
Ceòlas Ceòl | Cànan | Cultar | Dannsa | Dualchas
aig cridhe ar coimhearsnachd ann an Uibhist a Deas

Music, Gaelic, Song & Dance in the heart of South Uist

’S e sgoil chiùil shamhraidh, stèidhichte ann an teis meadhan coimhearsnachd Ghàidhlig Uibhist a Deas a th’ ann an Ceòlas. Le sàr theagasg ann am pìobaireachd, fìdhlearachd, dannsa ceum, agus Gàidhlig tha Ceolas a’ soilleireachadh agus a’ brosnachadh nan ceanglaichean sònraichte eadar ceòl, dannsa agus seinn. Tha càirdeas àraid aig Ceòlas le Ceap Breatainn, agus tha an sgoil air obair mhòr a dhèan

amh airson stoidhle chiùil Ceap Bhreatainn a thoirt dhachaigh. The main focus of Ceòlas is the week-long music and dance summer school featuring expert tuition in piping, fiddling, singing, Scotch reels and Quadrilles, step dancing and Gaelic language usually occurring in the first week of July. It is set within the Gaelic-speaking community of South Uist and explores the vital connections between Scottish traditional music, Gaelic song and dance while allowing ample opportunity for participants to enjoy all these art forms at Cèilidhs and in homes, the places which fostered them. Ceòlas however is working throughout the year offering many different events like concerts, ceilidhs, symposiums, etc as well as working with other people in the community to enhance and encourage our language and culture.


A bheil ùidh agaibh ann an seinn?

Interested in singing? Come along to our open evening on Tuesday 26th November at 7pm. Details below. ⬇️ Our AGM will take place at 6.30pm.

If you want to find out more information, send us an email at [email protected] or a message on socials.

Tha sinn a’ dèanamh fiughair ri bhith a’ seinn còmhla! 😍🎶🎉

Ceisteachan airson òigridh fo aois 25 mun Ghàidhlig! 👇https://forms.office.com/e/M4C4j7hMaZQuestionnaire for all young p...

Ceisteachan airson òigridh fo aois 25 mun Ghàidhlig! 👇


Questionnaire for all young people under 25 about Gaelic to contribute to the development of a Gaelic Youth Strategy.

Tha an ceisteachan a-nis beò!!

Ma tha thu fo aois 25, nach fheuch sibh na beachdan agaibh fhàgail air a ceangal gu h-ìosal.


Our survey is now live!!

If you are under the age of 25, share your opinions with us on the link below



‘S e Oidhche Shamhna a th’ ann/ It’s Halloween!

Anns a’ chlàradh seo bho 1966, tha Eairdsidh Dòmhnallach (Eairdsidh Raghnaill) à Gearraidh Sheilidh, Uibhist a Deas ag innse mu chleasan Oidhche Shamhna, agus geamannan leithid Creachadh a' Bhodaich.

Bhiodh aodainnean-brèige air an dèanamh agus bhiodh cuid a' sreap gu mullach simileir agus a' leagail rudan a-nuas. Bha goid chairtean cuideachd cumanta. Chaidh Eairdsidh a chlàradh le Dòmhnall Eairdsidh Dòmhnallach bho Sgoil Eòlais na h-Alba.

B’ e croitear agus ghillie a bh’ ann an Eairdsidh (1897-1973) agus bhà e pòsta aig Ceit Dhòmhnallach (Ceit Nèill), a bha ga meas mar thè dhe na seanchaidhean Gàidhlig as ainmeile bhon 20mh linn, agus i air a mòr-mholadh gu sònraichte airson an stòrais mhòir a bh' aice de dh'òrain Ghàidhlig.
In this recording from 1966, Archie MacDonald from Garryhallie in South Uist describes Halloween tricks, and games such as Creachadh a' Bhodaich.

He says that masks would be made and that climbing to chimney tops and dropping objects, and other types of mischief such as stealing carts, were common. Archie is being interviewed by Donald Archie MacDonald of the School of Scottish Studies.

