Waiting for the all dayers to come down for lunch here at Wagner.
Goodies for all day ticket holders…
Getting ready for tomorrow. This is Fig Room @wagnerbrighton where the glorious Jess of @thewomen_hood will be running her workshop around reframing perimenopause.
#Repost @menopause_doctor with @use.repost
I spoke to @theipaper for today’s important front-page story which lays bare the postcode lottery where patients living in more deprived areas are less likely to be prescribed HRT.
The newspaper’s analysis of all NHS HRT prescriptions in England in the year up to June 2022 found GP practices in the least deprived areas spent triple the amount on HRT per thousand female patients aged 45 to 60, compared to those in the most deprived areas.
This is heartbreaking to read, but tallies with what we see in my clinic on a weekly basis; while we see women from all socio-economic backgrounds, our patients include women from the lowest deprivation scores who are desperate for help. It horrifies me that they should have to pay for hormones.
Improving access to HRT starts with better menopause education and awareness among women and healthcare professionals.
For many years women have been told that the menopause is a natural thing, that it just causes a few hot flushes and you’ve just got to get through it. But for many women, this isn’t the case.
And there are a lot of people who think HRT is a lifestyle drug for nice skin and hair, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. We take HRT because we want to tackle symptoms, improve our future health and reduce risk of disease.
All women deserve access to information and evidence-based treatment.
To read the full article, click on the link in the Linktree in my bio.
And don’t forget you can download my free @balancemenopause app to access lots of information on menopause symptoms and treatments so you can be better informed about your health.
#hrt #hrtstock #menopausetreatment #menopausesymptoms #perimenopausesymptoms #femalehormones #hormonedeficiency #menopause #perimenopause #postmenopause
This is where #livingthemenopause will be on April 1st! @wagnerbrighton
If you want to hear from peri menopause experts about what you can do ahead of or during this transition LINK IN BIO!
#Repost @karen.newby.nutritionist
Hear Karen at #livingthemenpause on April 1st @wagnerbrighton. Knowledge is power.
We have to approach weight loss differently at midlife. No amount of calorie-counting or cardio exercise will shift that weight round the middle – because we have hormonal roadblocks! These central fat cells start to interfere with our hormones and our immune system. They are not the same as other traditional fat storage cells found in the hips or butt or legs and the reason why our weight-loss toolbox from our 30s and early 40s just doesn’t work any more (and why dieting just doesn’t work).The worse possible scenario is calorie restriction and forcing ourselves to the gym.
My approach is simple. I work with clients to basically flood their body with micronutrients which helps to reduce stress hormones, helps to nourish the thyroid (important for our metabolic rate) and which help to support a healthy gut (so we can signal to the brain when we are no longer hungry).
What happens is that we start to feel more grounded, happier, healthier and people start to tell us how well we look! We feel lighter and more energised and we start to move more.
This way weight loss actually becomes a happy side effect!
#weightloss #midlifeweightloss #thisis40something #perimenopause #menopause #perimenopausehealth #menopausehealth #perimenopausesymptoms #perimenopauseweightgain #menopauseweightgain
Hear from experts at Living the Menopause…