BigV Better for the animals, the planet and your health. Vegan catering, Dry Mixes and food, ingredients,Cruelty free incenses & soaps, cheese and deli, imports

Nous sommes BigV, compagnie 100% Vegan, Nous faisons pour l'heure de la restauration itinérante (Burgers, boulettes, kebabs, patisseries victoriennes comme modernes, sauces, frites fraiches...) sur les festivals de musique, foires et marchés ou évènements relatifs au droit des animaux et environnementaux. Nous avons également développé notre propre gamme de mix secs pour burgers, saucisses, boulet

tes, kebabs et cetera, simples d'emploi: réhydratez et cuisinez! Nous travaillons aussi à l'ouverture prochaine de notre restaurant "pop up" en pleine campagne limousine ou nous auront la joie, nous l'espérons, de pouvoir vous servir une cuisine plus élaborée. Nous importerons également sous peu une large gamme de fromages et charcuteries (entre-autres choses) qui viendront completer notre offre. Vous pouvez également trouver chez nous une intéressante gamme, sans cruauté il va sans dire, d'encens, savons, huiles essentielles et accessoires


Sanctuary life continues, residents totally oblivious, except perhaps noticing we are a little more tired, or unfocused. It's been a beautiful sunny day, everyone dozing in sunshine. Jerome busy all day refencing the horse paddock, filling water troughs and making gates. While I have been trying not to panic as more of my life seems compromised by hackers. It seems the goal was to get passwords to sell and to gain access to our little bonus scheme. Not being nefarious myself I can only wonder, at the indecency of wanting to take from a sanctuary filled with rescued animals, that was just about scraping through. I wish one of my well known followers knew about this stuff. The faster we try to sort it out, they remain elusive, it's their job after all to steal.

I've notified that my account has been compromised which took hours of chasing down dead ends. We are unsure if the page will continue or whether it is likely to go poooof too. But know that our Land Ark Family will find us again, and help to build us up. Please everyone be vigilant of your own security, especially with emails, that may seem to come from us. Please check with Louise Griffin, or Liz Brown ( for newsletters). Under the circumstances, until this situation is resolved, I am not posting any emails personally from Big V.

This puts us in a very precarious position as we were struggling for funds as it was. Please I beg you to keep sponsoring, and supporting us while being careful 🙏🏻

Thank you x


Hello Family and welcome to Bramble. Some of you know her well and for others this will be the first time.

Bramble is Saffron's daughter, relinquished to us as a tiny scrap of a lamb with already progressed joint ill. Try as we might, with medications, support, physio, she remained severely disabled. We were advised to let her reach full size before we attempted any prosthetic or walking aid, as she needed to find her own way.

She has been closely monitored throughout her years and always been kept pain free and assisted when needed. We didn't think she would be with us long, as she started with so many complications and has a tendency to suffer with breathing difficulties. Yet here we are, and here Bramble is.

We have asked Jeff from O.P.A SUD to cast and see what type of walking aid he can manage for Bramble. She will never walk straight or completely upright, but we hope with a little lift, it will help to ease her tendency towards pulmonary congestion.

Bramble has only ever had one sponsor in her care circle, and she is quite a high maintenance little lady. If any of you are in the position to consider her as a recipient of your extra attention by donating £3 a month, we would be very grateful.

We have no estimates for Jeff's work for this yet, we hope when we do, that you can continue to support our endeavours, in any way you are able. Helping us maintain the high levels of care we offer our residents as they progress through their lives.

Thank you family


This little ballerina is Iris, our cute, brave, fearless, cuddle monkey. She rested in Louis' arms yesterday when he was feeling so sick, he is her favourite human.

Iris has inherited a few of Winifred's care circle, so we are hoping to find just four people to complete her circle. She also looks extremely similar to Winifred from behind and we catch our breath once or twice. I've spoken about her less, as she has had less obstacles to face than all the others, it isn't fair to her really, but she has a stalwart character, so she doesn't give a fig.

Can you be part of her family with a donation of £3 a month? If you are able, could you either comment below or send a message with your email address to be added to her newsletter.