Archie (1893-1973) was crofter and ghillie and was married to Kate MacDonald, who is one of the most celebrated Gaelic tradition bearers of the 20th century, having long been lauded for her rich repertoire of Gaelic song.
Photo of Halloween guisers © National Trust for Scotland


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Gaelic Classes in South Uist & Online Upper Intermediate Class starting NEXT WEEK! 🌟Our 6-week term of in-person Gaelic ...

Gaelic Classes in South Uist & Online Upper Intermediate Class starting NEXT WEEK! 🌟

Our 6-week term of in-person Gaelic classes starts next week in Cnoc Soilleir, South Uist! These will run every Thursday evening, 6pm-7.30pm in conjuction with Feis Tir a'Mhurain classes also taking place in the building every Thursday night.

Head to our website to book! 👇

We also have spaces remaining in our Upper Intermediate Online classes - both daytime & evening! Head to our website for more information and to book.


Sgoil Dhalabroig Cnoc Soilleir Uist Beò Bòrd na Gàidhlig Creative Scotland Comhairle nan Eilean Siar

Bha oidhche air leth againn an t-seachdain sa chaidh le òrain agus ceòl mu na h-eòin! 🦅🎶Bha Cnoc Soilleir làn airson cui...

Bha oidhche air leth againn an t-seachdain sa chaidh le òrain agus ceòl mu na h-eòin! 🦅🎶

Bha Cnoc Soilleir làn airson cuirm le Màiri NicIlleMhaoil le taic bho Gillebride MacIlleMhaoil, Shona Mhoireasdan, Alana NicAonghais agus Pàdruig Moireasdan. Bha deagh mheasgachadh de dh'òrain aca le òrain tradiseanta agus dà òran ùr a rinn Gillebride agus Pàdruig. Chuala sinn duanagan agus òrain caoinidh, an t-òran àlainn 'Allt an t-Siucair' le Alasadair Mac Mhaighstir Alasdair, agus bàrdachd ùr a rinn Gillebrìde bho dhealbh a rinn Judith Parrott a bha na neach-ealain air mhuinntireas aig Ceòlas bho chionn beagan bhliadhnaichean.

Chaidh crìoch a chur air an oidhche le pìos bhon cheòl mòr ainmeil, ‘Cath Gailbheach nan Eun’, an uair sin ‘Lark in the Morning’ agus mu dheireadh, port a chluinnear tric aig Ceòlas agus ann an Uibhist, ‘Skylark's Ascension’.

Taing mhòr do Mhàiri, Pàdruig, Shona, Gillebrìde & Alana airson oidhche air leth!


Cnoc Soilleir was packed for a concert led by Mairi MacMillan supported by her brother Gillebride and three fine musicians, Padruig Morrison, Shona Morrison and Alana MacInnes. They played a variety of songs, with traditional tunes and 2 new compositions from Gillebride and Padruig. We also heard everything from ditties to keening song, the lovely Mac Mhaighstir Alasdair song ‘Allt an t-Siucair‘ and a new piece of bàrdachd inspired by a picture of Black backed gulls stealing from other birds by a previous Ceòlas artist in residence, Judith Parrott.

Finishing the evening was a set with the Ceòl Mòr ‘Cath Gailbheach nan Eun’ generally known as ‘The Desperate Battle of the Birds’ followed by the ‘Lark in the Morning’ and concluding with local favourite ‘The Skylark’s Ascension’ by Archibald Lindsay.

Thank you to Màiri, Pàdruig, Shona, Alana and Gillebride for a fantastic evening!

Mairi MacMillan Gillebrìde MacMillan Pàdruig Moireasdan Creative Scotland Bòrd na Gàidhlig Highlands and Islands Enterprise Cnoc Soilleir Uist Beò

Bidh Cidsin Ceilidh againn a-màireach bho 1f-2f ann an Cnoc Soilleir. Bithibh faiceallach ge-tà, chuala sinn bòcain agus...

