Sachi Flowers

Sachi Flowers Florist based in Cannes, French Riviera
PYA (professional yacht association) accredited floral trainer
南仏カンヌ在住フローリスト Flower Design and Nail Art from Japan

Mimosa is blooming..we feel the end of winter when we see Mimosa. What a joy color they are and these yellow cute pompom...

Mimosa is blooming..we feel the end of winter when we see Mimosa. What a joy color they are and these yellow cute pompom flowers give us good energy ! ..Or make you sneezing…poor allergy people but you can still enjoy them by images😉
南仏ではあちこちに咲きだし 冬の終わりを感じるような。。。ってまだまだ冬ですが今年も南仏はとってもあったかい。マフラーなしのコートも前を開けて日中は太陽が出てるとコート無しで外を歩ける日も。。
#リース #ミモザ #南仏 #アートな週

Christmas is coming…taking advantage of not having a shop and not that crazy busy at this period, I enjoy decorating hom...

Christmas is coming…taking advantage of not having a shop and not that crazy busy at this period, I enjoy decorating home for myself! People might say all the religious events are for commercial but I love having these events by decorating or shopping personally and I would everyone to enjoy it too..😉
毎年ですが天井飾りからツリー キャンドルなどなどサロンをクリスマスモードに一心

Sharing some info for upcoming flower lesson at Belle Academy in Monaco yacht club (1 day lesson). There will be lots of...

Sharing some info for upcoming flower lesson at Belle Academy in Monaco yacht club (1 day lesson).
There will be lots of info about character of flowers, how to maintain flowers (specially for yacht crews), and practice of creating arrangements. This time we will create some christmas arrangements so it will be fun! Contact me or directly to the link.

Enhance your superyacht with exquisite floral arrangements from La Belle Classe Academy. Elevate your onboard experience with our expertly crafted designs.

Summer wedding! It was a great pleasure to do flowers for a lovely lady I met at the sport since I moved to Vence😊 They ...

Summer wedding! It was a great pleasure to do flowers for a lovely lady I met at the sport since I moved to Vence😊 They used the flowers from their wedding to their next day relax Provençal beautiful lunch. I love the summer vibes!

Party season started…wedding, cooperate parties…lots of good projects this year! The weather has been weird that it’s mu...

Party season started…wedding, cooperate parties…lots of good projects this year! The weather has been weird that it’s much colder this spring but it’s good for flowers and much easier for me😉 I can be like this for June😝

I am looking forward to seeing these beautiful smiles from special days this year again! 今年も幸せいっぱいの笑顔をたくさん見れますように。venue ...

I am looking forward to seeing these beautiful smiles from special days this year again!
venue :
wedding planner
#ブーケ #南仏フローリスト  #フローリスト #フランス花 #笑顔 #笑顔のループ #ウエディング装花

We thought spring has come but now went back to winter…very cold here in south of France! A little snow and hail in Nice...

We thought spring has come but now went back to winter…very cold here in south of France! A little snow and hail in Nice yesterday…
As season is back and force my post is as well…here is some Easter flowers 😅
#今更ながらの  #イースター  #装花  #フランス冬逆戻り  #フラワーアレンジ

Cannes MIPIM 2024My season starts with a big congress work MIPIM in Cannes (international real estate congress).Flower w...

Cannes MIPIM 2024
My season starts with a big congress work MIPIM in Cannes (international real estate congress).
Flower work is always intense just before the event as we cannot prepare arrnagements too early to keep their freshness so there are lots of organisation and challange when we have lots of orders but I enjoy this challenge and creating beautiful things with individual different requets and themes.
#日本人フローリスト #海外フローリスト #フランス生活 #南仏便り #カンヌ #不動産見本市 #フラワーアレンジメント #ブーケ #スタンド装花

What a sunny day for January! We have almost 300 days with sun in south of France so it’s perfect place to do the garden...

What a sunny day for January! We have almost 300 days with sun in south of France so it’s perfect place to do the garden wedding!
This was the one of the most beautiful day for everything including weather and people!

Happy new year 2024!2023 was another great year with lots of congress work, yacht work and weddings and events ! Thank y...

Happy new year 2024!
2023 was another great year with lots of congress work, yacht work and weddings and events ! Thank you for your trust❤️
I am excited for new meetings and new opportunities for 2024!
🇫🇷 #新年 #フローリスト #南仏 #クリスマス

Special birthday bouquet…With my business style, I cannot take small orders unfortunately as I don’t have shops unless I...

