Inoubliable Vietnam

Inoubliable Vietnam Patricia Mérand Veretz, agent en FRANCE de
Organisation voyage

INOUBLIABLE VIETNAM à VERETZ en FRANCE - Organisation de voyage à la carte au Vietnam
Agent en France de La Palanche Voyages HANOI VIETNAM


Bonjour les amis de La Palanche Voyages,
Un message depuis le service de visa qui fait réveille, Nous et le Tourisme du Vietnam :

Chers clients,
C’est formidable de vous répondre avec de TRÈS BONNES NOUVELLES concernant la réouverture des frontières du Vietnam pour le tourisme. Le gouvernement vietnamien, le 16 février 2022, a dit oui à la proposition du ministère de la Culture, des Sports et du Tourisme sur la réouverture des frontières du Vietnam au tourisme (faite le 15 février 2022). En conséquence, les restrictions sur les voyages des touristes internationaux au Vietnam, y compris celles sur la délivrance de visas au Vietnam, l’exemption de visa unilatérale et bilatérale, seront levées à partir du 15 mars, et les opérations touristiques normales avant Covid 19 seront reprises. MAIS les voyageurs doivent s’assurer de certaines exigences pour l’entrée au Vietnam qui ont été détaillées ici. Le Ministère de la culture, des sports et du tourisme a été chargé d’assumer la responsabilité première de l’unification des contenus et des règlements sur l’accueil des touristes internationaux; finaliser et annoncer d’urgence le plan de réouverture complète des frontières du Vietnam au tourisme; fournir des instructions détaillées aux unités et aux localités pour qu’elles mettent en œuvre de manière proactive un tel plan. Donc, s’il vous plaît noter que: Nous vous tiendrons au courant immédiatement après que le plan et ses instructions sont publiés par e-mail, et Lorsque le visa Vietnam à l’arrivée est à nouveau disponible, notre système de réservation en ligne sera immédiatement repris. S’il vous plaît donnez-nous un soutien alors. Si vous avez des questions, n’hésitez pas à nous le faire savoir via: Hotline / Viber / WhatsApp / Zalo: +84.946.583.583 Email: [email protected] Site Web: page Facebook: Je vous souhaite le meilleur et j’espère que nous pourrons vous accompagner dans votre voyage au Vietnam dans un proche avenir.

Dear our Valued Customers,
It’s great to get back to you with VERY GOOD NEWS regarding Vietnam borders’ reopening for tourism. The Vietnam’s Government, on February 16, 2022, said yes to the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism’s proposal on reopening Vietnam’s borders for tourism (made on February 15, 2022). Accordingly, the restrictions on travel of international tourists to Vietnam, including those on Vietnam visa issuance, unilateral and bilateral visa exemption, will be lifted from March 15, and the normal tourism operations before Covid 19 will be resumed. BUT the travelers must ensure certain requirements for Vietnam entry which have been detailed here. The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism has been assigned to assume the prime responsibility for unifying contents and regulations on welcoming international tourists; finalizing and urgently announcing the plan to fully reopen Vietnam borders for tourism; providing detailed instructions for the units and localities to proactively implement such plan. So, please note that: We will keep you updated immediately after the plan and its instructions are released via email, and When Vietnam visa on arrival is available again, our online booking system will be immediately resumed. Please give us a support then. Should you have any question, feel free to let us know via: Hotline/Viber/WhatsApp/Zalo: +84.946.583.583 Email: [email protected] Website: page: Wish you all the best and hope that we can accompany you on your trip to Vietnam in the near future.

Kính gửi quý khách hàng,
Thật tuyệt vời khi được trở lại với bạn với TIN TỨC RẤT TỐT về việc mở cửa trở lại biên giới Việt Nam cho du lịch. Chính phủ Việt Nam, vào ngày 16 tháng 2 năm 2022, đã đồng ý với đề xuất của Bộ Văn hóa, Thể thao và Du lịch về việc mở lại biên giới Việt Nam cho du lịch (thực hiện vào ngày 15 tháng 2 năm 2022). Theo đó, các hạn chế đối với việc đi lại của khách du lịch quốc tế đến Việt Nam, bao gồm cả những người về cấp thị thực Việt Nam, miễn thị thực đơn phương và song phương, sẽ được dỡ bỏ từ ngày 15 tháng 3 và các hoạt động du lịch bình thường trước Covid 19 sẽ được nối lại. NHƯNG khách du lịch phải đảm bảo các yêu cầu nhất định đối với nhập cảnh Việt Nam đã được nêu chi tiết ở đây. Bộ Văn hóa, Thể thao và Du lịch được giao chủ trì thống nhất nội dung, quy định về đón khách du lịch quốc tế; hoàn thiện và khẩn trương công bố kế hoạch mở lại hoàn toàn biên giới Việt Nam phục vụ du lịch; hướng dẫn chi tiết để các đơn vị, địa phương chủ động thực hiện kế hoạch đó. Vì vậy, xin lưu ý rằng: Chúng tôi sẽ cập nhật cho bạn ngay sau khi kế hoạch và hướng dẫn của nó được phát hành qua email và khi thị thực Việt Nam khi đến có sẵn trở lại, hệ thống đặt phòng trực tuyến của chúng tôi sẽ được nối lại ngay lập tức. Xin hãy hỗ trợ chúng tôi sau đó. Nếu bạn có bất kỳ thắc mắc nào, hãy cho chúng tôi biết qua: Hotline/Viber/WhatsApp/Zalo: +84.946.583.583 Email: [email protected] Website: trang Facebook: Chúc các bạn mọi điều tốt đẹp nhất và hy vọng chúng tôi có thể đồng hành cùng bạn trong chuyến đi Việt Nam trong thời gian tới


Several ministries have voiced support for the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism's proposal to fully reopen international tourism and lift all travel restrictions from March 15.


