A short flight around the Port Solent classic car club meeting this morning
Blue Team guessing song title at the 1st Annual Filipino FOH Team Party
Dance routine from the Red Team (1st Annual Filipino FOH Team Party)
Dance routine from the Blue Team (1st Annual Filipino FOH Team Party)
I am very thankful that I took up photography during the analogue age (in 1970), because in those days, the cameras were not packed with clever electronics .... you actually had to learn why and how to set everything on the camera before you could take a reasonable photograph.
Moving on (although obviously not advancing, in this case) 44 years to the Dubai Jazz Festival this evening, where a fat bald git with more money than sense decided to buy a Canon DSLR camera to use as a camcorder .... with a wide angle lens, so he has to get up close and personal .... and he also doesn't know what a Steadicam is, but the salesman obviously told him that a tripod will steady his shots, so he bought that too :-)
That isn't an uncommon scenario today, and doesn't upset me at all. However, as any concert photographers and musicians well know, there is a "three song rule", which started in the 1980′s when bands played in New York, especially places like the Garden, because they gave out tons of photo passes, at least half of which were to the paparazzi. Those guys didn’t know how to take photographs in low light at concerts, their only option was to put a flashgun onto their camera. A lot of people didn’t even know how to change film, so they knew that they only had 36 shots. They were just doing it for the excitement of doing it.
Bruce Springsteen would go up on stage, and there would be 50 photographers, all shooting flashes in his face during the entire concert. He walked off stage one night and said, we have to do something about this. Somebody said, why not just let them shoot for the first fifteen minutes? It was then suggested that at a normal rock show, each song is about five minutes long, so why not just let them shoot for the first three songs ?? So the "three song rule" started with Springsteen and the other musicians in that era .... photographers can stand up in front of the audience (hopefully as discretely as possible) for the first three songs to get their
Max and Charley playing football
Max charging Charley in corridor
Max and Charley chilling out
Charley and his bath sponge
Charley and Max playing football