
CaruBetws Organising events with and for the community of Betws-y-Coed. Byddwn angen help y gymuned i ddarparu rhai o’r digwyddiadau yma, e.e.

Dyma dudalen yn benodol i ddigwyddiadau ym Metws y Coed, a’i gyflwynir gan Cyngor Cymuned Betws y Coed. Yma cewch newyddion a manylion am bopeth Betws - fel digwyddiadau ar Cae Llan, dyddiadau chwarae allan ym Mhentre Du, cyngerdd yn yr Eglwys neu Cwis yn y dafarn. hefo addurno, darparu bwydydd, stiwardio a mwy; ond am y tro, dilynwch y dudalen hon a rhannwch efo’ch ffrindiau! Cofiwch rannu unrhyw

ddigwyddiadau dach chi’n eu cynllunio er mwyn i ni helpu eu hybu!

This page is all about What's On in Betws-y-Coed, delivered by Betws y Coed Community Council. It's the place to go to find out about all things Betws, like when there’s an event on Cae Llan, a play day in Pentre Du, a concert at the Church or a Quiz in one of the village pubs. We will need the help of the Community to deliver some of these events and will be providing more information nearer the time on how you can get involved – from Halloween decorations to cake contributions, marshalling and more but for now, follow this page and share with your friends! Don't forget to share your own events with us so we can help you to promote them!



Digwyddiadau ceir clasurol yn dwad ‘fyny ar Cae Llan:Dydd Sul Gorffennaf 7fedDydd Sul Awst 11fed🚘🚙🚘Classic car events co...

Digwyddiadau ceir clasurol yn dwad ‘fyny ar Cae Llan:
Dydd Sul Gorffennaf 7fed
Dydd Sul Awst 11fed


Classic car events coming up on Cae Llan:
Sunday 7th July
Sunday 11th August

Cyngor Cymuned Betws Y Coed Community Council



Live Music Tonight from 8pm

Wasted return to the Glan Aber. This superb pop and rock duo are back again this year, come down and enjoy.



Dewch draw nos wener i gweld ni yn yr Stables - Y Stablau yn Betws y Coed lle bydd y Côr yn canu o 8yh

Come over to the Stables this Friday to see us, we'll be singing from 8pm

Nos fercher! Wednesday night!📍Neuadd Goffa Betws Memorial Hall

Nos fercher! Wednesday night!
📍Neuadd Goffa Betws Memorial Hall



huge DIOLCH massive ❤️💜💙🩵🩷 am ein gwahodd i fod yn eich digwyddiad hyfryd. We had such a lovely time at Caru Betws ❤️💜💙🩵🩷


Lo-fi Jones ar y llwyfan yng Ngŵyl Caru Betws ddoe! ✨🙌🏼 Arbennig iawn oedd cael hogia talentog o Betws adra i’n diddanu efo perfformiad tu-hwnt. Diolch o galon i chi. Am sioe, am ddiwrnod! 💚

Lo-fi Jones on the stage at Gŵyl Caru Betws yesterday! ✨🙌🏼 So special to have this talented Betws-born band come home to perform for us. 💚

Dan ni wedi dechra! Mae  Lo-fi Jones  ar y llwyfan! Dewch yn llu! 🎪🎶🎸✨🤹🪩🧚 And we’re off! Lo-fi Jones are on the stage! C...

Dan ni wedi dechra! Mae Lo-fi Jones ar y llwyfan! Dewch yn llu! 🎪🎶🎸✨🤹🪩🧚

And we’re off! Lo-fi Jones are on the stage! Come on down! 🎪🎶🎸✨🤹🪩🧚




Mae paratoadau at yr ŵyl wedi dechra ar Cae Llan heno ma! 🎪 Diolch mawr i’r holl wirfoddolwyr a ddoth i helpu, dach chi’n amasing! ✨

Preparations underway for the festival this evening! 🎪Huge thanks to all the volunteers who came to help, you’re amazing! ✨

Galwad am wirfoddolwyr!Rydym yn chwilio am wirfoddolwyr i gynorthwyo gyda gosod pebyll ar gyfer Gŵyl Caru Betws ar ddydd...

