S P I N D L E This is the official page for S P I N D L E - a cut flower business run by Zanna Hoskins We are also on instagram:

This is where S P I N D L E offer up our most recent successes, experiments, creative and floral inspirations and occasional rants about the political climate. It is where we link to, and make essential connections with, other growers, designers and lovers of British flowers. For more detailed information about who we are and what we have to offer, please see our website at www.spindleflowers.co.uk.

Ooh it’s started! Preparation for the FiPL funded foliage planting of native trees and shrubs. Farming in Protected Land...

Ooh it’s started!

Preparation for the FiPL funded foliage planting of native trees and shrubs. Farming in Protected Landscapes is part of Dorset National Landscapes (previously AONB) and the support we’ve received from them has been amazing 🙏

This is an exciting time in the development of the British flower industry. More farms are looking to diversify into flowers and foliage, enterprise stacking & building biodiversity into their systems (although mowing back a wildflower strip just as the insects are laying eggs should disqualify for funding straight away!). More on this another day.

We are planting the trees in mid Jan. If you’re looking to find out more about this kind of project, why not come and join us on one or both of our planting days? Lunch will be on the Wyld Meadow Farm house 🍲🍞 Message me if you’d like to come along. If there’s time we will pop down the hill to see the Spindle plantings too, 10 years on.

Harvesting this site is going to be a joy! This is possibly one of the best views in the area, straight down the valley to the sea.

Spindle from the air 🌿Photo credit: Eben Henderson-Hyde

Spindle from the air 🌿

Photo credit:
Eben Henderson-Hyde

 First week of the hub at  with lots of interest from florists and growers💕🌸

First week of the hub at with lots of interest from florists and growers💕🌸

Posted  •  When a plant loves where it is , it just grows and grows. Lots of analogies to be had with people! Our collec...

Posted • When a plant loves where it is , it just grows and grows. Lots of analogies to be had with people! Our collective’s goals are Collaboration, Community and Creativity, when you find yourself in the right place with the right people you can achieve more than you ever dreamed! Let’s Grow Together!

Home sweet home. It was so great to get back to the field after nearly a month away. I flew to Australia to visit my old...

Home sweet home. It was so great to get back to the field after nearly a month away.

I flew to Australia to visit my old Dad who has Parkinsons with related dementia and is now in a care home. It meant leaving the family, and the field too. In June 😢.

But it was 100% worth it. 2 weeks with Dad, every day, sometimes for 5 hours. We listened to music, looked at old photos, looked through his books. Sometimes he slept and I read. It was a precious, peaceful time together and I don’t regret it for a moment 💕.

But my twin teenagers were an inch taller when I got back, and the thistles at the field were off the scale!

Thank goodness for people at home holding the fort - Jonny, stalwart and steady papa, Lizzie cheerful hub backup, and Dan & Jake as well as the team who powered through June with huge success 🙌🏻 🌸

This post is by way of explaining my absence, expressing my gratitude, and my joy at returning home. 🏡


Last November I hosted a seminar at Spindle, in collaboration with the Soil Association and funded by FiPL (Farming in P...

Last November I hosted a seminar at Spindle, in collaboration with the Soil Association and funded by FiPL (Farming in Protected Landscapes) / Dorset National Landscape / AONB. We invited interested stakeholders including local landowners, flower farmers, and an agroforestry specialist aka my cousin . We looked at how agroforestry works in practice on a farm scale and why foliage growing might be a good idea from an agroforestry perspective. Our focus was on questions of design, stakeholders, business models and partnerships, funding and constraints.

I’m delighted to share this aerial photo of ‘milk stand’ at Wyld Meadow Farm owned by farming friends of ours just down the road with whom i applied for a FiPL grant to trial an acre of foliage growing.

Excitingly, we’ve just been awarded the grant to plant 1000 native trees & shrubs here.


It’s a long term project - it’ll be 5 yrs before the crop is ready to harvest.

This means that my usual autumn foliage growing courses will happen on-line on October 9th, 12th & 16th, with an additional option of two voluntary, hands-on tree-planting days in early to mid January 2025 (dates tbc). These volunteer days will include a site visit to see the established plantings at Spindle, and should be a rich source of information for anyone wishing to learn more about planting foliage. If you’re interested in learning more about establishing a foliage plantation, dm me for details or click on link in bio. There will also be a delicious lunch in exchange for the sweat of your brow.

THE ON-LINE COURSE will cover the nuts and bolts, in downloadable format, of the kinds of foliage florists want, what plants to grow, maintenance & pruning, conditioning, pricing, presenting foliage for sale, w**d control, optimum spacing for harvesting & ground cover.

