The Box is looking for a new home!
Well, venue. Somewhere in the North. Click on their blurb to see their requirements. And ideally, reply on their original post, if you can help, rather than this share of their post. Comment here and they may never see it! 😃
[BOX and the future - pleads for venue]
So tl;dr, we want to run BOX again.
Unfortunately, our venue is not going to be available as Theatre Deli Sheffield is closing down. So... help?
If you've got any ideas, thoughts, dreams or knowledge, here are our criteria. Let's goooooo!
What do we need from a venue?
* At LEAST 3 spaces for larps (if 3 quite big)
* Either a quiet room or a communal space (both is better)
* Level access
* Toilets
* Accessible by public transport
* In the North of England.
* Near enough to somewhere to obtain sustenance
* Exclusive hire of the venue, or at least a measure of privacy for the larp rooms
Comment, send us messages, or otherwise provide your delicious gems of knowledge.