ESN Orléans is an association that is important to the welcoming of international students.
From the end of June and through out the summer, a WhatsApp group have been created to answer questions and help you in the steps you need to take, do not hesitate to contact us to be added to it, to ensure that you have the necessary information.
(Visale and insurance tutorials will be at your disposal) .
On your arrival, we will welcome you at the Welcome Center, during the welcome weeks, ESN Orléans will organise campus tours, trips, and parties but also accompany you in the administrative steps (bank, Caf...).
Dishes will be distributed free of charge also.
Throughout the semester, we will organise events and we will support you in case of difficulties.
We are also there to report any difficulties you may have to the authorities.
We will accompany you through the stages of your departure.
So don't hesitate to contact us
🇫🇷🇫🇷 English version below ----------
Bonjour à toutes et à tous ! 😊
ESN Orléans vous propose en cette fin d'année de vous joindre à nous pour une soirée en collaboration avec @tribu.terre et @bdeegorleans ! 🥰
Cette soirée aura lieu le 31 Mars, de 20h30 à 1h !!
Nous vous donnons rendez-vous au River Lanes, pour cette soirée sur le thème du monde !
Venez prendre vos préventes dès lundi, dans le bâtiment S, ou dans les locaux du BDE EG ou d'ESN !
Les tarifs ?
1 euro pour les adhérents, 2euros pour les non adhérents !
Il est également possible de les acheter sur place, à 2 euros pour les adhérents, et 3 euros pour les non adhérents ! ✔️
Bon Dimanche, et à bientôt,
ESN Orléans 💓
🇬🇧🇬🇧 English version ----------
Hello everyone ! 😊
ESN Orléans invites you to join us for a party in collaboration with Tribu-Terre and the BDE EG ! 🥰
This party will take place on March 31st, from 8.30pm to 1am !
We'll see you at the River Lanes, for this party on the "worldwide" theme !
Come and get your pre-sales from Monday to the party, in the S building, or in the BDE EG or ESN offices !
What are the prices?
1 euro for members, 2 euro for non-members !
It is also possible to buy them on the spot, at 2 euros for members, and 3 euros for non-members ! ✔️
Have a good Sunday, and see you soon,
ESN Orléans 💓