Galwad am wirfoddolwyr!
Rydym yn chwilio am wirfoddolwyr i gynorthwyo gyda gosod pebyll ar gyfer Gŵyl Caru Betws ar ddydd Iau 20fed, dydd Gwener 21ain Mehefin, a thynnu lawr ar brynhawn dydd Sul 23ain – os bydd y tywydd yn caniatáu.
Dan ni hefyd yn chwilio am unrhyw un a hoffai helpu i addurno'r pebyll gyda bynting, baneri, blodau, a gwneud addurniadau papur.
Os hoffech helpu ar y diwrnod am gwpl o oriau, cysylltwch hefo ni. Bydd hyn yn bennaf i helpu i wirio pobl i mewn ac allan ac ateb cwestiynau.
Anfonwch neges, rhowch sylwad ar y post yma, neu galwch heibio Cae Llan os gallwch chi sbario awr neu ddwy.

Shout out for volunteers!
We're looking for some able volunteers to assist with putting up marquees for the Caru Betws Festival on Thursday 20th, Friday 21st June and taking down on the afternoon of Sunday 23rd - weather permitting.
We're also looking for anyone who'd like to help decorate marquees with bunting, banners, streamers, foliage, making paper decorations.
Anyone who'd like to help on the day for a couple of hours shift - please get in touch. This is mainly to help check people in and out and answer questions.
Please message, add a comment or pop along to Cae Llan if you can spare an hour or two.

📩[email protected] neu/or
📩[email protected]

Diwrnod agored Ysgol Betws y Coed - Dydd Mawrth 18eg o Fehefin. Croeso cynnes i bawb! ⭐️🤸🏼‍♀️🎨Ysgol Betws y Coed's open ...

Diwrnod agored Ysgol Betws y Coed - Dydd Mawrth 18eg o Fehefin. Croeso cynnes i bawb! ⭐️🤸🏼‍♀️🎨
Ysgol Betws y Coed's open day - Tuesday 18th June. A very warm welcome to all!

✨ Diwrnod olaf ein digwyddiad ‘Ddoe Heddiw ac Yfory’ yn y Neuadd Goffa heddiw! Ar agor 1-4.Dewch draw i weld yr arddango...

✨ Diwrnod olaf ein digwyddiad ‘Ddoe Heddiw ac Yfory’ yn y Neuadd Goffa heddiw! Ar agor 1-4.
Dewch draw i weld yr arddangosfeydd a chael sgwrs a phanad hefo ni.

✨ It’s the last day of our ‘Yesterday, Tody and Tomorrow’ event in the Memorial Hall today! Open 1-4.
Come and see the exhibitions and have a chat and a cuppa with us.

Cyngor Cymuned Betws Y Coed Community Council

***Scroll down for English!***Cofiwch dan ni’n y neuadd eto heddiw 1-6, dewch i weld yr arddangosfeydd a chael gwybodaet...

***Scroll down for English!***

Cofiwch dan ni’n y neuadd eto heddiw 1-6, dewch i weld yr arddangosfeydd a chael gwybodaeth am grwpiau lleol. 🎞️🌺🎵🎱🥋

Mae panad dda a chacen blasus ar gael, i gyd yn rhad ac am ddim! ☕️🍰🫖🧃

Mae bob person sy’n mynychu yn ran bwysig o ddangos cefnogaeth tuag at y neuadd a’i dyfodol. Diolch yn fawr i bawb sy wedi dwad i gyfranu a chefnogi hyd hyn! 🙏🏼⭐️

Don’t forget we’re in the hall again today 1-6, come and see the exhibitions and get information on local groups. 🎞️🌺🎵🎱🥋

There’s good coffee and tasty cakes available, all free and all welcome! ☕️🍰🫖🧃

Every single one who comes along is an important part of showing support for the hall and its future. Thank you so much to everyone who’s come and supported or contributed so far! 🙏🏼⭐️

Cyngor Cymuned Betws Y Coed Community Council
Tarian Pierce
Anne Jones
Betws BJJ
Ysgol Betws Y Coed
Betws Y Coed Ukulele Club
Popty Tandderwen Bakery at Spar Betws Y Coed
Betws y coed Pantomime
Alpine Coffee Shop
Find Me Cooking
Penmaenmawr Museum
The Welsh Home Guardsman
Shan Ashton Merched y Wawr
Clwb Flodau Dyffryn Conwy
Partneriaeth Tirwedd y Carneddau Landscape Partnership
Coffi Eryri
Plastic free Betws and District


Another lovely day in Betws today! 🌞✨ Great conversations, sharing of memories, and it was so heartening to hear such positivity and support for the hall’s cause. Another 200 people came today, a good mix of locals and visitors to the area. Thank you to every one who came to contribute and to enjoy, it means the world! 🙌🏼 Don’t forget that the hall will be open during this week too for anyone who couldn’t make it over the weekend! 🎞️☕️🍰 Mon 1-4, Tues 1-6, Weds 1-4. 👍🏼

Dan ni yn y Neuadd Goffa eto heddiw 11-4! We’ll be at the Memorial Hall again today 11-4!🎞️ hanes Betws histories☕️🍰 pan...

