A way I like to carry my chocolate ♠️
Please like/share the magic
For availability please go to www.glennfielding.co.uk
#tiktokviral #closeupillusionist #weddingmagician #corporatemagician #facebookmagic
See it first on my TikTok channel @closeupillusionist
It's amazing what you can do with a deck of cards and a zip lock bag!! ♠️
#socialmedia #tiktokviral #weddingmagician #corporatemagician #SocialMediaMagic #streetmagic #closeupillusionist
New magic merch available in a range of colours and sizes. ♠️
Dm me for more information
#closeupillusionist #magicmerchandise #magicapparel #magicwear
Magic using just a regular bottle of smart water and a pen ♠️♥️♣️♦️
Like/ share and spread the magic 👍
#weddingmagician #streetmagician #magician #corporatemagician
New Video coming tomorrow ♠️♥️♣️♦️
It's here!!!!! Remember to like/share and spread the magic
People say this isn't possible!
#magic #streetmagic #weddingmagic #closeupmagic
Just a sneak preview of tomorrow's magic video!
#streetmagic #magic #facebookviral
This is how a magician repairs things ♠️♥️♣️♦️
Please feel free to Like/Share and spread the magic 👍
If you haven't already, headover to tiktok and follow me for more content.
#glennfieldingcloseupillusionist #magician #weddingmagician #corporatemagician #streetmagic #closeupmagician #closeupmagic #magic
Here it is, today's magic video from tiktok.
Magic with an Iphone ♠️♥️♣️♦️
#glennfieldingcloseupillusionist #magic #streetmagician #streetmagic #weddingmagician #corporatemagician
New video is here. If you haven't already, follow me on Tik Tok for the upcoming latest content ♠️♥️♣️♦️
Tik tok @closeupillusionist
#tictacmagic #glennfieldingcloseupillusionist #sweetmagic