Thank you x


We share our lives as a family unit that look after our Land Ark together, and you are all invited to be an active part in that experience, hence why I'm sharing this. To understand how our days are impacted and the real situations that occur in the many lives here that amalgamate into the life thread of the Land Ark. Our darling little daughter is under the weather. Having kids and juggling all the other lives of beautiful residents is challenging. None more so than today. Louis and Gwynnevere have never been children to tantrum, and they are not quick to cry. They have had some accidents like many do, and they pick themselves up and dust themselves off, since being toddlers and take life face on.

When either of them come to me and say they feel bad, it's never a question of exaggeration for attention, or not wanting to get stuck in with life. It's a horrible sensation that all parents know. It's different to when another animal is sick, many believe it to be easier as a human can say exactly what's wrong, but I find it more difficult, especially with my children. Intuition gets clouded by words, and the panic has to be held at bay in a different way.

She has lost her zest and shine, and the first thing she worried about was the lambs and if they would be ok 🥺 All of you that care for Wynnie, please send your love filled intentions this way, I know many of you believe and practice remote healing. (picture included for this reason).

Thank you Family.


Did you know Columbia has just passed legislation banning bullfighting! Another small step towards sanity, but still a mountain to climb. There are seven countries left that continue, France being one if them. Warning, if you read further it has references to the horror of bullfighting.

Southern France has a bullfighting tradition dating back to around 1289. That year, the Running of the Bulls was first recorded at Bayonne, down the coast from Bordeaux. Currently, bullfighting is slowly becoming lass popular in Spain, Catalonia has effectively banned the sport, whereas in France, the corrida is well and truly alive.

France is set to become the bullfighting centre of the globe: an estimated 1,000 bulls per year are dispatched in French arenas. Jerome and I have been to a rally outside of one, where the use of tear gas was exceptionally and gleefully used. While we listened to screams and bellows of sentient animals and the mindless bloodlust of the humans. According to the pro-bullfight organisation, the Observatoire National des Cultures Taurines (ONCT), two million people attend corridas in France each year.

The love for bullfighting is at odds with the country’s penal code, which under article 521-1 bans “cruel acts and serious ill-treatment towards animals”. But, "cruel acts and ill-treatment" run rife across the board, throughout the land, just think of fois-gras and veal, dairy. Everyone's tolerance for cruelty is directly linked into their own "personal choice".

France is a nation where patrimoine (heritage), is always used as the trump card. Thus, the penal code allows exceptions for bullfights, as it does for cockfights, (Cockfighting is illegal in France, but a law passed in 1964 tolerates it in two northern departments, as well as in the overseas territories of Guadeloupe, Martinique and La Réunion, where this age-old practice has been a "tradition" since the 18th century) - where there is “uninterrupted local tradition”.

A presentation by the ONCT, the Ministry of Culture registered bullfighting as a French Intangible Cultural Heritage in 2011, it all beggars belief. As does the ban on hunting in the UK, serving as just a veil for continued practice - the French parliament have voted to end the use of wild animals in live circus shows (although some travelling circuses still have them), and outlawed mink farming, in new animal rights legislation. But it flunked a ban on bullfighting, and it seems to continue generally to turn its heel rather quickly if animals are involved at all.

The Society for the Protection of Animals ((SPA)RSPCA equivalent)has filed cases in cities where bullfighting is popular without success. Today 50 or so towns are organised in L’Union des villes taurines françaises. Created in 1966, the UVTF, was a key lobbyist behind the registration of bullfighting as a French Intangible Cultural Heritage. It's hard to write some of these sentences and remain level headed.

French supporters of bullfighting cite heritage, art and biodiversity, some claiming that since the bulls are raised outside this "rusticity" gives the bulls “a savagery essential to their behaviour in the arena”, (according to the ONCT). Then they cite heritage, again. Anyone with sense or knowledge knows that bulls are protective and courageous for their herd, they are not enraged. Perhaps one should consider the barbaric practices held just outside of the arena to incite fear, stress and excruciating pain to these desperate animals.

