Happy May 1st.......
And that means the most exquisite Convallaria Majalis aka Lily of the Valley, not just the most expensive flower in the world (probably!!) but traditionally THE flower of May and all started by King Charles IX of France way back in 1561**.
** History says that King Charles IX received a bunch on May 1st and was told it would bring him good luck and prosperity over the coming year. Touched by the story he decided to present a bouquet of Lily of the Valley to every lady in his court and itโs a tradition that has carried on in France ever since. In floriography terms Lily of the Valley also stands for absolute purity, youth, sincerity, and discretion but most of all happiness! Sounds good to us!
We created a bridal bouquet only last week with Lily of the Valley in, it smelt divine and had been hand picked from the ladies own garden.