One of last week’s orders ready for delivery by The South West Flower Grower Collective. We feel so proud and excited th...

One of last week’s orders ready for delivery by The South West Flower Grower Collective.

We feel so proud and excited that it’s working, and that customers are buying, and that the feedback is so positive 🌿

It certainly feels like these sustainably grown British flower hubs are long overdue 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

Lots of gorgeous flowers have already been snapped up for BRITISH FLOWERS WEEK next week, but there are many more beauties on the web shop 🌸

Link in bio ☝️

Cutting hawthorn, up a ladder, face full of foliage, secateurs in hand. My happy place. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​I get to know my...

Cutting hawthorn, up a ladder, face full of foliage, secateurs in hand. My happy place. ​​​​​​​​
I get to know my plants in a visceral kind of way, with scratches and dragged-through-a-hedge-backwards hair to show for it. ​​​​​​​​
But it smells and feels so good up in that tree. I can’t really find the words.

Such feelings of satisfaction, after all this time, to be able to easily show florists the beautiful British flowers & f...

Such feelings of satisfaction, after all this time, to be able to easily show florists the beautiful British flowers & foliage that are available :-) and for them to be able to easily buy from us 🌿

If you are a florist or a grower in West Dorset or near Bournemouth, we are newly established, looking for professional people to come along on this exciting journey of discovery.

Quality, sustainability, reliability, affordability and quantity is what we’re about.

Our prices are based on an average .72 median stem price equivalent to the Dutch markets, with 10% on top to cover admin. It’s a lot of clicking and peering at screens that we admins are doing, but sooo worth it!!

It’s our pilot year, with one South West and one Scotland hub. Next year it’ll be more hubs, once we’ve ironed out any kinks.

Do get in touch if you’re interested in finding out more. Click on link in bio ☝️to get the link to register on the Open Food Network, and we can take it from there :-)

Happy Beltane 😃🌱

We’ve been working for many months now to get two pilot flower hubs up and running in Scotland and the South West. Our a...

We’ve been working for many months now to get two pilot flower hubs up and running in Scotland and the South West.

Our aim is to make accessing the best seasonal cut flowers easier for florists, and the process of selling simpler for growers.

Our name is less clear... hence the anonymous logo... it’s still a work in progress.

However, we are super excited that we can finally announce that we will be starting our South West pilot hub in the first week of May. It’ll run throughout this growing season, based out of Springbourne in Bournemouth. There will also be an option to collect from the Spindle Flower Barn in West Dorset, with possible deliveries along the way.

*N.B. all of Spindle Flowers’ sales from Thursday 25th April will be through the hub.*

This year will be a trial to see how it works for all those involved, for both growers and florists and to iron out any problems and build on any successes. We have a wonderful group of Dorset and Hampshire based flower & foliage growers ready to go.

What people are saying about the hubs:

‘SO GOOD!!!!! Seriously, well done. People are going to be chewing your arm off for this. Exciting!’

‘This all is very exciting and wonderful- thank you!’

‘So much work has gone into this already and It’s so impressive, thank you. …..efficiency , ease of being able to order from multiple growers with just one collection.’

‘Fabulous! British flowers take another step forward. This is exciting… It’s easy using beautiful British flowers and foliage like yours and all other fantastic British flower growers – it’s quite simple, they are the most beautiful and the best.’

‘Hubs are the way ahead, I’ve thought that for years, but we’re all too busy, with not enough head space, time or support to fix it’.

‘This is so exciting! I’d definitely like to be involved in setting something similar up here…Are you thinking of expanding / how can I get involved?’


And breathe… Spring has finally arrived, and with it the most heady scent of all, the hawthorn blossom or ‘may’. One sni...

And breathe…

Spring has finally arrived, and with it the most heady scent of all, the hawthorn blossom or ‘may’. One sniff and I’m straight back to being 20, waking up in an old split-screen horsebox parked up on a country lane with my crusty boyfriend (the least romantic part of this story!), stable doors wide open, and feeling the sap rising so strongly it took my breath away.

I feel more punk than hippy these days - I’d just like to make that clear at this point 🤣 but I’m proud that the joy in small things has never left me.


Glimpses of the fresh mimosa wreath 🌿made this week for the Gaza Fundraiser auction, which closes tomorrow. We are thril...

Glimpses of the fresh mimosa wreath 🌿made this week for the Gaza Fundraiser auction, which closes tomorrow.

