To destroy old and outworn forms, in order to make way for the new - and therefore is she known as REXICHTHON, Earth Splitter.
To reap the souls of the Restless Dead, and es**rt them to their peace, past Kerberos, Minos, Charon, Nyx, Styx, Aklys, and Aidoneos, the King of the Dead, to the place deep within the Earth where they receive their final judgment, and from whence they drift back to the Moon, her kingdom, where their lower, hylic souls are flensed from their higher, noetic minds, which then return to Aion in the Realm of the Stars - and therefore is she known as PYSCHOPOMP, Soul,
To grant increase, secure success, and send surcease from suffering - to benefit the breeder, the believer, the soldier, sportsman, lawyer, warrior, wife, witch, mage, mother and thief - and therefore is she called APOTROPAIA, Shield from Harm.
To devour that which is cast off; to want the unwanted; to seek out the unsought; to reach the unreachable and catch the uncaught; to touch the untouchable and claim the unclaimable - and therefore is she called BORBOROPHORBA, Eater of Filth.
Χαιρα, Χαιρα, Χαιρα Εκάτη
Hail Hecate