Dan ni yn y Neuadd Goffa eto heddiw 11-4!
We’ll be at the Memorial Hall again today 11-4!

🎞️ hanes Betws histories
☕️🍰 panad a chacen / cuppa & cake
🎨 crefftau / crafts
🥋 gweithdy/demo grwpiau jiwdo a JiuJitsu 12-2
🥋 judo/Jiu Jitsu groups workshop & demo 12-2
🎵🌺 grwp ukulele yn chwarae a chynnig blas
🎵🌺 ukulele group playing and offering a taster
🎱 snwcer ar agor / snooker open
👇🏼 Gweler y poster am fwy / see poster for more
Betws Y Coed Ukulele ClubPellennig.cymruBetws BJJ
Dewch i fwynhau!! Come and enjoy!!

Diolch i bawb sy wedi helpu a chyfrannu hyd yn hyn!

Ysgol Betws Y Coed
Popty Tandderwen Bakery at Spar Betws Y Coed
Find Me Cooking
Alpine Coffee Shop
Coffi Eryri
Partneriaeth Tirwedd y Carneddau Landscape Partnership 🎨
The Welsh Home Guardsman
Penmaenmawr Museum
Betws y coed Pantomime

Heddiw 11-4 yn y Neuadd Goffa!Today at the Memorial Hall!Gyda lluniaeth wedi’i roddi’n garedig gan fusnesi lleol, crefft...

Heddiw 11-4 yn y Neuadd Goffa!
Today at the Memorial Hall!

Gyda lluniaeth wedi’i roddi’n garedig gan fusnesi lleol, crefftau i blant a mwy! ☕️🍰🎨
With refreshments kindly donated by local businesses, crafts for children and more!

Croeso i bawb! All welcome!

Popty Tandderwen Bakery at Spar Betws Y Coed
Alpine Coffee Shop
Find Me Cooking

Coffi Eryri

🎺🥳🎺Pobl Betws y Coed: dan ni MOR gyffrous i ddwad â manylion digwyddiad y flwyddyn i chi - yn dod yn fuan iawn, ar yr 22...

🎺🥳🎺Pobl Betws y Coed: dan ni MOR gyffrous i ddwad â manylion digwyddiad y flwyddyn i chi - yn dod yn fuan iawn, ar yr 22ain o Fehefin! Mae Gŵyl Caru Betws ar eich cyfer chi felly gwnewch yn siŵr eich bod chi'n cael eich tocynnau blaenoriaeth AM DDIM cyn i'r gair ddod allan! Sganiwch y côd QR neu

Betws y Coed folks: We are SO excited to bring you details of the event of the year - coming soon on 22nd June! The Caru Betws Festival is for you so please make sure you get your FREE, priority tickets before word gets out! Scan the QR code or🎺🥳🎺

Drymbago Morgan Elwy Banda Bacana Lo-fi Jones


Roedd yn bleser i Betws a’r Neuadd Goffa gael cefnogi’r digwyddiad yma er achos mor arbennig eleni 🚲💚
It was a pleasure for Betws and the Memorial Hall to host this event for such a great cause this year!
The Joshua Tree
Ffestiniog 360 Cycle event



Come along to enjoy and support this community event! All welcome!🎨 creative project by the children of Ysgol Betws📸 old...

Come along to enjoy and support this community event! All welcome!

🎨 creative project by the children of Ysgol Betws
📸 old photos
📹 old videos
(Who will you recognise?!)
〰️ historical Betws timeline
🎭🏆🎼🥋🕺🏻🎱🌺 groups and clubs
🗳️ share your ideas
👩🏼‍🎨 children’s crafts
☕️🫖🧁 cuppa and cake
£ all completely free!

The hall will also be open during the following week for anyone who can’t make the weekend to offer feedback and collect information:
Mon 3rd 1-4pm
Tues 4th 1-6pm
Weds 5th 1-4pm
Thurs 6th 1-4pm

Cyngor Cymuned Betws Y Coed Community Council
Ysgol Betws Y Coed
Betws y coed Pantomime
Partneriaeth Tirwedd y Carneddau Landscape Partnership
Betws Y Coed Ukulele Club
Betws BJJ
Plastic free Betws and District


Neuadd Goffa



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