Bidh Cidsin Ceilidh againn a-màireach bho 1f-2f ann an Cnoc Soilleir. Bithibh faiceallach ge-tà, chuala sinn bòcain agus fuaimean neònach mun cuairt an togalaich... 🕷️🏗️🧟‍♂️

Cidsin Cèilidh will be on tomorrow from 1pm-2pm in Cnoc Soilleir. Be careful though, there have been some strange sights & noises around the building... 🎃🕸️👷‍♂️

The temporary entrance and parking to the building can be found opposite the Post Office and beside the thrift shop. Remember there is still access for drop off and disabled parking near the door.

Cnoc Soilleir Uist Beò UHI Outer Hebrides Music UHI North, West & Hebrides UHI NWH - Benbecula Campus

📚Às an Tobar 2024! 📚Tha sinn uabhasach toilichte gum bidh Shelagh Chaimbeul còmhla rinn airson Às an Tobar am bliadhna, ...

📚Às an Tobar 2024! 📚

Tha sinn uabhasach toilichte gum bidh Shelagh Chaimbeul còmhla rinn airson Às an Tobar am bliadhna, le sreath de thachartasan an-ath-sheachdain, Disathairne 9mh An t-Samhain! 🌟

Cuideachd bidh Pàdruig Moireasdan agus Alasdair MacIlleBhàin còmhla rinn air an oidhche is John Joe a' bruidhinn ri Shelagh, Pàdruig agus Alasdair mu bhith sgrìobhadh leabhraichean agus òrain Ghàidhlig, le beagan ceòl bho Pàdruig & Alasdair cuideachd! 🎶

We're delighted to welcome acclaimed novelist and author Shelagh Campbell to Uist next week for our Às an Tobar literary festival with a series of events on Saturday 9th November!

In the evening John Joe will be joined by Shelagh, Padruig Morrision and Alasdair C Whyte to chat about writing in Gaelic - from songs to books and thrillers. Padruig and Alasdair will also provide a bit of music so be sure to come along!

All events will be in Cnoc Soilleir and are free/pay what you can. Please book/register through our website so we can be aware of numbers coming to each event!

Bòrd na Gàidhlig Uist Beò Creative Scotland Highlands and Islands Enterprise Comhairle nan Eilean Siar

🌟 Learn Gaelic with Ceòlas! 🌟**NEW: In-person classes and Uist Parents/Under 40 bursary! **Our classes focus more on spe...

🌟 Learn Gaelic with Ceòlas! 🌟
**NEW: In-person classes and Uist Parents/Under 40 bursary! **

Our classes focus more on speaking and using the language, and will teach you natural Gaelic as spoken in Uist and the islands with expert tutors. 💻

🫴 We can now offer bursaries for for parents and adults under 40 living in Uist to attend for half price!
We particularly want to encourage those who may have formerly attended GME or been fluent when younger to attend our immersive Fluent-Level Enrichment classes - this is ideal for anyone wanting to regain confidence and get back into speaking and using Gaelic after a period of time!

We also encourage signups which could form part of workplace CPD - teachers, those working in Gaelic environments or where Gaelic is desired or essential - ask your employer if they will support class costs!

A full year of classes usually costs £305 (£270 for Western Isles residents), but this bursary allows you to attend for only £135 for the full year of 20 classes - half price! We are grateful to Bòrd na Gàidhlig for support with our Gaelic classes.

📆 Our classes run for 20 weeks, split into 2 terms:
TERM 1 (8 weeks) - Start: w/b 28th October, End: w/b 16th December
TERM 2 (12 weeks) - Start: w/b 6th January, End: w/b 24th March

👉 For more information on levels, times, tutors and how to book, head to www.ceolas.co.uk! Payment plans are now available to spread the cost of the classes throughout the year.

Please share with anyone you know wanting to learn Gaelic or return to fluency! 🌟

Bòrd na Gàidhlig Creative Scotland Cnoc Soilleir Uist Beò Highlands and Islands Enterprise Comhairle nan Eilean Siar fans


This cobble has seen heavy use. Both ends were utilised as hammers, and one was also used for pounding. The staining on one side comes from preparing animal hides by rubbing oils into them to make them waterproof. Length 183mm. Found during excavations on an Iron Age settlement at Cill Donnain, Sout...


