All classes are designed to help dancers develop a strong technical foundation. Students will learn accurate placing of positions, good posture, how to safely move/jump, proper barre etiquette, and correct ballet terminology. Benefits of Classical Ballet Instruction include an increased awareness of movement, expression, and musicality.
· They learn to follow instructions
· They gain
a sense of discipline through learning new positions
· They learn co-ordination, balance and how to control their bodies in motion
· They are active and getting daily exercise
- They become comfortable performing before groups
In addition to its physical benefits, ballet can also help to improve children's mental and emotional health. Training in classical ballet instills a sense of pride and accomplishment, which can boost self-esteem. As children improve and master more challenging movement combinations, they feel more self-assured, which can carry over into other areas of their lives. Dance training can also be a great way to relax and use excess energy productively after school. Royal Academy of Dance SİLVER SWAN CLASSES
Silver Swans Licensees are trained specifically to teach ballet to adults over-55s, but all ages are welcome. Open, fun and accessible, these classes will help improve your mobility, posture, coordination, and energy levels, no matter how old you are. Our Silver Swans initiative has been developed for older learners so they, too, can take part in ballet classes. Whether you’re an experienced dancer, have briefly dabbled, or are a complete novice, we welcome all older learners of any ability to try out Silver Swans classes. Specially designed for older learners, Silver Swans® ballet classes will help improve your mobility, posture, co-ordination and energy levels. Research shows that 75% of the factors affecting quality of life and longevity are related to lifestyle, while only 25% are hereditary. This means that there’s no excuse for not getting more active whatever your age. And dance in particular, can play a vital role in ensuring a longer and better quality of life. Research also often puts dance ahead of other physical activities in the variety of health benefits that it brings. Ballet and dance are also very social activities and Silver Swans classes can be great places to meet new people with a passion and joy for life. Mini Ballet
The learners between the age of 3 and 4 are admitted to the preparation class before ballet training. The goal of the course is to enable our students to love ballet and music and to prepare them for Classical Ballet and Music Education in the future. Our pre-ballet training is provided on 1 days for 1 hours per week. You can contact us for more detailed information
Classical Ballet
The learners between the age of 4 and 6 are admitted to “pre-ballet” classes. The students at the age of 7 and above without any previous ballet education would be admitted to appropriate grades following evaluation of physical competence. Those with previous ballet education are placed to technical classes following the determination of their levels. Classical ballet students who complete their 2 years of preparation and 8 years of technical education can obtain their certificates. Classic Ballet classes, prep classes, and Technic 1 to 3 classes are twice per week for one hour and technic 4 to 7 classes are twice per week 1,5 hours.