DJ Elvis Architek

Lyrics :Berlin nights so wildDark the nights no childConcrete beats so rawBerlin's endless drawNeon lights pulse loudHea...

Lyrics :

Berlin nights so wild
Dark the nights no child
Concrete beats so raw
Berlin's endless draw

Neon lights pulse loud
Heartbeat in the crowd
Walls shake to the beat
Feel the night complete
Echoes in the haze
Lost in strobelight maze
Rhythm takes control
Lose yourself whole

Berlin nights so wild
Dark the nights no child
Concrete beats so raw
Berlin's endless draw

Echoes in the haze
Lost in strobelight maze
Rhythm takes control
Lose yourself whole

Euphoria takes flight
Drenched in blackened light
Echoes through the walls
Hear the city calls
Sweat on skins collide
Shadows in the stride
Flashing lights consume
Embrace the darkened room

Berlin nights so wild
Dark the nights no child
Concrete beats so raw
Berlin's endless draw

Echoes in the haze
Lost in strobelight maze
Rhythm takes control
Lose yourself whole

Berlin nights so wild
Dark the nights no child
Concrete beats so raw
Berlin's endless draw

Lyrics : Berlin nights so wild Dark the nights no child Concrete beats so raw Berlin's endless draw Neon lights pulse loud Heartbeat in the crowd Walls shake to the beat Feel the night complete Echo

Salut tout le monde :) Nouvel album sortie, spéciale Octobre !Dark Tekno vers Hardcore :DJe vous invite à y laisser une ...

Salut tout le monde :)
Nouvel album sortie, spéciale Octobre !
Dark Tekno vers Hardcore :D
Je vous invite à y laisser une oreille et à me donner un retour en commentaire !
Merci et bonne écoute ;)

Les liens :

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Deezer :


Si jamais vous avez envie d'acheter les tracks, c'est ici :
(y'a une track bonus dedans ☺)

Founder of the community & independent music label "ZomBass Association Records" Country : France _____________________________________________________________________________ Discography : ALBUMS




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