French fans, generally travel for tauromachie, which we saw and witnessed. But the patrimoine argument is absolute nonsense to put it mildly. The corrida form of bullfighting, where the animal is provoked and killed with swords, was imported in the mid-19th century from Spain, where the “sport” had begun in Seville abattoirs!!! (remember the humane argument we hear so often).

For the south of France, with its, “Espirit du Sud", Spanish style torture represented resistance to Parisian centralism and perhaps still does, for those with a memory for excuses. Bullfighting is a trans-Pyrennean business; bulls raised in the Landes and the Camargue — there are some 40 members of the Association des éleveurs français de taureaux de combat — are transported to Spanish rings (a bull can earn its "owner" €3000 for their 15 minutes of hell in a corrida). Meanwhile the matadors appearing in French rings are largely Hispanic. No French matador entered the top ten rankings until Sébastien Castella in 2005.

The anti bullfighting song La Corida by French balladeer Francis Cabrel, is well worth a listen. Written from the bull’s point of view, the chorus runs: Est-ce que ce monde est sérieux?
Is this world serious? As humans that care about other earthlings, we say this rather alot don't we?

French tauromachie originally had non-violent roots. In the “Course Landaise”, the matador leaps acrobatically over and around the bull; in the “Course Camarguaise”, men and women race about, trying to grab ribbons and pompoms from the animals’ horns. Angry, stressed, terrified, but alive, the bull is put out to grass afterwards. According to the Anti-bullfighting Alliance, 76% of French people wish to replace bullfights with the Camargue and Landes alternatives. Personally taunting and stressing an animal is unnecessary and distasteful, pointing to the character of the humans need to distress an animal for entertainment. But like Seaworld and Circuses, the lists of degenerative entertainment are long.

In the 21st century, a highly sentient creature is provocatively stabbed, then slaughtered for amusement. It really is astonishing, and highly hypocritical when we all point fingers to countries abroad that are "worse", when we all only have to look outside our own doorstep to see cruelty disguised as entertainment, sport or heritage. The bull fighting season runs March to September.

SONG with subtitles

Did you know if you react with an angry/sad emotion this leads to a shadow ban?
Citing , J.Lewis-Stempel Unherd

Pictured our placid Jack, all 1300kgs of him


Good Morning Family

A lovely Sunday to you all, we made it through the night. They are weak, but they are very relaxed in their new surroundings. Lyss and I went through the dark hours together, cleaning them up and feeding. They have managed 3 feeds since being home of 50mls each, so that's not to be sniffed at, as we were told the weaker of the two doesn't really drink at all. Like all weak lambs we've had, they prefer to be held and supported to drink. Today is the day for minerals and some extra bottom care, as their back legs were covered in excrement.

Gwynnevere has now taken the reigns so that I can pop to the shop and buy some nappies for premature babes. There is little else to do for them today except keep them warm, comfy, dry and relaxed. With their bellies full and support for their intestines and stomach. We know the chances of such tiny lambs pulling through are slim, we've been here many times before. But they will know comfort, love and remain pain free.

Welcome to the Land Ark, Oberon and Arthur
(Arthur is the weaker of the two)


When we thought our hearts could take no more worry, at least for a little while, two little people need our love and care. We were contacted, as it seems Winifred has cast her spell far and wide. Fickle fate decided on the day that Winifred left us to also take the mother of these two twin boys, who have slowly been going downhill. We don't know what their mum died of as no vet was called. They are barely drinking, weigh less than a bag of sugar and have diarrhoea.

We don't know if they will pull through, we don't know much really as we continue to drive home, 8 hours after starting out. What we know for sure is that we have a warm home waiting for them, hearts full and a family to care. Gwynnevere's tears have stilled as she knows, as do we, that grief has to be shelved for another time. So it seems we are on the merry-go-round again of hope and holding our breath. We just have to believe that we were chosen for a reason. If only it is to make them comfortable and to feel loved for a little time, then that is as it should be.

We have the sanctuary to settle when we get home, and two wee boys to make comfortable, a long night stretches ahead. This wasn't planned for, as we had wanted to close our mental doors for a while, and heal our hearts, it seems however that destiny had other plans for us.

