Sweet Venues

Sweet Venues Boutique performer-focused venues bringing the best in performance to our Dundee & Brighton venues Sweet Venues is dedicated to expanding the view.

This means that we are more than just a venue space – we are a company dedicated to achieving the most complete Fringe experience for your production. Our dedicated staff are working all year round to ensure the highest quality delivery for all performances at Sweet. With a management team comprised of seasoned Fringe performers, producers and technicians: we understand that everyone’s Fringe is d

ifferent. Whether you are looking for that key review for your show, to have an opportunity to perform your new work, or to bring back your sell-out show for another Festival run, Sweet is here to help provide the best and most enhancing Fringe experience possible. Sweet is based in the thriving Grassmarket at the heart of Edinburgh’s Old Town and, therefore, the heart of the Fringe itself. We offer high quality venue spaces, with high quality facilities in high quality locations. With our professional Front of House, Box Office and Technical staff, we guarantee to deliver an excellent service for our performers and audiences alike. From physical theatre & dance to new drama. From world music to mind-reading. Our innovative performance spaces attract a diverse range of shows, allowing Sweet to truly celebrate the spirit of the Fringe. We look forward to hearing from you soon, so that together we can continue to expand the view.


The morra night! Get doon tae BLETHER and hae a bra night o entertainment fae the amazin and Jim Mackintosh! Storytelling, poetry and music 💕

£10 tickets, at in ✌️we canna wait for the first Blether o the year 🥰


At the end o this week why no treat yirsel tae a ticket tae BLETHER 🙌 it'll be the first ane o 2025 so dinna miss it 💞

We are buzzin that we hae the award winning poet, Jim Mackintosh jynin us 🎊

A wee bit aboot Jim-

Jim Mackintosh is a poet, editor and producer, has published seven collections of poetry, the latest is We are Migrant (Seahorse, 2024), edited or co-edited four anthologies including The Darg (Drunk Muse Press, 2019) - contemporary poems celebrating the centenary of Hamish Henderson - and the critically acclaimed Beyond The Swelkie (Tippermuir Books, 2021), a celebration in poems and essays to mark the centenary of George Mackay Brown which he co-edited with Paul S Philippou.

He has undertaken several residencies including for St Johnstone FC between 2016 and 2019. He was the Makar of the Federation of Writers Scotland in 2021, the Poet in Chief of the Hampden Collection (2019-22) and the Poetry Editor of Nutmeg Magazine (2017-22). He is the current Makar of the Cateran EcoMuseum in East Perthshire and the Angus Glens.

Most recently he’s toured a musical/poetry collaborationbased on Beyond The Swelkie with musicians Duncan Chisholm and Hamish Napier and featured at various events since its publication including Celtic Connections and the Edinburgh International Book Festival 

His book The Banes o the Turas (Tippermuir Books2022) is a poetical translation of and engagement with Turas Viaggio, by Pino Mereu, the Italian poet and friend of the late Hamish Henderson. It was shortlisted for Book of the Year at the 2023 Scots Language Awards and inspired a musical collaboration with award winning musicians, premiered at Celtic Connections in 2024 and now touring Scotland. 

In October, 2024 he was awarded Scots Writer of the Year at Scots Language Awards.

So get alang it's gonna be a bra night!💖

Tickets £10 at Sweet Venues in The Keiller Centre ✨✌️

7pm, Friday 10th o Jan 🩷🩷🩷

🎄🎵On the 13th of December, Sweet Venues brings to you… with horror in the dark!🎵🎄The  sensation Are You Feart O’ The Dar...

🎄🎵On the 13th of December, Sweet Venues brings to you…
with horror in the dark!🎵🎄

The sensation Are You Feart O’ The Dark is back with a very bleak Christmas indeed…

Come sit down, let the lights go out, and let your imagination take over...

Three immersive horror short stories, plus a brand new tale of festive fear, all performed in darkness.

Witness how Scots do horror, and bring a spare pair...

Darkness falls at 19:30.

Tickets available now from the link in the bio, or pop on in ahead of the show and join us by picking up a ticket on the door!


Just a wee bit of last minute, entirely non-panicked prep. 😰 Dicebreaker: A Christmas D&D Adventure kicks off TONIGHT at 7:30 pm. Tickets are still available, so buy yours in advance, or take your chances on the door!

It's gonna be a riot. We can't wait to see yies. ❄️

📍: ,
📆: 11th of December
⏰: 7:30pm
🎟️: dicebreakerlive.co.uk

🎄🎵On the 12th of December, Sweet Venues brings to you… telling stories!🎵🎄As the year turns towards its darkest point, pa...

🎄🎵On the 12th of December, Sweet Venues brings to you…
telling stories!🎵🎄

As the year turns towards its darkest point, patterns emerge from the shadows. Stones mark time across seasons and centuries, hold the spirits of transformed creatures, and only sometimes use all this ancient wisdom to mess with our minds…

Join storyteller Erin Farley for tales of standing stones and sacred landscapes from Angus and Orkney, and trust that the light will return.

