We don't want to brag, but we were part of what might have been the coolest production of summer '24! PMMP's comeback shows captivated audiences at three festivals and last weekend at the Olympic Stadium. From the very beginning, it was clear that this wasn’t just any show, so the design work required special attention—from the initial brainstorming sessions with the band to the final ex*****ons. Our goal was to reflect the band's punk spirit and raw energy by seamlessly blending the real world with virtual stage elements, creating a cohesive experience. Therefore the production offered many exciting opportunities from a visual design perspective, allowing us to focus on IMAG camera direction and utilize Notch effects in screen content production. This work was crucial in shaping the overall impact of the show. We are thrilled to have been part of the project, a big thank you to everyone involved!
PMMP: Paula Vesala, Mira Luoti, Heikki Kytölä, Juho Vehmanen, Mikko Virta
Guest performers: Olavi Uusivirta, Miss Lumiere, JukkaK, MissB
Visual design: Mikko Linnavuori
Light programming and operating: Pietari Koskenniemi
Key light programming: Tero Kärpijoki
Video programming and operating: Saku Väänänen
Screen content production / Notch Design: Pertti Jääsaari
IMAG multi-camera direction: Ville Laakso
FOH sound: Janne Röning, Middle8 Live Finland
Monitor mixing: Pasi Manninen
Project Managers / Technical production: Mikko Makkonen, Jukka Virtanen, Creative Technology Finland
Pyrotechnics: Teppo Hakkarainen, Fire Factory Oy
Stylist: Minttu Vesala
Costume ex*****on: Ellen Rajala, Sini Saavala
MUAH: Piia Hiltunen, Mikael Kemppainen
Music production: Minna Koivisto
Production: Warner Music Live
Promoter: Jake Hannula
Executive Producer: Ale Ripatti
Tour Manager / Artist production: Hapa Oksanen
Production Manager: Hente Honkaluoma
Infra production: Mikko Linnansaari
Production Assistant: Iiris Jalava
Photos: Antti Rastivo
Martin Professional
MA Lighting International
Notch VFX
CHAUVET Professional
James Thomas Engineering