Come on down to the school for your trail bags and some refreshments!
Huge thanks to our two parents who helped this morning make up 200 bags! We’ve already sold 1 this morning. Bags will be on sale tomorrow morning and night till Thursday. £2.50 a bag.
We will also be taking money for disco from tomorrow morning too.
Our adult hampers again from Jessica Walker for the door competition!
Can we just thank Jessica Walker for these amazing hampers for our children’s ’pumpkin competition’.
She is doing some amazing ones for the adults for the decorating door competition as well as making 2 to raffle off as well!
Parents/carers look what we have to offer! Over 70 bottles so far…. for our bottle tombola! Get yourself along!
Another amazing turn out at our EYFS raffle. Thanks to all those parents who bought our tickets and we’ll done to our 2 parents who won them. We raised a total of £94 for the raffle and £76 for our ice lollies! Cambois primary school 2023
Thanks for all our donations for our Rainbow Raffle! We have made a total of £268 thanks so much for everyone who donated a prize and who bought our raffle tickets and ice lollies. Well done to our winners who won!