As The Sun Falls were forced to cancel their gig at Hospoda Brouk in Prague because the Info Rider was received but not checked.
There is a drug policy and a serious allergy on w**d so such information, amongst other things are shared via Info Rider long time before concerts happen in order to ensure that promoters, venues and workers are informed. Unfortunately during the arrival of the band to the venue, there were people smoking w**d inside, including the sound guy who refused to stop because he said he couldn't mix the bands without having w**d. 🤦♀️ So entering there would have only lead to a strong allergic reaction and hospitalization.
This gig, as the entire tour package, was booked by Dark Moon Events in collaboration with various promoters and venues across Europe. It is our job and responsibility here to protect our customers and share the real story. We know that certain people don't like confronting the truth in public but when the matter and reason of cancelation is serious then it must be shared.
Dear Friends of Czech Republic.
Unfortunately we are forced to cancell our todays show at Hospoda Brouk with Odraedir and Hole Of Sin.
Upon our arrival we noticed the strong smoke of w**d all over the venue.
Unfortunately one of our members has a heavy w**d allergy. Entering the venue would have led to an instant hospitalisation.
This situation is not easy for us as we were looking forward to this show.
The venue has been informed months upfront about this allergy through the bands Information Rider and a dialoge has been searched at arrival.
The refusal of the local house technician to work sobber and unability to get rid of the w**d inside of the club led us to no other choice than to cancel.
Additionaly comes that this would affect the sobberness of other members and crew and unable us to travel over night to our next Destination.
We will not put our own members health at risk.
Instead we decided to provide the drumset to the 2 other bands and ensure that the event can happen. We will be present outside of the club after the show for chating and merchandise will be available too.
We deeply regret this cancellation and we will give our best to return to Prague soon!