We are thrilled that the fundraiser has so far raised £6126 which is just amazing.

We will be closing the raffle at Midnight on Sunday so if we could have a final push to raise as much as we can over the weekend that would be fab.

Link in bio ☝️

Let’s see how much we can raise together for those who so desperately need it.


Oh hellebores, I do love you 💕🌿

Oh hellebores, I do love you 💕🌿

Sarah  and Helen  have brought something beautiful to life.‘We hope that by coming together, we will be able to raise va...

Sarah and Helen have brought something beautiful to life.

‘We hope that by coming together, we will be able to raise valuable funds for Medical Aid For Palestinians.’

The above Fundraiser has launched and will run until Sunday 3rd March.

The Draw will take place on Monday 4th March. Winners will be drawn at random on an Instagram Live - here’s the Just Giving link to enter:


Tickets are £5 each, and some wonderful prizes are in the pot. PLEASE SHARE THE LINK in bio ☝️to other flower loving people 🌸

Sarah’s and Helen’s message is below.

‘We are utterly horrified by what has been unfolding in Gaza over the past few months and as Flower Farmer Florists wanted to try and do something to raise critically needed funds to support those who so desperately need it.
We want to stress that this is about our shared humanity and that we’ve been repeatedly calling for a ceasefire, for a return of the hostages and a lifting of the siege to allow adequate humanitarian aid in.
We have some wonderful prizes generously donated by members of the Flower Farming and floristry community (along with some flower loving friends) based here in the UK.
These prizes include: visits to Flower Farms, Online Workshops, Signed Books, Dried Flower Gifts and Specialist Seeds plus many more.’
e.edwards - illustration

It’s not impossible to fill a shop with lovely things grown in the UK in Feb, but it’s bloody hard. So I am not advocati...

It’s not impossible to fill a shop with lovely things grown in the UK in Feb, but it’s bloody hard. So I am not advocating florist bashing. Absolutely not.

But here are a couple of useful quotes from the Sustainable Floristry Network, media release, 4th Feb 2024

‘In the weeks preceding the 14th February, some 250 million stems of roses will have made the journey from sunny flower growing hubs in countries like Kenya, Columbia and Ecuador to retailers in the wintry Northern Hemisphere… unfortunately due to the distances the flowers travel, a high carbon footprint can also become part of the gift….That carbon footprint comes courtesy of fast, temperature-controlled freight systems with high energy requirements. Flowers are perishable and need to move quickly.’

‘The SFN encourages consumers to consider the carbon footprint of their cut flowers not only on Valentine’s Day, but throughout the year. To make a more sustainable purchase, ask questions and:

• opt for locally-grown, seasonal flowers wherever possible – making sure fossil fuel heating has not been part of the growing process.
• for imported flowers, look for certifications that support sustainable and fair work practices throughout supply chains.’

This year I’m going to push further towards NOT being a fur-coat-and-no-knickers green business 😎Let me explain!This pic...

This year I’m going to push further towards NOT being a fur-coat-and-no-knickers green business 😎

Let me explain!

This pic is from the powerful closing plenary of the Oxford Real Farming Conference last week which, whilst reminding us to seek out the similarities over the differences between us, also reminded us to guard against the conference being co-opted by greenwashing.

The ORFC is an inspiring and informative space for radical thought and for turning upside-down one’s assumptions.

It is a reminder that all policy action must begin with the farmer. She is the one with dirt under her nails.

One of my many take aways this year is that by using open-source technology for the florist-grower sales hub which we are developing, we are joining a heroic push-back against the tide of Google/Apple style big-tech and data suck, over which we all have little or no control. A collaborative mind-set is key.

The ORFC has been a fringe event for 15 years. It is becoming more main-stream by the year. There are pros and cons to this.

Greenwashing, generally, is something we ignore at our peril - not only for the damage it does to genuinely green businesses (mine feels ‘green’ but this year I’m signing up to standardised assessments to see where improvements can be made), but also to the wider picture, diluting the message.

Let’s all try to be less fur-coat-and-no-knickers this year 🌿

Happy 2024 🥰

A good foliage crop is something that is desirable for florists and long-lasting in the vase, capable of rapid regenerat...

