Amaris Granite - The process
This is a shortened version of the process of creating a beautiful Granite worktop, from start to finish. Just wish I'd worn better shoes when filming in their premises!
It was lovely to have been recommended by lots of nice friends on a facebook post by Geleta doors. They were looking for a videographer to produce a short promo for their new premises. Unfortunately for me, my wife saw it and now wants to replace all our internal doors!
So I think the video works!
Harley Morris has done so much to help a cause that has an impact on so many of us. I know I’ve been impacted by inconsiderate people who park on the pavement and create a danger for those people just trying from A to B as safely as they can. Personally I’d like to wish wish Harley and Rhian, his mother the very best in their campaign. Pavement Promise.
Shannie Bowen
The Future is Bright Award could have gone to all three of the shortlisted young people. Shannie has done so much for her school as well as her local community. Her peers and teachers were so inspired by the work that she does. Another remarkable person who I’m sure will go one and inspire everyone she connects with.
The Inspire Awards were incredible this year. The winner of ‘The Future is Bright’ award went to Oliver, a young carer who has done so much to help other young carers in his school. A talented performer and also a member of the Welsh Youth Parliament. A well liked and respected pupil in his school, the other children I interviewed couldn’t have spoken more highly of him.
North Cornelly Community Playgroup
The saying about filming children and animals was proved so wrong here. I really enjoyed producing this clip for North Cornelly Community Playgroup in the 'Above and Beyond' category at the Inspire Awards 2020. Every single person I spoke to and interviewed were so passionate about their roles in the playgroup. They're setting very high standards in their sector.
Inspire Awards 2020 - Lisa Davies - The Power of One Awards Winner
I created 18 films in total for the Inspire Awards 2020. This is the only one I got wet in! It was great fun filming in the pool to create a special tribute to an incredibly humble person in Lisa Davies. She volunteers so much of her time for the children at Rest Bay Lifeguards and Bridgend County Swim Squad.
The Bridgend and The Vale Business Club
Let me know if you'd like to visit
Leading Confidently
A promo produced from the zokit Expo 2019 for Wendy Derrick
It's great when people say nice things about you, thank you to my intern Annie Bourne for putting this short promo together for me.
F9 Films covering Tough Runner Half Marathon
Last weekend F9 Films were at another Tough Runner UK event - this time is was the Hoka Half Marathon in the Afan Forest! What a great event to be able to capture for everyone involved, even if it did rain. Thanks again to Annie Bourne for putting together another promo video as part of her on going work placement with F9 Films.