Cantemus Cum Spiritu

Cantemus Cum Spiritu An ad hoc choir of leaders from choirs around the country, who meet to sing cathedral services. It?

Please read this if you are classical  musicians or  fans of classical music. I keep seeing an article being posted abou...

Please read this if you are classical musicians or fans of classical music.

I keep seeing an article being posted about how each Olympic gold medal that Team GB won cost the lottery around £4millon, but there really isn’t a direct comparison.

The reason the lottery gives so much to sport is that people are interested and enthusiastic about sport. It has something for everyone.

Obviously, those of us that are classical musicians or who love classical music need to understand that we have allowed a situation to develop where people see our art form as irrelevant to their lives.

If a million people in this country signed the petition to save the BBC singers, that means that somewhere around 67 million people couldn’t actually care less or don’t even know what the BBC singers are and what they do.

WE have allowed this situation to develop. There are all sorts of reasons for this, which I’m not going to rant about now, but dumbing down the classics is not the answer. Neither, for that matter is slagging off people like Bocelli, Katherine Jenkins etc. because that only makes us look more elitist.

THERE ARE several things we can do about this but it needs to be US who do them.

We need to build from the ground up. We need to provide good music for people on a local level. We need it in places they can get to easily and where it doesn’t cost them an arm and a leg. I and Ben Saul have separately set up recital series, in different venues, where we are getting seriously good players and singers to come and give Saturday morning recitals. The fees we pay aren’t huge but we’re paying people to give recitals and people clearly want to give them. With a little publicity and a modicum of ingenuity, these become easy to run and the public love them. They enable you to raise funds for the venues or whatever you want to raise funds for, and I hear so many people talking about how they have loved pieces that they would never have travelled to the city to hear. We can help you set up such a series. Imagine a monthly recital in each of 100 venues; that’s well over 1000 extra recitals being given each year.

Secondly, those of us running choirs need to make the members understand (and the choir leaders need to understand) that it’s not enough to get the notes right, blend and be in tune. Our job is to move people, and that is only going to happen if we stop being up-tight about the way we sing things and, instead, encourage people to sing with a joy and a freedom which, to be honest, is lacking from most performances.

Audiences get bored really easily and, if we don’t ignite something in them, they will quickly forget the performance. The worry about being good enough, in tune, getting it right etc. in my opinion stops people from enjoying the act of singing on a soul level, whereas encouraging people to find their soul through singing actually tends to cause people to sing more in tune, to blend better and actually, to be much more likely to get it right. That’s why They Shall Laugh and Sing exists.

The other thing is we need to educate people to understand that this music is relevant today and that it speaks so many aspects of our life, geography history etc., not to mention our emotional states.

A couple of weeks ago I posted about a fund raising campaign for ABC of Opera by Mark Llewelyn Evans. ABC is different to any opera education project I have ever seen. In a fun way, it teaches kids about music, composers, history, geography and food, amongst many other things.

More importantly, ABC teaches kids that they are useful, that they are able, that they can understand and that anything is possible. One particular child who was in his workshops, who had learning difficulties that often left him excluded said to Mark “ ABC stands for Any Body Can.” This project is ingenious, it’s unique and Mark’s insight and genius for getting it across to kids makes it far and away the best education project I have ever seen.

Opera houses have flirted with taking it on. Some have tried to rip it off and create their own versions. His gorgeous books have been plagiarised, but nobody has the same vision and is able to present it in the same way as Mark.

If you want classical music to have a future, Mark’s project is one of the most vital projects out there. It has to be seen to be believed.

Mark has run this and helped thousands of kids but it comes at a great cost to him and he hardly makes anything from it.

ABC is now being set up as a charity so they can sustainably reach more kids and progress the project, and so that Mark can do it whilst not being forced to live in constant worry. It literally takes up every waking hour of his life. Many of you know and love Mark and, if you haven’t met him, you would love him if you did.

They need to raise £15000 to make the project viable. Since if first posted about this two weeks ago, a grand total of 8 people have contributed.

If we want classical music to be relevant, we have to be prepared to do something about it ourselves.

