The 1 in 12 Club Bradford

The 1 in 12 Club Bradford The 1 in 12 club since 1981 The 1 in 12 Club - Self-management, music and mayhem since 1981!!! Cost (if any) depends on the type of event being held.

The 1 in 12 Club is a not for profit organisation relying heavily on the time donated by its unpaid members. The 1 in 12 Club is owned, managed & run by its members, founded on the anarchistic values of self-management, co-operation & mutual aid. Together we are a community of people aiming to provide an affordable, non-commercial venue for events, socialising, meetings & information. The history

& set up of the club makes the 1in12 a really unique place in Bradford. Its structure means the members are responsible for the well being & running of the entire place!! That goes right from stuff like fixing the loos, book keeping to cleaning, to working the bar, website maintenance & putting on events. There’s always something that really needs doing at the club or improvements that can be made so your help & input is essential & can really go towards making the club even better!

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Members can * USE THE CLUB * for meetings, events, gigs & parties
- Gig/event floor can be hired: cost - £60.00 (includes sound engineer)
- The café/library floor can sometimes be used for events & meetings too. In addition to the events at the club the members
* BAR is OPEN * for your drinking pleasure. Including tasty local & not so local beers, darts, pool & table football

The members bar is now open ever Friday & Saturday 1900-Midnight + subject to volunteers,
plus on booked events such as gigs over various days.

- Library with internet & mini cinema
- gig floor – members bar
– vegetarian/vegan café
- Practice room & studio -

Radio show
Café collective - vegan/vegetarian food
Peasants collective - with allotment
P.A collective
Library collective
Games collective
Record collective
Quiz collective
Sporting collective

* ART SPACE AT THE CLUB * display your photo’s, paintings or whatever, help decorate the club with anything from gig photo’s to the inner depths of your creativity! (Please be aware that graffiti in & around the building doesn’t count as a decorative contribution, it only costs the club time & money it doesn’t have)

* HELP YOUR CLUB * – keep the building running & the beer flowing! As it is a club run and owned by it’s members, your support is essential for it to function. Some members choose only to attend events at the club, some create them, others choose take on further responsibilities such as helping out in the café, working the bar & other essential tasks to keep the club running. Members can be involved on whichever level they wish, all support is appreciated.

* Want to help improve or maintain your club? – library, café, admin, allotment, finance, promotion, repairs, new idea, long term, short term, one off idea? If you can help in any way please get in contact or come to a members meeting for more information. If you haven’t already then * JOIN THE CLUB * so you can come in! to show your support, for discounted entry prices, to put on your own events & more! Membership cost £3 unwaged £5 waged. Forms available & to be returned with payment at the bar
Membership is annual, beginning May 1st to April 30th each year
For legal reasons membership applications cannot be accepted from under 18s
Members can bring up to 2 non-members as guests, just sign them in

* WHAT THE F.A.Q is the 1in12 club?? *
Full details on the club, like how it began & even more really interesting information is available on the
1in12 club website.

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This page has been created so fans can find out a bit more about the club, share their photo’s, events, & whatever else relating to the club.

- Full EVENTS listings for 1in12 can be found here

Email: [email protected]
(please include '1in12 club' written somewhere in the subject heading so you don't get lost amongst the junk mail, ta)

This weekend at the Club!Friday 31st The Patrollers with support from James Dorree, 7pm doors, first act 7.30pm, £5 on d...

This weekend at the Club!

Friday 31st The Patrollers with support from James Dorree, 7pm doors, first act 7.30pm, £5 on door, no-one turned away for lack of funds

Saturday the 1st all dayer!

12-4pm is the Crywank Matinee Show with Crywank & Gerrard Bell-Fife!

4-7pm is The 1in12 Library Collective Presents...

7pm-close is REASONS TO GATHER

Friends! Help us celebrate the spirit of the 1 in 12 club as part of Bradford 2025 partnering with Home of Metal .Were y...

Friends! Help us celebrate the spirit of the 1 in 12 club as part of Bradford 2025 partnering with Home of Metal .

Were you a member of the 1 in 12 club, the anarchist social centre in Bradford opened in 1981? Played, attended, or organised gigs? Were you part of the 1 in 12 community? Did you play on the sports teams? Part of the collectives?

We want to hear from you!

We'd love to see photos, flyers, stickers, t-shirts and posters, and hear your memories of the club's DIY scene. Contributions will inform a publication and podcast that will celebrate this important chapter in Bradford's history.