Tickets available now from the link in the bio, or pop on in ahead of the show and join us by picking up a ticket on the door!

🎄🎵On the 11th of December, Sweet Venues brings to you…4 comics rolling D20!🎵🎄Pull up a chair and let the fabulous  take ...

🎄🎵On the 11th of December, Sweet Venues brings to you…
4 comics rolling D20!🎵🎄

Pull up a chair and let the fabulous take you on a festive adventure beyond your imaginings…and beyond their poor DMs patience!

A DnD quest for all times (in 60 minutes), featuring , , .boii.redman, and Luis Alçada. Dicebreaker are bringing the reason for the season - big swords, dragons, and bards singing songs about them!*

Tickets available now from the link in the bio, or roll on in ahead of the show and grab a ticket on the door!

*We may have not entirely understood the reason for the season…

Yuletide is in full swing  for December! Join us for role playing comedy mayhem, storytelling for the long nights, and u...

Yuletide is in full swing for December! Join us for role playing comedy mayhem, storytelling for the long nights, and uniquely Scottish horror to make you pull your duvet a little higher up in the cold…

Dicebreaker: A Christmas D&D Adventure brings the laughs to the dungeon as they return for a festive adventure after their sell-out show!
19:30, 11th of December

the space between: iii. stone and light - join for a wintry volume of our regular storytelling sessions. Traditional tales from the darker wilds of Scotland and beyond…
19:00, 12th of December

Are You Feart O’ the Dark? We all like a good scary story, but can you make it through an hour of horrors completely in the dark..? Live sound effects and full performances will take you to the edge of terror and into the blackest of dreads… All with new tales for the festive season after their smash run !

Let’s make a magical Christmas with live theatre !

Tickets available now from the link in the bio!


It's less than a week til BLETHER is back for the last night o the year 🥰

Jynin us as a special guest we hae the fantastic Dundee poet John Glenday!

A wee bit aboot John! ✨

John Glenday is the author of four collections. ‘Grain’ (Picador 2009) was shortlisted for the Griffin International Poetry Prize and the Ted Hughes Award, and ‘The Golden Mean’ (Picador 2015) was shortlisted for the Saltire Scottish Poetry Book of the Year and won the 2016 Roehampton Poetry Prize. His most recent publications are a limited edition artbook ‘mira’, (Coast to Coast to Coast 2019) and a pamphlet, ‘The Firth’ (Mariscat Press 2020). His Selected Poems was published by Picador in 2020.

So get yer tickets and let's hae end 2024 wae Scots poetry and sang thegither 🎄✨

Saturday 7th December,

Tickets £10.00 🎈


🍑FEVER PEACH pro life hack🍑

SPOOKY and SEXY - this is the only show that'll get you under the sheets and then cut eye holes for a DIY ghost costume 👻

Their brand new show We Are The Things That Live In Your Wardrobe (And We're Trying On All Of Your Clothes) is a fright filled, ca-coffin-y of horror and delight, 🍑FEACH PEACH's🍑 witches brew of post punk poetry will scare the life out of you before gently resuscitating you back to health and forehead kisses 😚

For more great tips - join the PEACH Boiis Saturday night at Sweet Venues @ The Keiller Centre 🕑 19:30


PRESENTED BY Sweet Productions 🍬🍬


WANTED! Have you see the Peachy Boiis?


It's true, FEVER 🍑 PEACH are for one night only, bringing their brand new show: We Are The Things That Live In Your Wardrobe (And We're Trying On All Of Your Clothes) 👻🎽👗

Sat 30th w/ Sweet Venues Keiller Centre Dundee - Long cold nights are nothing without a good ghost story so FEVER PEACH have a steaming hot cup of witches brew to warm you before they unleash their bone chilling new show. They will terrify and delight and leave you wanting MORE! 🍑😭

Get your tickets @ https://sweetvenues.com/whats-on 🍬


Returnin tae BLETHER an bringin us some Scots festive cheer is the wonderfu musician Lynne Campbell ✨🎄

A wee bit aboot Lynne 💚❤️

Growing up in a tiny wee village in rural Angus, where the main landmark was an ancient Pictish stone in a ruined churchyard is one of the best starts for a young Scot interested in history, legend and stories. Couple that with coming from a family of bagpipers, moothie players, and singers, and it’s no surprise that Lynne Campbell has absorbed all of those influences to become a heritage performer who not only sings traditional Scottish songs, but anchors them in context, tells their stories, and works with communities who want to explore the themes within the Scots tradition. She's performed shows on HMS Unicorn, at the Wighton Centre in Dundee, at Verdant Works, and is a regular performer at the Gin Bothy in Glamis, and has written shows and performed at Dundee and Edinburgh Fringes. She loves nothing more than to share Scotland's songs and stories.