I have 100s of friends on here who are classical musicians, and 100s more who love classical music.

If each of us gave the price of a pint or a glass of wine or even a coffee, instead of drinking it, we could help him raise that money in a matter of hours, and we would be investing in our own future.

Whatever you give will come back to you, multiplied.

We need to make opportunities for ourselves. We need to use those opportunities to show the best of what we do, and we need to help projects like Mark’s which seek to create our audience.

Please help Mark in this project and share this if you feel able. Thank you.

Help Mark LLewelyn Evans raise money to support Philanthropy Foundation

My lovely staff at Milton Abbey Choral Course , Ben Saul, Diana Ellison, Laura Mitchell, Alex Ellison & Jeff Howard

My lovely staff at Milton Abbey Choral Course , Ben Saul, Diana Ellison, Laura Mitchell, Alex Ellison & Jeff Howard

And so we come to the end of day one of our Milton Abbey Course. Lots of new people. Many lovely things happening. I’m s...

And so we come to the end of day one of our Milton Abbey Course. Lots of new people. Many lovely things happening. I’m so exited by the direction we are taking. The day finished with a beautiful plainsong compline in the Abbey at dusk. Plainsong in a building like this has an amazing power.
I’m really grateful to be here.

We’re here! Can’t wait to start.

We’re here! Can’t wait to start.

Today is your final chance to join our  Milton Abbey Choral Course . Wonderful music, great food, amazing staff in idyll...

Today is your final chance to join our Milton Abbey Choral Course . Wonderful music, great food, amazing staff in idyllic surroundings. Three days of transforming not only your singing, but the way you think about singing. Book Now

I often hear people say that we need to teach kids how wonderful classical music is. I hear people say that it’s crimina...

I often hear people say that we need to teach kids how wonderful classical music is.

I hear people say that it’s criminal that music is being cut from so many schools.

I hear people say that if the arts are too survive. Kids need to be shown how the arts can be accessible.

ABC of Opera does that and much, much more; introducing classical composers in a humorous way which make them feel they can get it. It teaches so much of the curriculum through the history of opera.

It teaches kids that ANY-BODY CAN.

If you truly believe that there can be a better future for our art form, if you are feeling powerless in a world which seems not to want us or to care about the music we love, then this this is your chance to make a small step towards doing something about it.

I have watch for years as Mark Llewelyn Evans has put together this amazing project which could very well be the answer to the apathy which is destroying the lives of so many musicians. It’s marvellous and it’s empowering so many kids, and it’s doing it through opera.
I’m asking you to help take this project to the next level, and let’s change the narrative.
Help Mark to change your future.

Help Mark LLewelyn Evans raise money to support Philanthropy Foundation

I have watched  Mark Llewelyn Evans putting this project together for years. It’s an amazing company which brings joy, e...

I have watched Mark Llewelyn Evans putting this project together for years. It’s an amazing company which brings joy, education, opportunities, and music to so many kids who wouldn’t otherwise have them. Do give if you can. If we want classical music to continue, if we want children to grow up with more balanced lives and attitudes, and if we want to teach them in a way which radically imroves what they get from education, then we need companies like this to thrive.

Help Mark LLewelyn Evans raise money to support Philanthropy Foundation

You really don’t want to miss the last Bledlow Coffee-Time Concert before the summer break.

You really don’t want to miss the last Bledlow Coffee-Time Concert before the summer break.

The music is being printed!Always a great moment. Don’t miss out on our wonderful programme for the Milton Abbey Choral ...

The music is being printed!
Always a great moment.
Don’t miss out on our wonderful programme for the Milton Abbey Choral Course in Dorset. Programme includes:
Palestrina - Kyrie from Missa Ave Maria, Haydn - Gloria from Missa Sancti Nicolas, Gabrielli - Credo from Missa Brevis in F, Schubert - Sanctus from Mass in G, Hummel - Benedictus from Mass in D, Casciolini - Agnus Dei from Mass in A Minor.


Hogan - The Battle of Jericho, Runestad - Let my love be heard, Brahms - How lovely are thy dwellings, Gjeilo - Ubi Caritas, and Trad - How I got over.

