UpperSky Catering

UpperSky Catering Premium Inflight caterer for business & private aircrafts - Paris Le Bourget airport

UpperSky Catering provides premium and tailor made catering solutions for private and business aircrafts.From inventive gastronomic inflight cuisine catered by highly skilled Chefs to prompt and direct aircraft delivery, UpperSky Catering proves to be a reliable and comprehensive inflight catering partner.

Aviation catering: don’t order a restaurant!New post on     bloghttp://bit.ly/1nkgWA5

Aviation catering: don’t order a restaurant!
New post on blog

When comes time to work on a catering order, most of Flight Attendants are considering either to send it to the aviation catering or to a restaurant… Think carefully! In case you are not in a very ...

Eat safe : choose the right cateringNew post on     bloghttp://bit.ly/1rvVI2c

Eat safe : choose the right catering
New post on blog

Bussiness Aviation Catering Blog by Uppersky Catering

  : End of summer, back to school & to normal business      http://bit.ly/1lQzRSD

: End of summer, back to school & to normal business


Summer is nearly over and your passengers are going back to normal business, so you have to switch to a more formal way of travelling and place your catering orders… After this holiday season, l...

Summer time, time to change your habits!    blog http://bit.ly/1q6qtFX

Summer time, time to change your habits!

It’s summer time, time for holidays, time for a few days off… at least for your passengers. As a Flight Attendant, you are still working but not exactly the same way compared to the rest of the yea...

Augustin de Romanet was reappointed CEO of Aéroport de Paris. "Exemplary quality of service" is one of his strategic pri...

Augustin de Romanet was reappointed CEO of Aéroport de Paris. "Exemplary quality of service" is one of his strategic priorities to "be in line with the best international standards".

. has proudly served Aéroports de Paris and the participants of the successful    airport centenary

. has proudly served Aéroports de Paris and the participants of the successful airport centenary

  anniversary: 40 years of business aviation on     bloghttp://bit.ly/1pX25wl

anniversary: 40 years of business aviation
on blog

To celebrate Paris Le Bourget airport 100th anniversary, a huge airshow will take place on July 13th 2014. With 60 aircrafts and a demonstration by the ‘Patrouille de France’, this event is the occ...

Is Sous Vide 'the next big thing' in aviation  ?Last post of Paula Kraft,Tastefully Yours on   Cateringhttp://bit.ly/1qS...

Is Sous Vide 'the next big thing' in aviation ?
Last post of Paula Kraft,Tastefully Yours on Catering

It's the latest gastronomic craze, and supposedly guarantees perfect results, but is sous vide just a posh version of boil-in-the-bag? by Paula Kraft, founder and President of Atlanta, GA-based ...

 is at the  Flight Attendants/Flight Technicians Conference in West Palm Beach, FL http://bit.ly/1inZkAP

is at the Flight Attendants/Flight Technicians Conference in West Palm Beach, FL

  2014 : Enthusiastic feedbacks of   cateringhttp://bit.ly/1kN2YP0

2014 : Enthusiastic feedbacks of catering

From May 20 to 22, the 14th annual European Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition (EBACE2014) took place in Geneva. This edition was an important success, confirming that event as Europe’s ...

" La participation d’Uppersky Catering au salon EBACE à Genève tient de l’évidence puisque ce salon est le temps fort de...

" La participation d’Uppersky Catering au salon EBACE à Genève tient de l’évidence puisque ce salon est le temps fort de l’aviation privée et d’affaires ; tous les acteurs de ce marché s’y retrouvent ce qui constitue la période la plus propice pour rencontrer nos clients, nos prospects mais aussi les organisations qui font évoluer le marché de l’aviation comme l’EBAA ou les différentes associations liées à l’aviation.