A good foliage crop is something that is desirable for florists and long-lasting in the vase, capable of rapid regeneration after cutting, and has low susceptibility to pests & diseases.
The ideal site for foliage growing is readily accessible by road, sheltered, well-drained but moist and relatively rich in nutrients, with neutral to slightly acidic soil.
My knowledge of foliage growing was deepened (and corrected - see below) by last week's exciting seminar at Spindle. We aimed to enquire - with various farmers, flower growers, and agroforestry experts - into the viability of growing foliage as a diversification crop, in collaboration with British flower growers.
The seminar was funded by and guided by the wonderful Rachel & Pia from / . We were fortunate to be joined by Jon Haines from the Soil Association and my cousin Jamie Acworth from Little Hidden Farm.
We looked at how agroforestry works in practise on a farm scale. I provided some technical information about growing foliage and flowering shrubs and discussed routes to market.
Then, with valuable input from our knowledgeable and experienced participants, we workshopped why foliage growing might be a good idea from an agroforestry perspective. Our focus was on questions of design, stakeholders, business models and partnerships, funding and constraints.
We wanted to discuss where the opportunities lie for collaboration between farmers and flower growers and to build capacity for rolling out the idea nationally.
Watch this space for some foliage growing trials next year.
We're calling it 'agrofloristry' (leaf)
N.B. Jamie says, 'grass and trees don't go together'. I think I'll need to re-think my planting design to include wood chip mulch or white clover.

 have got a few more places on the wreaths and garlands courses this Saturday. It’s a gorgeous spot in the New Forest ne...

have got a few more places on the wreaths and garlands courses this Saturday. It’s a gorgeous spot in the New Forest near Bournemouth, if you know a creative, outdoorsy type who would enjoy this, please do let them know 🙂🌿

Link in bio to book.

Ooh we’re in ! Really it’s just me basking in my cousin Claire’s glory. She and her partner, Rob, are the brains & brill...

Ooh we’re in !

Really it’s just me basking in my cousin Claire’s glory. She and her partner, Rob, are the brains & brilliance behind the crafts hub where I’ll be running the wreath and garland making courses on the 9th Dec. Thanks to for the mention 🌿💕

(In the summer garland pictured you might spot pistache which is an imported foliage. I’m now experimenting with growing it).

I can’t find the words. I’ve been searching for them for weeks…. since the appalling attack on Isr*el and the on-going h...

I can’t find the words. I’ve been searching for them for weeks…. since the appalling attack on Isr*el and the on-going horror in G*za. The Elders’ open letter to President Biden on the 16th offers the genuine compassion that sometimes only comes with age.
The letter is good. Link in bio.
Also linked in bio is a statement on behalf of UK Gardeners for Palestine which you are invited to sign too.

Remember the smell of moss and pine? Some love Christmas, some not so much. I’m a bit of both, but the parts that make t...

Remember the smell of moss and pine? Some love Christmas, some not so much. I’m a bit of both, but the parts that make the most sense to me are when I’m brought into the present, either by the smells or the feel of using plants to decorate the house, or being close to a warm fire, and laughing with family and friends.
I'm running two wreath and garland making workshops in some very special places this year.
Tiptoe Yoga is a yoga retreat centre with a beautiful studio and accommodation near New Milton, in the middle of the New Forest. On Saturday 2nd Dec I'll be teaching wreath making in the morning and garland making in the afternoon, with a delicious vegetarian lunch if you come to both. Go to to book.
Wernog Wood is a craft centre, also with accommodation (their gorgeous Red Shed was recently featured in The Times), in the heart of the Clwydian Range in North East Wales. On Saturday the 9th we'll be doing wreaths in the morning, garlands in the afternoon, or if you attend both sessions you get a lovely simple lunch. Go to to book.
Kind of goes without saying that walking in these areas is really amazing too.
I'll be bringing my usual crazy abundance of foliage, mostly from the field, plus a variety of lovely, sustainably sourced conifer for the Christmas vibe. There will be subtle dried flowers and grasses, seed heads, berries, feathers, texture and scent (the mossy smell.... remember?)
Roughly speaking, it's £75 per session, with a discount if you come to both.
Both are booking up fast :-)



I'm running two wreath and garland making workshops in some very special places this year. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Tiptoe Yoga is a yog...

I'm running two wreath and garland making workshops in some very special places this year.
Tiptoe Yoga is a yoga retreat centre with a beautiful studio and accommodation near New Milton, in the middle of the New Forest. On Saturday 2nd Dec I'll be teaching wreath making in the morning and garland making in the afternoon, with a delicious vegetarian lunch if you come to both. Go to to book.
Wernog Wood is a craft centre, also with accommodation (their gorgeous Red Shed was recently featured in The Times), in the heart of the Clwydian Range in North East Wales. On Saturday the 9th we'll be doing wreaths in the morning, garlands in the afternoon, or if you attend both sessions you get a lovely simple lunch. Go to to book.
Kind of goes without saying that walking in these areas is really amazing too.
I'll be bringing my usual crazy abundance of foliage, mostly from the field, plus a variety of lovely, sustainably sourced conifer for the Christmas vibe. There will be subtle dried flowers and grasses, seed heads, berries, feathers, texture, scent (the mossy smell.... remember?).
Roughly speaking, it's £75 per session, with a discount if you come to both.
Both are booking up fast :-)


Spindle photo by .twist.gardens 💚It was so enjoyable to spend another day last week talking all things foliage with     ...