Bidh Cidsin Cèilidh air ais an-diugh! Thigibh a-steach air falbh bhon droch shìde airson cupa tì is ceòl gu leòr! 🎶☕

Cidsin Cèilidhs start again today! Come to Cnoc Soilleir away from the winter weather for a cup of tea and plenty tunes and songs! 🎶☕


‘S iad Ceòlas a tha os cionn an dàrna ìre den phròiseact Cnoc Soilleir

A bheil am Mòd air do bhrosnachadh gus seinn a bharrachd? 🎶 Bidh Seinneamaid Còmhla a' tòiseachadh a-rithist an-ath-shea...

A bheil am Mòd air do bhrosnachadh gus seinn a bharrachd? 🎶 Bidh Seinneamaid Còmhla a' tòiseachadh a-rithist an-ath-sheachdain ann an Cnoc Soilleir còmhla ri Pauline NicDhòmhnaill.
Bidh seo a' tachairt gach oidhche Luain bho 7.30f is bidh fàilte bhlàth oirbh uile tighinn ann! 🌟

Feeling inspired after the Mòd? 🎶 Come along to Seinneamaid Còmhla - starting again next Monday 28th October with Pauline MacDonald.
This will take place every Monday night at Cnoc Soilleir from 7.30pm and all are welcome!

🫴 There will be a small membership fee this year only to cover costs for photocopying, refreshments and room hire.

🎶 Thigibh nar cuideachd agus togaibh ur guthan! 🎶

Cnoc Soilleir Bòrd na Gàidhlig Uist Beò Creative Scotland Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Highlands and Islands Enterprise

Bidh Cidsin Cèilidh AIR AIS a-màireach ach cuimhnicheabh gu bheil obair air tòiseachadh air an dàrna ìre de Chnoc Soille...

Bidh Cidsin Cèilidh AIR AIS a-màireach ach cuimhnicheabh gu bheil obair air tòiseachadh air an dàrna ìre de Chnoc Soilleir, agus gu bheil agaibh ri tighinn a-steach agus pàirceadh aig an toabh eile den togalach.

Our Cidsin Cèilidh IS BACK tomorrow at Cnoc Soilleir, 1pm-2pm. Remember that work has started on Cnoc Soilleir's second phase so building access and parking is now located at the other side of the building opposite the Post Office & next to Daliburgh Thrift Shop.

Cnoc Soilleir Uist Beò Bòrd na Gàidhlig Creative Scotland Highlands and Islands Enterprise Comhairle nan Eilean Siar UHI North, West & Hebrides UHI NWH - Benbecula Campus UHI Outer Hebrides Music

🌟 Learn Gaelic online with Ceòlas! 🌟** NEW: Payment plans are now available to spread the cost of the classes throughout...

🌟 Learn Gaelic online with Ceòlas! 🌟
** NEW: Payment plans are now available to spread the cost of the classes throughout the year! Email [email protected] for more information! **
**NEW: In-person classes and Uist Parents/Under 40 bursary! **

Our classes focus more on speaking and using the language, and will teach you natural Gaelic as spoken in Uist and the islands with expert tutors. 💻

Everyone attending our online classes will also be able to join an additional drop-in “Strùbag” conversation session every Monday from week 2 of the term, between 7pm and 8pm. This is an untutored session for you to join and meet other class participants, and gives you even more opportunity to use your Gaelic. 🗣️🍵

🗣️ We also run Cabadaich le Ceòlas conversation classes, which are purely for speaking and conversation, and do not teach grammar. These classes are perfect if you're needing a confidence boost to use and practice your Gaelic & learn more conversational and natural Gaelic.

❓ Are you a lapsed/'rusty' speaker or formerly a GME pupil and looking for that extra bit of confidence and enrichment to improve your Gaelic to the level you want it to be? We have a specially designed class for you with our expert tutor Catrìona MacIntyre here to help you build your confidence, learn natural use of Gaelic and idiom, and boost your fluency.

📆 Our classes run for 20 weeks, split into 2 terms:
TERM 1 (8 weeks) - Start: w/b 28th October, End: w/b 16th December
TERM 2 (12 weeks) - Start: w/b 6th January, End: w/b 24th March

👉 For more information on levels, times, tutors and how to book, head to www.ceolas.co.uk!

