It's the first day of (meteorological) Spring today - hurray! 🎉
Rather confusingly...
..meteorological seasons are divided up according to weather rhythms and the Gregorian calendar (which we started using here in Britain in 1752)...
..but astronomical seasons are based on the position of the earth in relation to the sun
Astronomical spring will start on 20th March this year
No doubt thats why there's always some debate about when the seasons 'officially' start 😊
It's also Saint David's Day today - the patron saint of Wales. So here's some dandy daffodils to celebrate!
I love growing the more unusual varieties of daffodil - like this 'Peaches and Cream', which has a beautiful delicate apricot coloured centre - or the frilly double varieties.
Happy Saint David's Day to you, if you're celebrating today! 🏴
Esther x