If you are able to help in any way towards the journey and the twins care we would be thankful.


Come close my dear family, and let me draw you with me into a tale of love and loss. Crawl into our corner of the world, hold eachother tight, for this is solemn news indeed. There is no easy way to impart what needs to be said, for however quiet I want it to stay, we are screaming inside. You can hear our grief across the miles, drifting on the wind, dropping with the rain, clinging to the bark of trees. Wrapping its pervasive threads into the silent parts of our lives, to hang like a real thing, heavy and pendulous.

Our beloved and cherished Winifred has passed away. Exiting our world so swiftly that it does not seem real, the farmhouse gaping in the corners she used to fill, the granite still reverberating with echoes of her conversation and the laughter she gave us all. She can be glimpsed out the corner of our eyes, her wide eyed stare, the feel of her soft head butting our legs. The smell of her lingering, warm, salty wool, filled with hyacinth and jasmine. The smell of an angel, which perhaps she was. We all turn, yet there is space, a nothingness so profound it leaves us breathless. A loss equal to loosing a mountain of character, of chances, of love, now gone, so swiftly that for us a tornado could not have left more devastation, or emptiness in the aftermath. The hope we shared, the dreams we held, now dark and dimming in a pool of bereft heartache.

Walking around we are empty shells, all glancing left and right, eyes filled to drop at the slightest movement. Gwynnevere will arrive, hands entwined around me, head burrowed, twirling the fabric of my dress, trying to disappear and shrink away from the loss. I can feel her fingers clawing, trying to find purchase, respite from the tumbling precipice of grief. She held her for hours last night, begging fate to not take her away, even though she was already gone.

My words are to share how exquisitely beautiful she was for us, how tender the love we held for her; for those to understand that have not yet experienced this with sheep, to glimpse the absolute joy and vast emotional lands that can be travelled with someone that is seen by most, as just a sheep. Yet, as ever, words fall short, and seem dusty and dry, compared to the vast ocean broiling within.

She entrusted us with every ounce of her physical self and laid her emotions open and vulnerable. She was the epitome of gentle courage, knowing innocence, wisdom in silence. Perhaps she was never meant to be here for long, however many opportunities we held out for her, maybe we only bought a little time away from her final destination. Maybe, her journey this time was to touch a few hearts that were open to her story, to her essence, to her tale of living kindly with grace, no matter the cards dealt. Maybe she had reached her purpose, and we were all just travellers for this shortest of journeys. Maybe just maybe, she had fulfilled her purpose as was laid out, or as she felt needed. I have the deepest sincerity when I say, our lives with her were filled with emotions and experiences so raw and exceptional, that she could have been out of this world, yet we were too blind to see it. It is in the stillness between breaths that angels fly, and there she is hovering out of reach, a gossamer kiss of memory, of love. The purity of her self, forever entwined into our existence.

My love for you all that travelled this path with us, I hope the many messages I sent out today, reached your hearts in the manner that I felt was true to Winifred's life on this earth. Gather who you hold precious and kiss them, hold them or call them. Fate is swift, uncaring and brutal, we cannot guess, we cannot know. However hard we try, some paths are always hidden and we can only stand at the end, when it is already over, and we are left trying to catch up.

Please give us a moment to catch our breath and find our feet. The nature of sanctuary life means we cannot stop, but for now, we need the ringing bell to quieten down and our hearts to loosen.

Night night Winifred 🌙


Hello Family, it's a big day tomorrow for Winifred, her consultant and vet arrive to fit her for a brace. She has gone through an incredible ordeal to fight for her existence and right to live. Relinquished to the sanctuary dangling from her broken leg. Weeks of casting to try and save the limb, only to loose it in the end. She has faced every obstacle with determination and a strength of willpower hidden by her gentle nature.

We have struggled through many sleepless times with this little girl, debating what is in her best interests. Even up to this moment questioning our intentions, questioning her quality of life. Yet she fights on, pushes forward, loves with abandon, eats with relish, gives comfort and seeks it. The looming intervention is daunting for us, but hopefully easy for her. Especially with her best friend Gwynnevere and protector Lyss close by her side. She becomes tired after awhile of trying, so we have to protect her tendons and ligaments from damage.

