Sweet treats is out again next weekend. 🎂
I am trying to make the time to catch up with my websites and social media pages. It's been a crazy few months.
As most of my clients know my mind and time has all been on our Ehcp process with Ivy, we have had a lot going on as a family and I've put all my time in between being mummy and working. Hours and hours doing lots of research, leaning so much more on our Send journey, making sure everything is in place.
Ivy has recently started a lovely new school and is doing amazingly. We are way over the 20week mark with her assessment, so now it's going into more of a battle and now even more of my time with lots of emails and phone calls. But Ivy is lucky to have so many lovely professionals behind her and a mummy who won't give up on getting the help she needs and deserves in education and all areas.
I am still very much here setting up beautiful parties every week and now fully booked until January. The last 4 years have been all about starting Cozy Dreams and putting every second of my time into getting out there its been the best 4 years, so it's been hard to now take time away from this not being my main priority with time. I even missed Cozys 4th birthday that was this month. But Cozy is still here! but Ivy has to come first at the moment.
A huge thank you to all my amazing returning clients and new families I have met recently. You have been such a support, not only with supporting my little business but with all your chats, advice, and just an ear to listen. It's amazing how many have a battle journey that others would never know about. To all the Send mummies, never give up, and I am always here for chats to ♥️
I do promise all set-up photos will make the grid, hopefully soon!.
Thank you for all the recommendations and word of mouth. It's helped me massively as I've not been able to allocate time to advertise the last 6 months. I really appreciate it, so a huge thank you. ♥️
I wish you all a wonderful half term. 🎃👻👌
Love Lisa xx