I had an absolutely fabulous morning making mosaic decorations with Jacky from @mossymosaic.
This workshop nearly didn’t happen because we didn’t have sufficient bookings. But when I reached out to people who had booked to warn them we may need to cancel, one of our lovely, loyal supporters recruited some willing friends to join her. And we can’t thank her - and them - enough.
All of these marvellous mosaic decorations were made this morning, and I love the wide range of designs created. Jacky had brought along a wonderful selection of options for us including: glass tiles; broken china; sea-washed glass; and bundles of beads.
Jacky had pre-prepared the templates we used for our decorations, painting them in gold and silver; and brought a range of ribbons so they were Christmas-tree ready.🎄
This was a perfect way to get a taste of working with mosaics. And to make some unique gifts at the same time.
Jacky will be at our Open Day on 18 November if you’d like to find out more about her mosaic classes.
#mosaics #mosaicclass #edinburgh #christmasdecorations #arienascollective #makeyourown #thisisedinburgh #edinburghclasses
We had a lovely afternoon with this beautiful bride-to-be and her hens.
It was a surprise for the bride - who fortunately loved the idea of making her own soap!
We had cake 🍰 soap ball rolling 😉 and fizz 🥂 And everyone got totally involved the in the making and gift wrapping 💝
As is often the case, the hens hadn’t all met before, and they said a private creative class was a great way to get to know each other before the wedding in February. 💍
The bride added that although they hadn’t all met, they all had something in common. Apart from the bride herself, I suspect that may have included loving getting creative - if not beforehand, hopefully now!
We wish the bride, groom, hens and guests a very happy wedding day. 💞
This creative celebration was run by Jenny from @the_scottish_soapworks. 💜
If you’d like to get together with friends and family to celebrate a special event, head to our website and click on the CREATIVE CELEBRATIONS Collection at the top of the page. Link below or head to the WORKSHOPS link in our Insta bio. 💕
#creativecelebrations #henparty #edinburgh #soapmaking #hendo #edinburghclasses #arienascollective #creativeworkshopsscotland
I’m trying to join in with as many of our festive focussed ‘make your own’ workshops as possible. And first up was this 3-hour screen printing taster-style evening with Lou Davis.
Lou brought along a selection of absolutely gorgeous, luxury gift wrap paper for us to print designs onto.
We got to choose from a selection of designs and colours, and worked in pairs to print a collection of 6 papers, and turned out practice prints into coordinated gift tags.
Now to find some gifts worthy of my wrapping! 🎁
Next up, I’ll be making soapy stocking fillers with Jenny from @the_scottish_soapworks. This Friday’s shampoo & soap bar gift set workshop is sold out, but there are still spaces left on Saturday morning’s Soap & Sip. If you’d like to join us. Click on the Workshops link in bio. 🎄
Lino printing is back on Saturday at 10am and we’ve one space left if you’d like to join us.
I had such fun on last night’s ‘calm creativity’ needle felting workshop with Susan Mitchell. This is a new workshop for us, and I had no idea what to expect.
I’ll be writing a blog about this soon, and sharing photos of what others made, but in the meantime here’s a wee snapshot of the process of creating my toadstool themed pin cushion. It’s so cute. 🍄
If you missed out and would like us to run another needle felting class, sign up to the waitlist and we’ll let you know when a new date is added.
➡️ To check this out, visit the workshops page of our website - you can go there using the WORKSHOPS link in the bio.
#needlefelting #pincushion #edinburghworkshops #edinburghclasses #arienascollective #creativeworkshopsscotland #toadstool #calmcreativity #edinburghclasses #thisisedinburgh #whatsonedinburgh #woolfelt #makeyourown
Artist Suzanne Kemplay runs our Art & Wine Evenings, as well as our two-day Still Life weekend painting course.
When choosing images to paint for the evening Art & Wine, Suzanne always tries it out herself to make sure it can be completed in the 3 hours available.
The class is about learning how to use acrylic paints, and mix your own colours, and not about testing people’s drawing skills. So, Suzanne draws an outline of the image onto tracing paper ready for people to transfer onto the page on the night. She then demonstrates how to use and mix acrylic paints, and the best way to approach completing your still life, landscape or portrait so that you get it completed within the time.
I’m always amazed at how well people do. The evening is designed for beginners, yet the quality of work is great!
This wee speeded-up film shows Suzanne practising a Cadell landscape ready for inclusion in our 2023 Art & Wine programme (see below).
> August - we’re featuring Edinburgh Castle by day and night, in honour of the festivals and fireworks.
> September - Mary Fedden Still Life
> October - the Scottish Colourists
> November - it’s the ever-popular Impressionists.
To find out more click on the WORKSHOPS link in our bio. 🎨
#artandwine #sipandpaint #edinburgh #edinburghclasses #whatsonedinburgh #edinburghartists #arienascollective #creativeworkshopsscotland
@_cademy @craftcourses @classbento_uk @skemplayart
I loved macramé in the 70s and fell back in love with it in the 2020s. It’s such a tactile and relaxing creative process.
We’ve brought a range of macramé project options together for our latest workshop with local, knotting expert Lucy Wayman. You can choose to make a pot or plant hanger, a wall hanging, or even a bespoke bag. Adding personal details to make them truly unique.
We’ve a couple of spaces left on tomorrow’s workshop if you’d like to join Lucy. And watch out for our festive macramé option coming soon.
@craftcourses @classbento_uk @_cademy @edinburghgdn
#macrameedinburgh #homedecor #edinburgh #edinburghartistsandmakers #planthanger #thisisedinburgh #whatsonedinburgh #thisweekend #creativeworkshopsscotland
Ahead of this weekend’s beginners silver clay classes with Anna from @jewelleryschoolscot, here’s a wee taste of what people made last time around.
It’s amazing what you can create with a few grams of magical metal clay. And hey presto, what starts off as a wee ball of clay turns into several pieces of hallmark quality silver jewellery!
If this inspires the inner jeweller in you, why not join Anna this weekend and have a go at making your own jewellery. In just 3 hours, I think you’ll be amazed at what you can achieve. 💙
#silverclay #silverclayedinburgh #edinburgh #edinburghclasses #arienascollective #jewelleryschoolscotland #thisisedinburgh #whatsonedinburgh #getmaking #edinburghartists #shopindependent
Find us also on @craftcourses @classbento_uk @classbento @_cademy
Cold process soap-making the traditional way with Jenny from @the_scottish_soapworks.
#soapmaking #coldprocesssoap #traditionalsoapmaking #edinburgh #edinburghclasses #whatsonedinburgh
Sharing the love from Sunday’s mosaic making workshop with Jacky from @mossymosaic 💚💙💜❤️💛🩵
#mosaicmaking #edinburgh #edinburghartists
It really makes our day to receive feedback. But it’s extra special when someone takes the time to send you a handwritten card. Thank you Ann - we’re so glad you enjoyed your workshop. 💕
Anyone else bowled over by @vangoghaliveuk exhibition in Edinburgh?
I found being surrounded by giant, moving Van Gogh images an amazing experience. And one that all ages seemed to enjoy while huddled together sitting on the floor, or resting on one of the sought-after benches.
Impressionism is the theme for this month’s painting and wine evening with Edinburgh artist Suzanne Kemplay. We’ve one space left for tomorrow night at 6pm if you’d like to join us to recreate your own sunflowers or starry night while sipping on wine and enjoying a wee platter of cheese.🌻
#vangoghalive #vangoghedinburgh #edinburghartists #edinburghworkshops #creativeworkshopsscotland #arienascollective #artandwineedinburgh #creativefridays #whatsonedinburgh #hiddenedinburgh