Final Few Sirloins to clear at Bargain Price.. Got great feedback on these last week
These were 28+days last week so carrying even more age this week..
Discounted by 20%!!
Whopping 12oz Sirloin Steaks £8-9 each!!
All cut fresh, suitable for freezing..
Comment to reserve and pick up this week
We have some cracking Jumbo Sirloins available for valentines..
These Steaks weigh a whopping 400g Each.. NOW WITH 25% OFF!!!
Reducing in price per Kg from £29.95 to just £21.95 meaning approximately £9.00 per Steak!!
Grab yourself a bargain!!
Jumbo Sirloins also available
Comment to reserve
Well… I almost didnt make it into work this week..
Never grow up!! This is me attempting the bounce on your bum land on your feet challenge. 🤣🤣
Fresh Mucky Fat £1.20 for a 4oz Carton!!
One of the best things to come out of Yorkshire!! Cant make enough of the stuff at the minute with lots of very good feedback!
3am start.. Gearing up for another busy one..
Fresh bread just arrived from Maughans..
Doors open 7am.. Orders to be picked up before 12 mid day or earlier if possible.
Keep an eye out on facebook around 11.30 for some last minute deals, these need picking up between 12- 1pm
3 x £5 Vouchers added to the Chicken Supremes ready for collection.. Will you be a lucky winner!!??
Old Skool!! Sliced Chuck Steak, which used to be our Braising Steak before you Slimmers came along!! Still pretty lean but packed with flavour.. £5.99 for a decent chunk.. Comment to reserve
All the belly pork sold… We go again tomorrow!
Something New coming soon..
Here’s a video teaser!!
We may be a short while looking for orders today! the fridge is like a sea of orders!!
Believe it or not this fridge is organised ready for Collections today and Deliveries tomorrow!! Loads of new faces this week following customer recommendations and leaflets handed out at slimming groups.. So thank you 🙏