For more information and to register your interest to contribute see

Deadline 27 Feb 2025

Feel free to spread the word far and wide 🖤

We are beyond excited to announce we're working with  to collect and create an archive of our history and we need YOU to...

We are beyond excited to announce we're working with to collect and create an archive of our history and we need YOU to help make it happen!
In the new year we'll be holding a series of events to collect and digitise 1 in 12 ephemera (think posters, flyers, tickets, photos, sitckers, zines...) and record oral histories of the club for a series of podcasts.
We need a collective of volunteers who are interested in the legacy of the club, who have or would like training in collecting stories, digitising objects and supporting with events. We'll cover expenses and full training will be given. Follow the link below (in bio on Insta) to register your interest and we'll be in touch in the new year!

“No Human Is Illegal” -  a fundraiser for Bradford Refugee Forum tomorrow at the 1in12 Club! ✊Big shout outs for their s...

“No Human Is Illegal” - a fundraiser for Bradford Refugee Forum tomorrow at the 1in12 Club! ✊

Big shout outs for their solidarity & support to…

Echo Machine One & the 1in12 Library Collective! ✊

Edible Archives! ✊

YourAlrightYouAre (YAYA)! ✊

Finlay Mactaggart Music, Latterhand & Furaha Mussanzi! ✊

This Saturday at the Club “No human is illegal” - A fundraiser for Bradford Refugee Forum! ✊Edible Archives making radic...

This Saturday at the Club “No human is illegal” - A fundraiser for Bradford Refugee Forum! ✊

Edible Archives making radical zinesin the afternoon & the 1in12 Library Collective fundraising gig featuring Latterhand, Furaha Mussanzi, Finlay Mactaggart & friends, Echo Machine One to raise money to support the work of Bradford Refugee Forum in the evening

Before the gig the Library Collective will be joined by Edible Archives who will be running a “The Recipe for a Revolution: Zine Workshop” from 4-6pm

“What is your recipe for radical change? How do we make a better future?”

The music begins at 8pm til late featuring:

Latterhand are an audiovisual downtempo music duo

Furaha Mussanzi is a Congolese-British singer/song-writer

Finlay Mactaggart plays keys in a space jazz band Apollo House & will be joined by friends

Echo Machine One are a synthy political folk duo

This week The 1 in 12 Club Bradford! ✊Fri 29th // MASSIVE presents: SKVMB /PUPPYHUG / MAGGIE / USURPEDDoors 7pmPunk, Pos...

This week The 1 in 12 Club Bradford! ✊


Doors 7pm
Punk, Post-Punk and Hardcore night at the 1in12!
£4 on the door tickets, no one turned away for lack of funds.
Another gig yipppppeeeeee

Sat 30th // Main Hobby + The Patrollers + more TBA

Main Hobby - “Good Enough” EP Launch
Bradford four-piece Main Hobby launch their debut EP “Good Enough” at the 1 in 12 Club. Support comes from The Patrollers + more TBA

Main Hobby:

Doors 7, First band 7:30

Tickets PAYF with all money going to the club

Today at the 1 in 12 Club! ✊Ishmeal Alfred Charles with his Book talk: "From a Child Soldier to a Humanitarian" with Ish...

Today at the 1 in 12 Club! ✊

Ishmeal Alfred Charles with his Book talk: "From a Child Soldier to a Humanitarian" with Ishmeal Alfred Charles, from Freetown, Sierra Leone, will talk about his book, "From a Child Soldier to a Humanitarian" in the 1 in 12 Club Library, doors 4pm, talk from 5pm.

Followed later by UNIONarts - Artists, Activists, Groovers, Dancers or Dreamers, we request the pleasure of your company.

Join us at the 1in12 Club for street graffiti, films, screen printing, tunes and dancing as we ponder ‘How do we work together to make Enduring Change (when it’s rough out there)?

Draw with us, dance with us and share your stories with us. Doors open at 8.00 PM.

Music, books, arts & activism @ the 1 in 12 Club this week! ✊Thurs 14th // Trigger Thumb / Yeah, Maybe / Marble Arches /...

Music, books, arts & activism @ the 1 in 12 Club this week! ✊

Thurs 14th // Trigger Thumb / Yeah, Maybe / Marble Arches // Doors 7pm

Fri 15th // Duktape / Big Beef / Eutony / These Beggars // Doors 7pm //

Sat 16th // Book talk: "From a Child Soldier to a Humanitarian" with Ishmeal Alfred Charles // Doors 4pm

Sat 16th // UNION: Arts & Activism // Doors 8pm //

This week at the Club! ✊Thurs 7th, More Song, evening of poetry with Edwina Attlee’s debut collection, ‘A Great Shaking’...