We're buzzin- Saturday 7th December at 7pm at tickets £10.00 🍄☃️❄️


We have one more The Space Between for 2024, and it's going to be a fun one... As the year turns towards its darkest point, patterns emerge from the shadows. Stones mark time across seasons and centuries, hold the spirits of transformed creatures, and only sometimes use all this ancient wisdom to mess with our minds...

Join me on Thursday 12 December at Sweet Venues at the Keiller Centre for tales of standing stones and sacred landscapes from Angus and Orkney, and trust that the light will return...



The FEVER PEACH bois are back, and they’re bringing a little bit of spooky for those long dark nights! With their hit new show, freakily fresh from Brighton Horrorfest - the bois are ready to fright your socks off, then put them on the radiator to get them warm, and pop them right back on you again - it’s pretty chilly at the moment!!
Find out why the fuzz on your peach is standing up like a prickly pear - and behold the p***y petrification that is - FEVER PEACH: We Are The Things That Live In Your Wardrobe (And We Are Trying On All Of Your Clothes)

30th of November

Tickets available from either on their website or on the door!



Saturday 7th o December BLETHER is back for a wee festive Scots poetry and music night.

See ya at The Keiller Centre, tickets £10 and this helps us sustain arts and events and venues in Dundee 🥰

A guid pre-Christmas night oot, expect songs, poetry, amazing guest performances and an open mic section! ☃️

See ye there for oor last BLETHER o 2024 🎄🎉🍻

Guest announcements v soon! 🤩


BLETHER is on this Friday! 🎉

Join us for an evening o Scots poetry and song ❤️

And we have oor second special guest announcement - Aberdeenshire performer Lucy Beth .beth.performer 🌟

A wee bit aboot Lucy 🌻-

Lucy Beth (She/her/hers) is an emerging performer and theatre-maker hailing from Inverurie, Aberdeenshire. She recently graduated with Distinction from the University of Glasgow's MLitt Theatre and Performance Practices Course.

Lucy developed her spoken word piece, “Ma Name Is Isabelle,” after being commissioned by Eden Court and Tobar an Dualchais/Kist O Riches as part of the Scrieve project for the Under Canvas Festival. Her short film, “Fit Wye Nae?” won the Best Newcomer Award at The Doric Film Festival. Currently, her one-woman show, “Fittin in or Faan Oot?” is part of North East Arts Touring's Autumn/Winter Season.

We are buzzing tae have Lucy and Liz join us, so get yir tickets for what's shair tae be a bra night o entertainment 🥳

Friday 8th November, 7pm
At tickets £10.00 🎟️



BLETHER is back next Friday 🥳

And we have the amazing award winning poet Liz Niven joining us! 🎉

A wee bit aboot Liz 💗

Liz is an award-winning Scottish poet. Collections include: Stravaigin, Burning Whins, The Shard Box, and a range of pamphlets in Scots and English. Public art collaborations include text in stone and wood and she has participated in poetry Festivals across the world.

She has held various poetry and education residencies including Scots Language Development Officer for Dumfries & Galloway Education Dept. and has written a wide range of Scots education resources, She is the author of Scots Dossier for European Bureau of Minority Languages (Mercator Netherlands). Awards include McCash poetry prize, Saltire/TESS, Year of the Artist and various Scottish Arts Council, Creative Scotland awards.She is an Honorary Fellow of the Association of Scottish Literary Studies and was recently awarded Scots Champion 2024. Liz is also the Convener of Scottish PEN's Writers-in-exile committee.

It's gonna be a crackin night o poetry and mair so get yir tickets booked on the link in oor bio and get yourself alang for a fun Friday nicht 🌟🌻☀️


The Keiller Centre, 3 Chapel Street

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 1am
Tuesday 9am - 1am
Wednesday 9am - 1am
Thursday 9am - 1am
Friday 9am - 1am
Saturday 9am - 1am
Sunday 9am - 1am


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Our Story

Sweet Venues is dedicated to expanding the view. This means that we are more than just a venue space – we are a company dedicated to achieving the most complete Fringe experience for your production. Our dedicated staff are working all year round to ensure the highest quality delivery for all performances at Sweet. Sweet HQ is based in Dundee, Scotland and we operate year round venues in Brighton alongside venues at Brighton Fringe & Edinburgh Fringe and programme across Dundee. Our small but perfectly formed team comprises of seasoned Fringe performers, producers and technicians: we understand that everyone’s Fringe is different. Whether you are looking for that key review for your show, to have an opportunity to perform your new work, or to bring back your sell-out show for another Festival run, Sweet is here to help provide the best and most enhancing Fringe experience possible.

We offer high quality venue spaces, with high quality facilities in high quality locations. With our professional Front of House, Box Office and Technical staff, we guarantee to deliver an excellent service for our performers and audiences alike. Audiences can enjoy a range of high quality, affordable programming that includes the best local, national and international work across genres of live music, theatre, physical theatre & dance, comedy, family shows, improv, musicals, cabaret and more.

It’s our mission to attract a diverse range of shows and audiences, helping Sweet to truly celebrate the spirit of Fringe.