When you’re farming up in the hills of mid-Wales the weather can often be unforgiving. Here I am on the site of Epynt Peonies looking down on the Yscir Fechan valley.
River Meadow wraps around the farmhouse at a lower altitude but up here in the Gods the Peonies will look down on the valley, witness to all the shifts and changes the next few decades will bring.
Peonies are long-lived perennial plants and I often wonder what life will bring for both of us as we inexorably age together.
As technological progress leaves me feeling dizzyingly out of touch and afraid and as the world seems poised on the brink of another catastrophic global conflict, I like to come up here and take comfort that some things will never change: flowers and the eternal rhythms of nature will always be a source of joy and comfort.
#peonyfarm #peony #peonyfarmer #cutflowers #weddingswales #weddingflowers #weddingfloristwales #grownnotflown
Here’s a little bit about me and River Meadow for new and old followers alike 🌷
A reminder that my cut flower season will get going from late March and then we’ll be well away 💪🏻
I had my first ‘proper’ day in River Meadow today after the deep freeze. I sowed my second batch of Sweet Peas and began to clear beds in earnest, ready for Spring.
The first tentative steps in the new year are always so exciting and are a statement of intent for the season ahead.
Flowers, flowers and more flowers is all I promise! 😄
#flowerfarm #flowerfarmer #grownnotflown
We’ve had a fair tump of the white stuff here at River Meadow!
It’s time to get outside and knock the snow off the polytunnel and cold frames. And of course to make a few snowmen 😉
Snow isn’t disastrous for the flower grower but it can pose a nuisance as far as tunnels, greenhouses and cold frames go. Just be sure to knock it off when it arrives as the weight can be surprising on a tunnel or greenhouse roof!
Apart from that, most hardy plants won’t be too badly off and the Peonies will positively thrive in the cold weather. Just keep any excess moisture off them 👍🏻
#flowerfarm #flowerfarmer #flowerfarminthewinter #snowday #snowy #snowfall
Now we’re moving into the twilight days of 2024 it feels fitting to reflect on what a year it’s been.
There have been successes and many failures. Again, a year full of lessons and things to do differently next season.
It’s also been a time to think about the future of River Meadow as we welcome the birth of Epynt Peonies. There are lots of things to figure out over the next couple of years.
I’ll still be here flowering away but also embracing the new focus of the business: Peonies ❤️
I’m planning a few more varieties in the next 2 years so we’ll be planting (albeit on a MUCH!) smaller scale in Autumns to come ☺️
So, exciting times ahead for 2025.
Thanks so much for your support in 2024 and please do give me a heads up about upcoming weddings in 2025 if you’d like a quote ☺️
For anyone needing a little clarity as to why the Labour Government’s new Tax raid on family farms will be so disastrous, have a little read of this. Not my own words but pretty much sums it up.
Even if you’re not farming, don’t for a minute think that this will not affect you.
#britishfarming #backbritishfarming #supportbritishfarmers #supportlocalbusiness #supportbritishfarming #inheritancetax
And we’re done!
2,300 bare root Peonies planted 💪🏻
Thank you for all the encouragement and help along the way 🥰
Now for a hot bath…!
P-Day + 4…
The planting continues on Day 4 of the grand adventure!
‘Soul destroying’, ‘daunting’, ‘disheartening’, and ‘demoralising’ are just some of the words our dear family and friends have used to describe the experience of helping us plant 2,300 Peonies 😆
A couple of folk have also used the words ‘bonding’, ‘enjoyable’, ‘refreshing’ and ‘bracing’.
I think, in truth, it’s been a combination of all of these things at various points.
Tomorrow will be our last day of planting…it’s been an experience, that’s for sure; unforgettable, back-breaking, relentless and life-affirming.
Once again, a truly heartfelt thanks to all those who answered our SOS and came to our aid, giving up a few hours or even days (!) to help. God bless you! And you’ll be the first to have a bunch of Epynt Peonies ❤️
Bracing indeed! 💪🏻
Only 780 left to go now 💪🏻😴😮💨
We will be forever grateful to all our family and friends who have turned up in hats and wellies to help us on our Welsh hillside in November ❤️
We’ll never forget it (we hope you forgive us 😆)
#flowerfarmer #flowerfarm #britishflowers #peony #peonyfarm #peonyfarmer #plantingflowers #planting
P-Day + 1
Progress!! Shirley Temple are planted- all 300 of them 💪🏻
Just 2000 to go 😬….
#peony #peonyfarm #peonyseason #peonyflower #peonylove #peonyflowers #peonylover #flowerfarm #flowerfarmer
Work at Epynt Peonies is well and truly underway 🥳
We’ve been liming and rotavating the soil in preparation for planting later this month. We’ll need to get the weed-proof membrane down pretty soon and then patiently await our special delivery of 2,300 Peony roots…
Our Peony field has the most beautiful views and is surrounded on one side by beautiful native woodland and a waterfall.
I’ll share that with you soon!
#peonyflower #peonyseason #peonygrower #flowerfarmer #flowerfarmers #flowerfarmerflorist #flowerfarms #flowerfarmerlife #farmerswife #weddingflowers #weddingflorist #weddingswales
How green is my valley 🍃 River Meadow is nestled in the bottom of this steep-sided valley, protected on both sides by native woodland and meadows.
On a sunny autumnal day, with the cattle lowing and nearby Yscir river meandering its way to the Honddu it is pure paradise.
Most of the time farming can be really hard work, both the livestock and flower variety. Yet, when you’re surrounded by views like this it’s hard to imagine doing anything else 🌷🐑🐂
#itsafarmerslifeforme #flowerfarm #flowerfarmer #breconbeacons