Make sure to sign up to our mailing list to hear more about our classes and upcoming in-person classes in Uist! 📩

Bòrd na Gàidhlig Creative Scotland Highlands and Islands Enterprise Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Isle of South Uist Uist Beò

An t-seachdain seo! 🎶🦅 This week!🎟️ Tiogaidean ri fhaighinn air ar làrach-lìn! // Tickets available on our wesbite! 👇www...

An t-seachdain seo! 🎶🦅 This week!

🎟️ Tiogaidean ri fhaighinn air ar làrach-lìn! // Tickets available on our wesbite! 👇

Nuair a bha Gàidhlig aig na h-Eòin 🦅✨

‘S iomadh òran agus port ann an Dualchais na Gàidhlig a tha mu eòin agus tha Uibhist beartach ann an eunlath de gach seòrsa.
Bho Òran na Curracaig gu Skylark’s Ascension tha eòin air a bhith a’ brosnachadh dhaoine gus òrain agus puirt a’ sgrìobhadh. Thigeabh còmhla rinn air an 27mh den Dàmhair ann a Cnoc Soilleir far an cluinn sibh òrain, ceòl agus còmhradh gu leòr!

There are many songs and tunes featuring birds in Gaelic tradition agus Uist is rich in birdlife. From Òran na Curracaig to Skylark’s Ascension birdlife has been an inspiration for songs and tunes.
Join Màiri MacMillan with Shona & Pàdruig Morrison, Alana MacInnes and Gillebride MacMillan on 27th October in Cnoc Soilleir for some songs, tunes and chat!

🎟️ Tiogaidean ri fhaighinn air ar làrach-lìn! // Tickets available on our wesbite! 👇

Mairi MacMillan Gillebride MacMillan Pàdruig Moireasdan
Creative Scotland Bòrd na Gàidhlig Highlands and Islands Enterprise Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Uist Beò Cnoc Soilleir

Mealaibh ur naidheachd Claire Frances MacNeil agus Ruairidh Moireasdan a choisinn buinn òir an t-seann nòis a-raoir ann ...

Mealaibh ur naidheachd Claire Frances MacNeil agus Ruairidh Moireasdan a choisinn buinn òir an t-seann nòis a-raoir ann am farpais air leth! 🤩

Cuideachd meal a naidheachd air Joe MacNèill a rinn cho math is e air a bhith seinn aig Cidsin Cèilidhs ann an Cnoc Soilleir - nach math a sheinn e!

Congratulations to Claire Frances & Ruairidh who won the traditional gold medal last night in an incredible competition! 🏅
A special mention as well to South Uist's own Joe MacNeil who sang brilliantly in the final - nach math a rinn thu! 🎶🤩

’S iad Ruairidh Moireasdan à Inbhir Nis agus Claire Frances NicNìll à Barraigh a bhuannaich Buinn Òir an t-Seann Nòs.
¦ Ruairidh Morrison from Inverness and Claire Frances MacNeil from Barra have won the Traditional Gold Medal.

🌟 ÀS AN TOBAR 2023 🌟Tha ‘Às an Tobar’ air ais agus abair gu bheil dà latha air leth romhainn làn litreachais, òraidean, ...

🌟 ÀS AN TOBAR 2023 🌟

Tha ‘Às an Tobar’ air ais agus abair gu bheil dà latha air leth romhainn làn litreachais, òraidean, còmhradh agus ceòl 📚🎶

Our annual literature festival returns as part of Book Week Scotland. Lots of great free events below at Cnoc Soilleir. Thigibh a chèilidh oirnn!

We are grateful to Book Week Scotland and all our funders for financial support. Mòran taing dhuibh uile!

Cnoc Soilleir Creative Scotland Bòrd na Gàidhlig Comhairle nan Eilean Siar HIE Uist Beò


Cnoc Soilleir

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 4:30pm
Tuesday 9am - 4:30pm
Wednesday 9am - 4:30pm
Thursday 9am - 4:30pm
Friday 9am - 4:30pm




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