It’s going to be an amazing weekend, designed to help you become a singer far better than the one you believe yourself to be. For more details go to

Really excited to be asked to lead one of these workshops. If you’ve been wondering about my courses and what I do, this...

Really excited to be asked to lead one of these workshops. If you’ve been wondering about my courses and what I do, this is not only an ideal way to come and find out more, but also a chance to get to know a terrific choir in the process.

At our Milton Abbey Choral Course  16th - 18th August, we present you with a golden opportunuty as leading Voice Medicin...

At our Milton Abbey Choral Course 16th - 18th August, we present you with a golden opportunuty as leading Voice Medicine Practitioner Laura Mitchell will be giving a workshop during the Saturday afternoon entitled Liberate Your Voice - an interactive workshop based on vocal play, joy & musicianship. There will also be an opprtunity to book one-to-one sessions with Laura to work on your own issues.
Laura is a remarkable woman who taught herself to walk and sing again after an accident on stage left her unable to move and unable to use her voice.
If you missed it first time you can catch our interview here
Don't wait to book your place at Milton Abbey. They're going fast.

Live in They Shall Laugh & Sing from 10th May


I always say that my aim is to get choirs to sing regular choral music with the energy and joy of a gospel choir, so we've added this great piece to the repertoire for our Milton Abbey Choral Course (16-18 August) to get you in the mood. Don't miss out. Book your place now at

Here’s why our Milton Abbey Choral Course  16th-18th (Near Blandford Forum, Dorset), will not only make your singing bet...

Here’s why our Milton Abbey Choral Course 16th-18th (Near Blandford Forum, Dorset), will not only make your singing better but will also make it more joyful, and how that will have a knock-on effect in your day to day life.
Every day we’re working to make your lives better and more fulfilled through singing. Come and find out!

One of the lovely features of our programme at Milton Abbey (Milton Abbey Scool, Dorset) this year is the Mix and Match ...

One of the lovely features of our programme at Milton Abbey (Milton Abbey Scool, Dorset) this year is the Mix and Match Mass. this year’s version will include:

Kyrie - Missa Ave Maria - Palestrina

Gloria - Missa Sancti Nicolai - Haydn

Credo - Missa Brevis - Gabrielli

Sanctus - Mass in G - Schubert

Benedictus - Mass in D - Hummel

Agnus Dei - Mass in A minor - Casciolini

A gorgeous selection which will challenge and inspire you.

Book now

Are you going to miss the opportunity to sing this, along with many other wonderful pieces, whilst sharing a weekend in ...

Are you going to miss the opportunity to sing this, along with many other wonderful pieces, whilst sharing a weekend in beautiful surroundings,with a fabulous group of people, being coached in vocal technique, performance technique, Laughing, Singing, learning how to use your voice to promote wellness and healing?
Don’t miss out. Milton Abbey Choral Course , Dorset, 16-18 August Book on

"Let My Love Be Heard" by Jake Runestad. Performed by the Bob Cole Conservatory Chamber Choir. Dr. Jonathan Talberg, conductor. Presented in memory of Nohemi...

Appropriate that the last verse of tonight’s psalm, the last of the week, contained the line: “The valleys shall stand s...

Appropriate that the last verse of tonight’s psalm, the last of the week, contained the line: “The valleys shall stand so thick with corn that They Shall They Shall Laugh and Sing”

It’s already time to say goodbye to Salisbury Cathedral. Our final service with Cantemus Cum Spiritu this week, Ayleward...

It’s already time to say goodbye to Salisbury Cathedral. Our final service with Cantemus Cum Spiritu this week, Ayleward Responses, Sunsion in A, and Howells - O Pray For The Peace Of Jerusalem. Come and join us at 5.30pm

Evensong tonight with Cantemus Cum Spiritu at Salisbury Cathedral. Reading Responses, Victoria - Magnificat Quarti Toni ...

Evensong tonight with Cantemus Cum Spiritu at Salisbury Cathedral. Reading Responses, Victoria - Magnificat Quarti Toni & Nunc Dimittis - Tertii Toni. Lassus - Jubilate Deo.