Parmi eux, il y a l'Alliance Hubstart Paris Region® qui est un facilitateur de rencontres et qui a nous permis de connaître des décideurs et de créer des liens qui, pour certains d’entre eux, nous permettent de travailler sur des projets à court et moyen terme. L'Alliance Hubstart Region® est aussi force de propositions que nous n’aurions pas la possibilité de lancer sans elle "

Pierre Rambroul, Vice-Président d'Uppersky Catering


Pour la 5e année consécutive, le Comité d’Expansion Economique du Val d’Oise (CEEVO), Seine-et-Marne Développement, le Conseil Général de Seine-Saint-Denis et l’Agence Régionale de Développement Paris Ile-de-France ont exposé collectivement sous la bannière Hubstart Paris Region® lors du salon EBACE…

Alliance of Parisian Organizations Promoting Business Aviation   http://bit.ly/1t1GLld

Alliance of Parisian Organizations Promoting Business Aviation


Hubstart Paris Region (Booth 5525), an alliance of organizations with the goal of promoting economic development of the Greater Roissy area encompassing the Paris-Le Bourget and Paris-Charles de Gaulle Airports, is promoting the advantages of Le Bourget, in particular, as “Europe’s leading business-…

  at  - , since 1927http://bit.ly/CateringLeBourget

at - , since 1927


On May 1, 1927, air passengers from London to Paris tasted the first airline meal. CNN's Jim Boulden looks back.

"La   ? Le plus gros marché en  " : Adam Twidell, Pdg de PrivateFly   http://bit.ly/1fsWCII

"La ? Le plus gros marché en " : Adam Twidell, Pdg de PrivateFly

Private Fly s'apprête à lancer fin avril la version française de son application mobile, qui permet la réservation de jets privés depuis son smartphone : un nouveau pas en direction d'une clientèle ô

Uppersky   newsletter April issue is out : Prestige Inflight CateringNew menu coming soon   http://bit.ly/1tdWII9

Uppersky newsletter April issue is out :
Prestige Inflight Catering
New menu coming soon


OUR CORE BUSINESS: PRESTIGE INFLIGHT CATERING-Professional team experienced from luxury sector and inflight catering. -Service-oriented with tailor-made solutions for highly demanding passengers Halal operated supplier, low fat and vegetarian meals... -Renewed crew menus. -Fast and reactive service:…

 will be at EBACE Cabin Crew ConferenceMonday, May 19, Geneva Palexpohttp://bit.ly/1gFh1sv

will be at EBACE Cabin Crew Conference
Monday, May 19, Geneva Palexpo


Flight Attendants are a key conduit between the aircraft owner, operator, crew and suppliers with a role that encompasses a wide variety of tasks that vary from aircraft to aircraft.

6 tips to save money easily on   Invoice1 - Choose a proper catering partner2 - Order in direct3 - Clear Communication4 ...

6 tips to save money easily on Invoice
1 - Choose a proper catering partner
2 - Order in direct
3 - Clear Communication
4 - Order simple
5 - Air Operator Certificate (AOC)
6 - Partnership


As a private flight attendant, catering is a concern: you have to plan all what you need for your flight, to take in consideration what your passengers like/dislike, allergies. And on top of all of...

  : opportunities for developing your business. April 2nd at        http://bit.ly/1fVSQl3

: opportunities for developing your business.
April 2nd at


L'Alliance Hubstart Paris Region®, en charge de la promotion internationale du Grand Roissy et du Bourget, a le plaisir de vous convier à une rencontre sur le thème :

Flight Attendants: how easily make THE difference ?     blog  Mariage Frères http://bit.ly/1fNYqtr

Flight Attendants: how easily make THE difference ?
Mariage Frères


Last article on    , the Bussiness Aviation Catering Blog by UpperSky Catering

Last article on , the Bussiness Aviation Catering Blog by UpperSky Catering

You are a Flight attendant arriving for the first time in an airport and, unfortunately you know nothing about the catering companies but your passengers are very demanding. How can you select the ...

    Convention and Exhibition will be held in Geneva - May 20-22 / Registration is now open   http://ebace.aero/2014

Convention and Exhibition will be held in Geneva - May 20-22 / Registration is now open


SOCHI 2014 : Six Tips for Successful Travel to the Winter Olympics The Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia, on the shores o...

SOCHI 2014 : Six Tips for Successful Travel to the Winter Olympics

The Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia, on the shores of the Black Sea, present a number of challenges for business aircraft operators, whether they are flying via Part 91 or Part 135 to the event, or are simply in the area on business during the games,. Succeeding in flying to the city will depend on advanced planning, experts said.





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