Please note…
All messages will be responded too from monday,
We are working as quickly & efficiently as we can to ensure smooth running of the business, Gemma has suffered some complications of the insert of her picc line and remains our top priority this weekend,
No rudeness will be responded too - this is getting quite to frequent & even though I’m replying to all messages Gemma can still see them, she’s worked very hard to make this business what it is & has done an enormous amount of things for charity & even support to her customers through Hard times! I ask in return you all understand the nature of what’s going on & we has a team and family are trying our hardest to monitor and sort bookings & run the business as smoothly as possible! Gemma’s wish is to give you all a Micky’s treasures Christmas as planned but please I can’t express enough bare with us, your havnt been forgotten about 😘
Unless stated already your bookings are going ahead I’ve worked very hard to ensure this your still remain priority as do your bookings for your children, thank you to everyone who’s been so kind to me
I will get back to you all from Monday
Katie & Micky’s treasures ⛺️