So excited about this collaborative event I am co-organising with Rosalie Kuyvenhoven and Kate Powis at The University of Essex.
For a while, Rosalie and I have been keen to organise a day where funeral and grief practitioners, artists, academics, event organisers and others could come together to explore new, creative and contemporary approaches to grief, remembrance and ritual. Having approached the University of Essex with a proposal we were thrilled when they offered to host a knowledge exchange event around this topic.
You can see a bit more about what we have planned in the flier below, including our key themes and format. We will be announcing the speakers we have confirmed soon but wanted to give you a chance to Save the Date.
As the University of Essex is fully funding this event, it is free to attend and includes lunch and refreshments.
When: 17 May 2024, 10am - 4pm
Where: University of Essex, Wivenhoe Park Colchester CO4 3SQ
We are currently finalising a registration page and as soon as it is available we will let you know. Meanwhile, if you are interested to attend, send us an email and we will notify you as soon as the official registration is open. Places are limited and will be issued on a first come, first served basis.
We are very excited about this collaboration so please feel free to share with others who may be interested.
As you know I love bringing people together and this is the third event I have co-organised to connect academics and practitioners-something the three of us are really passionate about. Looking forward to a day filled with information, inspiration, practical takeaways and new connections.