Depression. This isn’t a look at me and what i’ve done post this is a post to help people explain the no matter how good your life has been or is mental health and depression can still kick your face in.
I had a great childhood, lots of friends, was popular and have still kept many of these friends till this day from childhood.
I have flown the flag for Great Britain and represented my country on many occasions, I have been a professional athlete and coached hundreds of kids and adults hopefully making a positive impact on their lives for I have helped talked people down from su***de and i have held stab and glass wounds together to stop people bleeding out on several occasions. I have put on events with thousands of attendees and raised over 100k for charity. I have 5 beautiful kids and 3 great step kids who i’d do anything for and the best partner in the world. We live a beautiful house in a beautiful village.
I have run businesses that haven turned over millions of pounds and employed hundreds of people putting food on the table for them and their families.
However despite all that I still suffer badly with my bipolar and depression sometimes I can’t get out of bed or enjoy family occasions just because of the chemical inbalances in my brain.
People suffer with depression because of either a trauma that has happened to them or purely because their brain does not produce the right amount of chemicals to keep it balanced.
What i’m trying to say is no matter how good your life has been or how good it is depression and other mental health problems can strike any body any time.
Telling them to sort them selves out or pull them selves together will do f**k all good you need to get to the root of the problem and I honestly think if you’ve never suffered with mental health you won’t be able to understand it. It’s a disease just like cancer or diabetes and people don’t just get better by then selves they need professional help which unfortunately is very hard to get.
So many of you wear T-shirts saying it’s ok to not be ok or tag mental health posts but i guarantee you don’t fully understand it.
I’m starting to loose count of the amount of friends i’ve lost to su***de.
Basically if someone is struggling be nice and try get them the help they need, you never know you may just save their life