The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism has asked the government to consider resuming unilateral visa exemptions for 24 countries that had enjoyed the policy prior to the Covid-19 outbreak.


Voyage au Vietnam, Agence de Voyage au Vietnam, Visa pour le Vietnam, Vol pour le Vietnam, Billet d'avion pour le Vietnam, Inoubliable Vietnam


Un visage du Vietnam 🇻🇳

Les marchés flottants sont un patrimoine culturel intangible du pays. Nous sommes toujours amusés par les regards ébahis de nos voyageurs qui découvrent la vie sur l'eau. Une expérience à vivre 🍃

Avez-vous des portraits du monde à partager ? 😊


Un repas local, une partie de bille pour la digestion, une montagne de sourires au cœur des reliefs du Nord-Vietnam... Un moment unique, d’échanges et d’émotions pour nos voyageurs, cette famille de Dzao Rouge et nos équipes. 🍃🇻🇳

Nous sommes curieux de savoir quel est votre plus beau souvenir sur les routes du Vietnam 😁

💌 Découvrez le Vietnam différemment, loin des circuits touristiques classiques, à travers une expérience pas comme les autres : [email protected] ou au +84 (0)9 32 38 03 79 [WhatsApp / Viber]


La découverte culturelle se trouve aussi dans vos assiettes 🥢

Voici un trésor de la gastronomie Vietnamienne : le fameux café à l’œuf, naît à Hanoï en 1946. Retrouvez-nous en Story pour en savoir plus 🎥

Dans l’attente de vous recevoir pour une expérience unique en Asie du Sud-Est,

Programme sur-mesure au Vietnam, Cambodge, Birmanie et Laos : [email protected]


Merci 😊La palanche !

Magnifique ! Merci 😉

Magnifique ! Merci 😉

Dawn breaks above the rice fields outside of Hoi An. Anyone missing Vietnam?

Copyrights ©

Sunlight Cruise

Partez au VIETNAM ! La Palanche Voyages et Inoubliable Vietnam 😉

Dark Cave & Light Cave
Dark Cave & Light Cave
Exploring Dark and Bright cave, the best way is doing kayaking and swimming through the tunnel. While the Bright Cave is always available, the Dark Cave can be swallowed by the tide and difficult to pass through
Dark and Bright (also known as Day and Night) grotto is not only known for the stunning limestone structure at every turn but also for the interesting natural habitat. On the cliff one still find traces of fossils of fresh-water snails, which prove that the cave was inhabited thousands of years ago. Monkeys run to and fro in groups, benjamin fig trees shade the landscape and many orchids hang their sweet-scented flowers.

Not many attractions are blessed with such a stunning beauty and diverse ecosystem as Ha Long Bay, and the Day and Night Grotto rightfully deserves as a an inevitable part of the Heritage stie.

When you visit Halong Bay, don’t spend your time only for Amazing cave, there will be another cave worth to discover, especially Dark and Bright cave (Toi and Sang cave). Believe me, this is the best choice for kayaking as well as swimming or photo hunts.

This is area belong to Halong bay, but it’s on the border of Halong Bay, Bai Tu Long Bay and Lan Ha Bay. It’s far from Surprise cave area around 2kms and will be take 02 hour more. The system of islets is really imposing. Just at the base of the islands, there is an arched entrance leads to the grotto right at the water level. Passing through the natural entrance, visitor will see a tranquil round lake, surrounded by luxuriant trees and different sized stone walls. There are weeping fig trees shading inside and many orchids hang their sweet-scented flowers. The Dark Cave is the long and dark one, which will require a torch to be handed for visitors beforehand. In contrast, the Bright Cave is short, and you can see the other bright side from this side

Exploring Dark and Bright cave, the best way is doing kayaking and swimming through the tunnel. While the Bright Cave is always available, the Dark Cave can be swallowed by the tide and difficult to pass through. Surely, you will surprise with amazing limestone islets and mountain in this area. Controlling your kayak and explore each corner of Dark and Bright cave by your style

Inside the grotto, the lake is surrounded by mountains. On the cliff one still find traces of fossils of fresh-water snails, which prove that men used to live there and this must have been a deep valley then.

The beauty of the Dark and Bright cave is the mingling of a number of factors: the mountain’s size and form, the color of the water and the clouds.


Souvenir !

This is SAPA (Vietnam)

If you have chance to visit Vietnam, don't forget to add Sapa in your list...


Que du bonheur !

Happy Hmong from Sapa (Vietnam)

(Arrived in Hanoi for 2 days. Raining... :( )


32 Chemin Des Rues Maigres


+33 6 32 23 49 35

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INOUBLIABLE VIETNAM à VERETZ en FRANCE - Organisation de voyages au Vietnam,

à la carte selon vos envies, avec guide francophone et chauffeur privés.


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