We have managed thus far to raise almost half of the costs for this specialist two day visit, with very generous donations, but not yet covered the vet at all. We are raising funds for urgent hay/straw at the same time. Two critical needs colliding at once. We couldn't choose between the two, as she needs her rear leg reinforced if she is to have a hope of staying mobile, and the whole sanctuary needs feeding of hay and straw, which has yet to raise half the total with only a couple of days left.

Please spread our collection pot far and wide, and help if you can. If you would like to support Winifred's leg then please use the PayPal link.

Gofundme pot

Thank you x


A goup made of thrown away individuals, once not wanted, not profitable, not meeting human standards. A mismatch of bloodlines, have now made themselves a close-knit family, who care for eachother, who look out for those not feeling their best. They look forward to seeing eachother, they search out those that are missing, they enjoy eachother's uniqueness.

Agatha, a sheep that had given up on life, not eating, grief-stricken, now bending her head to another mum's baby that has lost her leg. The lamb Gretel, next to her, that had given up eating as she had lost her mother, both unrelated, yet with the same sadness, now bend their heads to watch and offer comfort. Exceptionally forgiving animals, gentle, determined and brave, that just needed compassion, time and safety to stand strong again. All now safe and living their lives in a family of their own making. Umbrellaed within the safety of our crumbling but stubborn walls, the giant lumbering form of our Land Ark. With your grace, support and love, to continue until their natural days are over and they slip away to a realm beyond.


Roll on the weekend, off to feed the ducks, night night x


The time within the Sanctuary stretches and flows in an odd, mesmerising way. Some days flit past as if over before starting. Other days drag like a herse up a hill, feeling tired and done by 8 in the morning with another fifteen to go. The years elongate like plasticine, soft and pliable, yet brittle and dry at the same time.

A photo of yesteryear, feeling like yesterday. A little cherry girl Gwynnevere, clutching Doris who recovered from her Bumble foot, but has since passed of old hen years. Where did the time dissappear between, was I glancing the wrong way, was my head filled with worry for this and that? One poppet passed the other now grown into a young lady by comparison.

Our lives measured here by the light clock, the rising and setting sun, the turning of the seasons. Our monetary system worked out in bushels, our groceries worth one or two bales of hay, our electric a half loaded trailer. Everything has consequence, a decision is never flippant. To turn on a light, or light a fire, has a reverberating effect through the whole mechanism of our longevity.

If we treat one, but then can't afford a bag of grain, the seesaw of finite decision making. It pulls at our minds, seeps into our being, this worry, this balancing game. An open maw of need, always needing feeding, the beast that is the sanctuary as a whole. The lumbering building of stone, the barns heaving hulks against the horizon. Dripping from the last down-pour show their leaks and age, as do we. The buckets in the attics need emptying, the gutters still spouting rivers into the collection barrels.

Another day over, a muddy goopy day. It's a hard week coming of big decisions and balancing the jamjar funds. We need to order more hay, straw and bedding, we need to keep everyone safe and warm in this neverending wetness. Yet Winifred needs her specialist and vet, which plate do we spin faster to make it wait a little longer. As I glance within my memory tower, how many plates do I have spinning, and was that distant clatter one falling or just the worry of it?

If you can help still a few wobbly plates. Please use the link.

I've tried to get help, but there's always something slightly off with the cleaning crew.If you haven't followed the san...

I've tried to get help, but there's always something slightly off with the cleaning crew.

If you haven't followed the sanctuary page yet, please do, we need all the help we can to surf the algorithm ⚘🙏🏻

Big V Sanctuary



Heures d'ouverture

Lundi 09:00 - 21:00
Mardi 09:00 - 21:00
Mercredi 09:00 - 21:00
Jeudi 09:00 - 21:00
Vendredi 09:00 - 21:00
Samedi 09:00 - 21:00
Dimanche 09:00 - 21:00


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