Special birthday bouquet…
With my business style, I cannot take small orders unfortunately as I don’t have shops unless I have other orders to combien the purchase but I love making bouquets for special occasions and this was the one for 60s birthday 😊
お店を所有しないオーダーメイドフローリストなので小さい注文はなかなかお受けできないのが現実なのですが、こちらは60歳のお誕生日にと仲いい方から頼まれ お任せと言われたので南仏では珍しい長い茎のグロリオサを見つけ、ベージュ色の薔薇と合わせてシックゴージャスな感じに。。。
#誕生日花束  #ブーケ  #フラワーアレンジメント #南仏 #花屋 #フローリスト

Pleasure to work with you, Chrissy the best wedding planner! Such a joy to work in a team and make the day the most beau...

Pleasure to work with you, Chrissy the best wedding planner! Such a joy to work in a team and make the day the most beautiful and special. Thanks for sharing the photos!

Congratulations again Ben and Abi!It was such a pleasure to do flowers for friends special day!お友達のウエディング装花幸せそうな2人を見るのも幸...

Congratulations again Ben and Abi!
It was such a pleasure to do flowers for friends special day!
幸せそうな2人を見るのも幸せだし そんな特別な日のお花をさせてもらうのも幸せだし ハッピーづくしなウエディングです😊

Venue foulon

Congratulations again Ben and Abi!It was such a pleasure to do flowers for friends special day!お友達のウエディング装花幸せそうな2人を見るのも幸...

Congratulations again Ben and Abi!
It was such a pleasure to do flowers for friends special day!
幸せそうな2人を見るのも幸せだし そんな特別な日のお花をさせてもらうのも幸せだし ハッピーづくしなウエディングです😊

Tax free 2023.It was such a honor and pleasure to do flowers for big brands.Even I have been doing flowers nearly 20 yea...

Tax free 2023.
It was such a honor and pleasure to do flowers for big brands.
Even I have been doing flowers nearly 20 years now, I can get some pressure and nervous time to time so it's so nice and relief to see clients smiles. Next one is my last congress of the season, Mipcom!
今年もカンヌで行われるタックスフリー見本市においてショパールや資生堂、コーセなどのお花をさせて頂きました。綺麗なものを扱っているブランドのデコレーションなのでいつもの見本市と比べてスタンドもビジュアル重視です。その分 プレッシャーもあり何年経っても納品する時は緊張するのですがお客さまの笑顔を見れるとこちらも笑顔になれます。この瞬間があるからチャレンジなときもあるけど楽しく続けられるんだろうなぁ。。。
#見本市 #ショパール #ブランド #生け花 #花屋 #南フランス #カンヌ #フローリスト #フラワーアレンジメント #ブーケ

Yacht show in September! We had a yacht show in Cannes 2 weeks ago and Monaco one is starting from tomorrow!! Big delive...

Yacht show in September! We had a yacht show in Cannes 2 weeks ago and Monaco one is starting from tomorrow!! Big delivery today! My parents were here helping me for a month as I had a little problem with health this summer.... The health is the most important! We know it but we realize it more when we are in bed.... Now im good and miss them doing house things, cooking, gardening and carrying flowers 😁 well well I had a great time with them!
明日からモナコヨットショーなので今日はカオスモナコに配達です。2週間前はカンヌヨットショーでなんと1ヶ月ほど来ていた両親まで手伝ってくれたという。。。この夏は体調を崩し 珍しくベッド生活を敷いられた1ヶ月だったのですが、そのおかげで両親が長期で来てくれ料理、洗濯と家事から庭仕事、そしてお花の配達まで一緒にしてくれました。元気でありがたい!! 最後は色々出かけたり 美味しい食事に行ったり いい思い出ができました😊 さてシーズンもあと1ヶ月。なかなか大きなイベントが続きますがまたちょっとずつアップしていこう。。。😅

#フラワーアレンジメント #ブーケ #両親来仏 #カンヌヨットショー #モナコヨットショー #イベント #花屋

Happy mothers day in Japan and other countries...There will be one in France bientôt ! Don't forget to order flowers 🌸

Happy mothers day in Japan and other countries...
There will be one in France bientôt ! Don't forget to order flowers 🌸


54 Rue Jean Jaures


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