Spindle photo by .twist.gardens 💚

It was so enjoyable to spend another day last week talking all things foliage with and thanks Rory for being my lovely assistant.

Today I am thinking again about and and trying to make sense of it, when there really isn’t any sense to be found.

The spindle picture, so beautifully balanced, is all I can offer today.

Love to you all 💕

Yesterday’s foliage course was such a pleasure. The group was so generous in sharing their considerable and varied knowl...

Yesterday’s foliage course was such a pleasure. The group was so generous in sharing their considerable and varied knowledge.

Many thanks

And special thanks to my lovely assistant

The pic is of nicandra or Peruvian apple. A brilliant, structural annual foliage.

FOLIAGE GROWING COURSE ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀October 11th (SOLD OUT) 18th  & 21st (LIMITED PLACES)⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Starting to plan for next ...

October 11th (SOLD OUT) 18th & 21st (LIMITED PLACES)
Starting to plan for next year? Need some help focusing in on what foliage you might grow?
This course is aimed at people with a few years’ experience of gardening and some knowledge of flower / foliage growing. We will cover:
The kinds of foliage florists want
What foliage is most versatile
What plants to grow & how to grow them
Optimum spacing for ease of harvesting
When to harvest
Pruning tips
Coppicing & pollarding
W**d control
Ground cover planting
Presenting foliage for sale
Turnover, production costs and routes to market for foliage
There will also be hands-on demonstrations of pruning, propagating, harvesting, bunching & conditioning foliage.
£110 - 9.30am to 4.30pm including lunch
link in bio to book.

Many thanks to & for this awesome picture!

Myrtus communis and her exotic, variegated cousin myrtus flambeau (haha, sounds like she ran away with the circus) are t...

Myrtus communis and her exotic, variegated cousin myrtus flambeau (haha, sounds like she ran away with the circus) are two of my absolute favourites for bouquet work. They do suffer from frost and cold wind damage though, so they aren't suitable for every site.
For more advice about what to grow where, as well as a lot of other foliage growing information, come and join us. The 11th October is now SOLD OUT but there are still places on the 18th or the 21st.


If you've ever wondered why some branches of cotinus get the 'smoke' flowers on them and some don't, it's because it onl...

If you've ever wondered why some branches of cotinus get the 'smoke' flowers on them and some don't, it's because it only flowers on the 2nd year (or more) growth. Some florists love the fuzz (it dries really well too) others the new young leaves.
This beauty is 'c. royal purple' - image by in this month.
To find out more about foliage growing generally, and more specifically how to pollard or coppice your foliage plants for cropping, join me on either the 18th or the 21st October (11th now full) for a day of learning all about how to grow foliage for floristry. See link in bio to book.

Blue skies for a rainy day. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀This beauty is Zanthoxylum schinifolium or Sichuan pepper. Apart from the delicious...

Blue skies for a rainy day.
This beauty is Zanthoxylum schinifolium or Sichuan pepper. Apart from the deliciously aromatic seeds that can be harvested, dried, and put in the pepper grinder at home, it also provides wonderful, shapely boughs for a large arrangement.
The disadvantage of growing Sichuan pepper as a foliage crop is that it has wicked thorns, which does tend to put all but the most adventurous florists off. However, I still think it's wonderful and would highly recommend it (look, the thorns are spaced far apart, you can totally avoid them). Just watch your coat when you're harvesting it, and wear gloves.
I suppose this is an example of a plant which would not lend itself well to mass production. As I delve deeper into learning about foliage farming I realise that those who want to do this on a much larger scale (we are on 1.5 acres) will be looking for 'easier' crops.
For me, though, the joy of my work is that I have a wide and varied palette from which to select the foliage I want to use in my floristry. I wouldn't want to lose that to 'efficiency'.
I do understand, though, that for the sums to add up, growing at scale makes sense. That's why I'll be covering some of the financials, as well as heaps more, in my upcoming October foliage growing courses - see link in bio to book.




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