastery,...

This couple flew 8,517 km to get to the island of calm, and we celebrated their sacred union beside this 13th monastery, which we had to ourselves on the day. What a beautiful moment and how lucky I am to share such special occasions on other people's paths. What a privilege! 🙏🏾💫

Congratulations, Emi and Kevin. May your marriage be filled with peace, love, and happiness today and every day! Come back soon!💗

Esta pareja voló 8.517 kms para llegar a la isla de la calma y celebramos su sagrada unión junto a este 13º monasterio que teníamos para nosotros solos ese día. Qué momento tan bonito y qué suerte tengo de compartir ocasiones tan especiales en la vida de otras personas, ¡qué privilegio!💝

Enhorabuena Emi y Kevin. Que vuestro matrimonio esté lleno de paz, amor y felicidad, ¡hoy y todos los días! ¡Volved pronto!🤞🏼


This wedding was at one of my longtime, favourite places.  It was a perfect day. There was sun and a breeze, and the gue...

This wedding was at one of my longtime, favourite places. It was a perfect day. There was sun and a breeze, and the guests were well taken care of. The couple were so attentive to all their needs, and that attention paid off!💖

Congratulations, Sam and Nick, it was an absolute pleasure to be your celebrant, and it's also brilliant that you both live on the island, so I hope to see you again soon!🙏🏾

It was great to work with Alejandro from the hotel and the musicians from Trio Euterpe. Flowers were beautiful, and it was lovely to meet Joan, the photographer too.👏🏾

Esta boda fue en uno de mis lugares favoritos desde hace mucho tiempo. Fue un día perfecto, había sol y brisa y los invitados estaban bien atendidos. La pareja estuvo muy atenta a todas sus necesidades y ¡esa atención mereció la pena!💝

Enhorabuena Sam y Nick, fue un placer absoluto ser vuestra celebrante y también es genial que ambos viváis en la isla, ¡así que espero volver a veros pronto!✨️

Fue genial trabajar con Alejandro del hotel y los músicos del Trío Euterpe. Las flores eran preciosas y también me encantó conocer a Joan, el fotógrafo👏🏾

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What a wedding and at one of my favourite fincas, just up the road from where I live!👏🏾  This couple had guests fly in f...

What a wedding and at one of my favourite fincas, just up the road from where I live!👏🏾 This couple had guests fly in from around the world, and their love and care and attention to detail were perfect. We had a wonderful ceremony, and I know they went on to have the perfect celebration.💖

Congratulations, Vienna and Jehan. You two are awesome, and I wish you every happiness and joy for your marriage. Come back again soon!🙏🏾

Thanks to the A team for being the best at what you do!

💒 - lovely Lucia and Sue
📸 - wonderful to meet you
🎥 - wonderful to meet you
💐 .es.brot - amazing team
💄 - GREAT to see Lauren after too long!
🎶 - gracias Manuel
🎤 .productions - duo, Ana & Mathis
🍽 - Paz & team

Menuda boda y en una de mis fincas favoritas, ¡justo al lado de donde vivo! Esta pareja tuvo invitados de todo el mundo y su amor, cuidado y atención al detalle fue perfecto. Tuvimos una ceremonia maravillosa y sé que tuvieron una celebración perfecta.💗

Felicidades Viena y Jehan. Sois increíbles y os deseo mucha felicidad y alegría en vuestro matrimonio. ¡Volved pronto!💝

What a celebration! 💖 25 years, a fabulous achievement by these two wonderful people.  We had a lot of fun, not only pre...

What a celebration! 💖 25 years, a fabulous achievement by these two wonderful people. We had a lot of fun, not only preparing for this day, but on the day itself. Family and friends flew in from as far as LA and Lagos and enjoyed all the details of this beautiful celebration.💓👏🏾

Congratulations, Judith and Ochuko, may you continue to be blessed, and may you have many more happy years together!🙏🏾💝

Angel and I worked together for the second time this season, and it was a lot of fun as usual! 😀

Joining us on the dream team were the following suppliers:

💒 - Cristina & Ainhoa
📸 .mediaart

¡Qué celebración! 25 años, un logro fabuloso de estas dos personas maravillosas. Nos divertimos mucho, no sólo preparándonos para este día, sino también el día mismo. La familia y los amigos llegaron desde Los Ángeles y Lagos y disfrutaron de todos los detalles de esta hermosa celebración.💓👏🏾

Enhorabuena Judith y Ochuko, ¡que sigáis siendo bendecidos y que tengáis muchos más años felices juntos!💝🙏🏾

Angel y yo trabajamos juntos por segunda vez esta temporada y fue muy divertido, como siempre.😁

25 years, a silver anniversary, what an achievement!  The husband kept the plan to renew vows in Mallorca a secret, and ...

25 years, a silver anniversary, what an achievement! The husband kept the plan to renew vows in Mallorca a secret, and I had a lot of fun liaising with one of his friends to organise the ceremony.💖

The weather was on our side, and we celebrated their wedding anniversary with a vow renewal ceremony on the beach!💫

Congratulations, Jay and Sheila, may you have many more happy years together!👏🏾

25 años, bodas de plata, ¡todo un logro! El marido mantuvo en secreto el plan de renovar los votos en Mallorca y yo me divertí mucho coordinándome con una de sus amigas para organizar la ceremonia.💝

El tiempo nos acompañó y celebramos su aniversario de boda con una ceremonia de renovación de votos en la playa.🎊

Enhorabuena Jay y Sheila, ¡que tengáis muchos más años felices juntos!✨️


Palma De Mallorca


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