Milton Abbey Choral Course  16th- 18th August. Milton Abbey, Dorset.Tenors & Basses. We know you are in short supply and...

Milton Abbey Choral Course 16th- 18th August. Milton Abbey, Dorset.
Tenors & Basses. We know you are in short supply and that it can be hard being on the harmony lines, especially if you've only come to singing late.
On our choral course at Milton Abbey, we will be taking great care to make sure you get the support you need, both for your vocal technique, and in terms of split rehearsal sessions, so you can feel secure on your lines and get the best from your singing.
If you want to become a more confident singer, this is the course to join this summer.
For further details see

Third evensong of the week. We have Reading responses, Statham in E minor and Mendelssohn- How lovely are the messengers...

Third evensong of the week. We have Reading responses, Statham in E minor and Mendelssohn- How lovely are the messengers.

A bit of prior warning, tomorrow will be a bit different. We I’ll have Victoria Magnificat Quarti Toni and Nunc Dimittis Tertii Toni, plus Lassus - Jubilate Deo.

Another of the great pieces we will be singing at Milton Abbey Choral Course  this year. 16-18 August. Only a few days l...

Another of the great pieces we will be singing at Milton Abbey Choral Course this year. 16-18 August. Only a few days left to book.
Don’t miss out

The University of Utah Chamber Choir under the direction of Dr. Barlow Bradford performs Joshua Fit the Battle at their 2014 Bon Voyage concert in the Libby ...

Evensong tonight with Cantemus Cum Spiritu, Smith Rrsponses, Harris in A, Harris - Holy is the true light.

Evensong tonight with Cantemus Cum Spiritu, Smith Rrsponses, Harris in A, Harris - Holy is the true light.

Evensong tonight, and every evening until Friday, at Salisbury Cathedral with Cantemus Cum Spiritu, the advanced choir f...

Evensong tonight, and every evening until Friday, at Salisbury Cathedral with Cantemus Cum Spiritu, the advanced choir from They Shall Laugh and Sing. This evening Smith responses, Brewer in Eb and Rutter - O Clap Your Hands.

Lovely morning working with this super group of people for our Group Singing Lesson - Chard, Somerset

Lovely morning working with this super group of people for our Group Singing Lesson - Chard, Somerset

People of Somerset. We’ve had really tremendous  feedback for our Group Singing Lessons. Now is your chance to come and ...

People of Somerset.

We’ve had really tremendous feedback for our Group Singing Lessons.

Now is your chance to come and get the tools to put you on the road to becoming the best singer you can be.

A two-hour group singing lesson in Chard, with a month’s FREE subscription to our Alchemy Group thrown in.

You’re going to learn principles of vocal technique, BUT vocal technique that works with your body, not against it.

You’ll be taught how to practice.

You’ll learn performance techniques.

We’ll teach you how to apply these to music.

We’ll teach you mental techniques to get the best from yourself when you perform.

All for the total NO-BRAINER PRICE of just £30!

Book your place now

We want to work with people who want to be better singers than they are. We work with singers of all levels, from beginn...

We want to work with people who want to be better singers than they are.
We work with singers of all levels, from beginners right up to singers who have had amazing careers.
There are many singing workshops available but few even consider helping people in the way we do.
We will teach you vocal techniques which work with the natural function of your body and with how your voice really works, enabling you to sing with ease, freedom and enjoyment
You will be taught how to apply these techniques to a new piece of music.
You will be shown how to go about learning a piece most effectively.
You will be taught how to be intentional about the way you approach your singing, and how to change your mindset and the way you see yourself as a singer, tackling nerves and self doubt.
There are no other singing workshops which seek to do all this.
You will come out feeling like a new and better singer, not to mention a much happier person.
Book your place at

Our wonderful Organist from Bledlow, Cynthia Hall, we will be giving this recital at the Oxford Town Hall on the 26th of...

Our wonderful Organist from Bledlow, Cynthia Hall, we will be giving this recital at the Oxford Town Hall on the 26th of this month. It’s bound to be fabulous if you are around.


11 Lower Road


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