Sparkle & Fidelity

Sparkle & Fidelity Event Organization Sparkle & Fidelity, stages exclusive events across the globe. We prefer to think about our projects as film sets and not as mere events.

Among the most recent projects were weddings in a private village on the Ferragamo estate in Tuscany, on an island in Sicily, a James Bond location on the Côte d’Azur, a castle in Germany or a Gala dinner of the Maroccan Ambassador in the Ritz Hotel in Berlin. The style could be defined as hippie chic with a glamorous touch, trying to avoid the classical wedding routines. One of the weddings in Fr

ance has been selected by French Gala as being among the most beautiful weddings of the year. Having worked in the film business for 17 years, Alexandra has a great international network to rely on. We give special importance to music and lighting and many small details like hand written menus as well as creating a warm ambiance of love and friendship among all guests. It is our philosophy that bride and groom should themselves feel like guests coming to their own wedding. Sparkle & Fidelity is not a company with 10 events per month but a very exclusive and intimate, boutique service with personalised relationship during the whole preparation and an emphasis on complicity with the bride and groom. Any location in any country – Alexandra and her partners encourage their clients to really live their dream & passion.


Si vous avez besoin de nous l’équipe se regroupera pour vous! Et pas la moindre🙏


On Wednesday, May 23rd, 2012, I told my girlfriend to meet me at my parent's house for dinner. When she arrived I had stationed my brother to sit her in the ...


who will be number 100 - in the "likes" ???? i am asking myself!!

no more wedding without a seriously funky dance......!(so much fun - enjoy watching)

no more wedding without a seriously funky dance......!
(so much fun - enjoy watching)

Our wedding entrance dance to Forever...yeah, forever. For more information or to make a donation towards violence prevention please visit our website: http:...




You said "yes"?

And this particular "yes" is certainly one of the most meaningful yes you said throughout your whole life.

Now you start thinking about this one day - your wedding day - which will of course be one of the most beautiful and important days of your life.
Where will it be? Who will you invite? What do you have to think about? Who will help you to find ideas, to find out what you really want?

The first weddings I organized came from friends who were in need of ideas and organization skills and who simply felt overwhelmed by doing it all themselves.
You can never imagine how much work it is to organize a wedding until after the event.
This is an emotionally charged moment and it is only natural that you prefer to enjoy one of the most beautiful days of your life without having to deal with the countless and often unpredictable issues which come up when you are hosting guests for several days.

For me - organizing a wedding is first of all about creating a relationship of friendship, trust and fidelity. It is a great honor to be in charge of such an important day and it is of course also a great responsibility.

I appreciate remembering those very first talks I had because I truly cherish finding out and understanding who you are, what makes you dream and what you are passionate about.

Your wedding is an official declaration of your Love in front of your family and friends and therefore this day is and should be a truthful representation of yourself ? a mirror of who you are.

You may dream about a celebration on the beach, on a boat, in a castle or under the full moon in the desert. You may dream about this very special day in the midst of all your friends or maybe only a small selection of people you care for.
You may be concerned about your family's reaction or wether your guests will like the ideas you have in mind.

You might have dreamt about your wedding for a long time and you might sometimes hesitate or worry if your ideas are realizable.

My deepest wish will always be that this particular event is going to go beyond your expectations.
My goal is to make sure that you are attending your own wedding as a guest ? as carefree and relaxed so that you feel free to enjoy it like you should.

Sparkle & Fidelity is not a company with 10 events per month but a very exclusive and intimate, boutique service with a personalised relationship during the whole preparation and an emphasis on complicity with the bride and groom and their family and friends.

Who is behind Sparkle & Fidelity?

We are a circle of 3 friends.
Stéphanie, Marie and myself have worked in fashion, film and interior decoration. Our numerous travels around the world have helped us to built up a network of reliable and faithful people in different corners of the earth.

We are passionate about what we do and we love to go beyond our own boundaries. Your event is first of all a wonderful challenge which allows us to share our creativity and make sure to protect you with our 20 years of experience and expertise.

The team which makes it all possible became like a family over the years. The florists, DJs, film crews, photographers, carpenters or cooks are a team of people who we can rely on and who make your event as carefree as possible.

We are available to discuss any possibilities with you: it might be a big wedding or a small birthday party. A romantic week end in Paris or an honeymoon on an island......

There are no limits to our imagination - or to yours........

With Love
Marie, Stephanie & Alexandra


'It's time for a love revolution' Allez plus bas et regardez notre mini film !!!!!!!!!!!!



Orchestre pour vous le temps de la fête,
Le temps du plaisir partagé,
du tourbillon réjouissant,
de la valse d’émotions.

Avez-vous jamais songé…
Vous marier une nuit de pleine lune sous une tente bédouine dans le désert ?
Fêter un anniversaire sur un voilier dans une sublime baie au coucher de soleil ?
Partager un dîner intime dans un lieu inoubliable?
Redécouvrir Paris le temps d’un week-end romantique ?

Ici ou ailleurs, tout est possible pourvu que l’occasion soit belle.

Sparkle & Fidelity vous accompagne pas à pas pour que cet évènement se réalise dans l’insouciance d’un rêve éveillé.
Alexandra, Stéphanie et Marie forment le trio complice et complémentaire de Sparkle &Fidelity. De concert, nous partageons avec vous notre créativité et notre savoir-faire.
Nous sommes à vos côtés pour vous offrir cette magie festive et le meilleur des souvenirs.

Que vos désirs soient définis ou que nous les imaginions avec vous, nous sommes à votre écoute et nous vous conseillons afin que votre projet de fête soit à la hauteur de vos attentes.
En tenant compte de votre personnalité et de vos aspirations, nous nous adaptons à votre budget pour composer un événement sur mesure raffiné et harmonieux.

Vous pouvez lâcher prise sereinement…Sparkle & Fidelity élabore votre événement dans ses moindres détails.
Nous réunissons ainsi tous les composants essentiels à l’accord parfait, de la carte d’invitation à la décoration, de la scénographie à la musique, des traiteurs aux artistes, des photographes à la réalisation d’un film à votre image.

Votre fête, nous l’orchestrons avec rigueur et énergie, vous la célébrez avec délice et enchantement.

Une fête réussie c’est cette petite étincelle de joie qui illumine vos yeux.
Une fête réussie c’est aussi l’engagement de notre fidélité à vos rêves.

Sparkle &Fidelity

A selected choice of our events. Enjoy the ride.......

A selected choice of our events. Enjoy the ride.......


Best of "Love Moments"





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Services De Planification D'événements á proximité

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