This week at the Club! ✊

Thurs 7th, More Song, evening of poetry with Edwina Attlee’s debut collection, ‘A Great Shaking’, Nell Osborne, David Mullin and Jazmine Linklater, poetry 7-9pm, members bar open afterwards


Augustin Bousfield Music returns to the Club with his keytar for synthy funky pop fun, support from Flash Cassette bringing smooth electronic disco & Game Program with electronic blessed vibers and chillers

Sat 9th, Notthe Knot with their first gig, acoustic support from Atlas Waits & Cash Richards

Big thanks to Bradford's own Rupcha Farms  for choosing our space to capture the energy of Trenchmouth. Check out the vi...

Big thanks to Bradford's own Rupcha Farms for choosing our space to capture the energy of Trenchmouth. Check out the video — filmed right here at the 1 in 12 — on their YouTube channel. Support local Bradford talent doing things their own way 🏴

Listen here: Tour:09/11 - Wharf Chambers, Leeds10/11 - The Fulford Arms, York16/11 - Fire & Water, So...

Coming up at The 1 in 12 Club BradfordThursday the 31st of October THE COMMONWEALTH OF ANARCHY (doors 6pm, first act on ...

Coming up at The 1 in 12 Club Bradford

Thursday the 31st of October THE COMMONWEALTH OF ANARCHY (doors 6pm, first act on at 7pm)

An evening of song, politics and discussion. Steven Schofield will be performing songs from his Commonwealth of Anarchy and Insurrection albums, with support from Austin Bradshaw, and Jimmy Manning. Pay as you feel, all proceeds go to the club.

Saturday the 2nd of November Revolution NOW! (with the library open from 4pm)

A night of Zines, Cinema, Music, Poetry and DJs featuring Toothless Films with some new independent cinema. The night is £5 donation or free if you’re skint.

Hope to see you down the club 😊

MEANS TO AN END...VOL.14 D.I.Y. HARDCORE PUNK FEST 2024!!! FRIDAY 18th & SATURDAY 19th OCTOBER at The 1 in 12 Club Bradf...


FRIDAY 18th & SATURDAY 19th OCTOBER at The 1 in 12 Club Bradford

Both Friday and Saturday's line up's and set times listed below.

Please share with friends. Thank you so much for your support! See you in The 1 in 12 Club Bradford!!!

FRIDAY 18th OCTOBER 2024 (Day One)
at the 1 in 12 Club, 21-23 Albion St, Bradford, BD1 2LY, U.K.

Doors open 7:00pm

7:30pm NU (Leeds/York)

8:15pm RUINED VIRTUE (Sheffield)

9:00pm CATASTROPHE (London)

9:45pm WARCHRIST (U.K.)

10:30pm BLOODY HEAD (Nottingham)

11:15pm Ends

£9 Members / £10 Guests CASH ONLY!!!!


SATURDAY 19th OCTOBER 2024 (Day Two)
at the 1 in 12 Club, 21-23 Albion St, Bradford, BD1 2LY, U.K.

Doors open 2:30pm

3:00pm PERSONAL HELL (Todmorden)

3:45pm SORDID VISION (Sheff)

4:30pm RANK (Bristol)

5:15pm GEVAL (Leeds)

6:00pm GIMIC(Bristol)

6:45pm DISCIPLE BC (Bristol)

7:30pm BLEAKNESS (France)

8:15pm RITES OF HADDA (London)

9:15pm S*X GERMS (Leics)

10:00pm LUCTA (Italy)

10:45pm THE DOMESTICS (Suffolk)

Ends 11:15pm
£18 Members / £20 Guests CASH ONLY!!!!

MEANS TO AN END...Fest Update 12/10/24 Unfortunately, INFLICTER can no longer play. NU (Leeds/York) have kindly stepped ...

MEANS TO AN END...Fest Update 12/10/24
Unfortunately, INFLICTER can no longer play. NU (Leeds/York) have kindly stepped into the breach, and will be opening the Fest on Friday 18th October at The 1 in 12 Club Bradford

Set times:
7:45pm NU
10:30pm BLOODY Alexey Headnoise
£10 in Cash only!

Please share/spread the good word!

Thank you :-)


21-23 Albion Street

Opening Hours

Friday 7pm - 12am
Saturday 7pm - 12am


Be the first to know and let us send you an email when The 1 in 12 Club Bradford posts news and promotions. Your email address will not be used for any other purpose, and you can unsubscribe at any time.

