TJ Music

TJ Music TJ Music - Sounds great! TJ Music furnizeaza echipamentele tehnice ptr. Daca va place cauza si idea noastra, puteti contribui si dvs. Va multumim! Thank U!

TJ Music s-a fondat in August 2012 si a luat fiinta din dorinta de a aduce o schimbare pe plan muzical in special in zona Ardealului cu motivatia de a sustine artistii din aceasta zona, oferind un suport technic si moral fortificat cu o doza necesara de profesionalism. TJ Music provine din TonyJay Music, TonyJay fiind initiatorul acestui proiect care cuprinde toate activitatile unei echipe special

izate in organizarea evenimentelor:
- consultanta oferita muzicienilor/solistilor/artistilor si promovarea acestora la diverse evenimente
- consultanta oferita organizatorilor de evenimente, propunerea unor artisti si echipamentului audio in functie de genul evenimentelor, implicandu-ne in mod direct si in promovarea acestor evenimente.
- furnizarea echipamentelor audio - sonorizare si personalului technic calificat pentru buna desfasurare a evenimentelor. concerte live, evenimente pprivate, sali de repetitii, studiouri de inregistrari, si deasemenea promovarea, pregatirea evenimentelor. Pe langa cea ce oferim noi in mod direct din resurse proprii, ne mandrim cu multi colaboratori de seama din domeniile: foto, video, vestimentatie, make-up & hairstyling. Una dintre preocuparile noastre principale il reprezinta sprijinirea artistilor tineri talentati si nerecunoscuti, punand accent pe domeniul muzicii dar nu numai. Desi, acest lucru este o idee si o cauza frumoasa, punerea ei in practica necesita multa munca, oameni capabili si nu in ultimul rand finante. la acest proiect, printr-o donatie sau sponsorizare. Pentru detalii sau pentru a face o donatie, va rugam sa ne contactati in mod direct utilizand pagina de contact. TJMusic - Sounds great! TJMusic was founded in August 2012 and it is my soul project, emmerged from mine and some other colleagues will to make a change on the music scene, especially in our region, specifically Cluj Napoca and nearby region. Our goal is to promote music, events and artists from this area, giving them a technical and moral support, fortified with a necesary dose of profesionalism. TJMusic means TonyJay Music and entholds all the activities of a specialized team in organizing events, mainly from the music point of view.
- consultance and promotion for musicians/singers/arists
- consultance for event organizers concerning artists and technical equipment, depending on the event genre, also taking a big part in the promotion for these events.
- supply of technical equipment and qualified personal. TJMusic supplies technical equipment for concerts, rehearsal hall's/room's, recording studios and also promoting/preparing events. Besides what we offer directly from our own resurses, we take pride in working with many great colaborators from the following activity fields: photo, video, clothing, make-up & hairstyling, that you can find in the About/Partners section. One of our main tasks is supporting young, talented & unrecognized artists from our region, puting an emphasys on music, but not only. Although, this is a very nice cause & idea, implementing it involves a lot of work, capable good people and nevertheless finances. If you like and relate with our cause & idea, you can bring your contribution to this project, through a donation or sponsorship. For details or to make your donation, please contact us directly using the Contact page. TJMusic - Jol hangzik! TJMusic 2002 augusztusaban alakult es lelkemhez nagyon kozel allo projektjet kepezi, abbol a vagybol indulva ki, hogy egy jo iranyba valo valtozast hozni zenei teren, kulonosen Kolozsvaron es kornyeken. Celkituzesunk az elobb megjelolt tersegben levo zene, rendezvenyek es muveszek tamogatasa, egy technikai es szellemi tamogatas amit profizmussal szeretnenk megerositeni. TJMusic a TonyJay Music-bol szarmazik es egybefogja egy specializalt csapat, rendezveny szervezesi tevekenysegeit, kulonosen zenei teren.
- zeneszeknek/enekeseknek/muveszeknek nyujtott tamogatas, tanacsadas
- rendezveny szervezoknek nyujtott tamogatas es tanacsadas, muveszek es technikai felszereles kivalasztasa rendezvenytol fuggoen, szerepet vallalva a rendezvenyek reklamozasaban is.
- zenei felszerelesek es szakkepzett szemelyzet biztositasa. TJMusic zenei felszereleseket biztosit koncertekre, proba termek felszerelesere, felvevo studiok berendezesere, es nem utolso sorban kulombozo rendezvenyek elokeszitesevel, reklamozasaval is foglalkozik. Mindazok a szolgaltatasok melett amiket sajat onerobol biztositunk, szamos partnerrel dicsekszunk: fotozas, filmezes, oltozet, make-up es hair styling teren. Az egyik fo tevekenysegunk a fiatal, tehetseges de nem beteljesult muveszek tamogatasa, leginkabb zenei teren, de nem csak. Bar, ez egy szep gondolat es egy altalunk fontosnak tartott ugy, ennek a gyakorlatba valo ultetese sok munkaval jar, kepzett emberekre van szukseg es nem utolso sorban penzbe kerul. Ha tetszik onnek ez a gondolatmenet es inditvanyozas, akkor on is resztvehet ebben a projektben, adomanyozas vagy szponzoralas altal. Reszletekert vagy adomanyozas eseten, kerjuk lepjen velunk kapcsolatba a Contact oldal segitsegevel. Koszonjuk!


New video from TonyJay


Last day in FV, goodbye’s and more packing


First day of vacation. Birthday and packing


Last show in Fuerteventura

We shot a new exciting video yesterday, this time for a good friend of ours, shoutout to Roberto. Stay tuned, like and f...

We shot a new exciting video yesterday, this time for a good friend of ours, shoutout to Roberto. Stay tuned, like and follow our page to stay connected :)

Another passion of mine is shooting videos, I enjoy being behind the camera aswell 🙂 Follow and like my page to see new content 🙂 Thank you, your support means a lot

O alta pasiune de a mea, imi place sa fiu si de partea cealalta a camerei 🙂

Egy masik dolog amit szeretek csinalni, jol erzem magam a kamera masik oldalan is :)


Paste fericit tuturir care sarbatoresc astazi Pastele. Hristos a inviat! :)


Wishing you Happy easter!
Aldott husveti unnepeket kivanok!
Va doresc Paste fericit!

Join the link for the PREMIERE of our new cover song

Join the link for the PREMIERE of our new cover song

Very happy to share with you our cover version for Shania Twain´s, You´re still the one. We always loved this song and it was a pleasure making it. The video...

We are working hard on the video for our new cover song which will be released on 14th of febr. Valentines day

We are working hard on the video for our new cover song which will be released on 14th of febr. Valentines day


Palma De Mallorca

Horario de Apertura

Lunes 09:00 - 22:00
Martes 09:00 - 22:00
Miércoles 09:00 - 22:00
Jueves 09:00 - 22:00
Viernes 09:00 - 22:00
Sábado 09:00 - 22:00
Domingo 09:00 - 22:00




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