It's the little things that keep us happy :)
#macthetruck #beepbeep #iseeyou
154 video panels, processing and distro prepped, loaded, and en route to MACMORAY FESTIVAL in elgin.
#festiveseason #absena7 #videowall #allintheprep #hirehouse
We have been busy doing refurbishments :)
Here is a peak of our our new design/meeting room. Also available to hire. We can include chamsys desks or bring your own and hook in to capture.
Very happy to have our own separate space for this :)
#designroom #capturevisualizer #chamsys #hireme #refurbishment #newthings #festivalseason #touring #lightingdesign
Saturday saw us back out with more effects. This time over at SWG3 for Hot Dub Time Machine . Providing sparkulars and co2 jets. Always a great night when these guys are in town. Great to work with, laid back and appreciative. Thanks to colours for having us in board. :)
For hire information, feel free to get in touch 👍
#co2 #sparkulars #ravemachine #hotdubravemachine #specialfx #hirestock
Last weekend saw us down in an old haunt. Butlins Skegness!! We got asked to provide additional lighting and Special FX to boost their adult break, WE CALL IT DANCE @butlinsbigweekenders
We provided our new CO2 jets, Sparkulars, and Flames.
Also, providing a range of fixtures to boost the existing rigs they have in place, aswell as offering technical support for the weekend.
#butlinsbigweekenders #butlinsskegness #wecallitdanceweekender #specialfx #co2 #sparkulars #flamemachine #hireme #hirehouse
Little video of our new IP video wall doing its thing over the weekend. Visuals by VJ PLANET.
For all enquiries, get in touch. :)
#videowall #eventprofs #hirestock #bigtelly
Personal favourite of mine in the set to operate. 🤘love a bit of rock out!!