This weekends wreaths ❤️
Thank you, thank you, thank you! I was kept busy making 5 (6 including my own) after the boys were in bed this week crafting these sustainable, fresh, luxury wreaths for some lovely locals!
I have really enjoyed making them and have two more for next week to look forward to ☺️
Remember to keep them safe from the wind and give the foliage a spray with water to keep it fresh!
#christmaswreath #christmas #wreaths #festivefoliage #festivewreath
#sustainablefloristry #sustainableflowers #grownnotflown #locallygrownflowers #cutflowergrower #cutflowergardening #floristry #buylocal #localflowers #britishgrownflowers #britishflowers #scottishgrownflowers #scottishflowers #portobello #edinburgh
The difference some gravel can make!
It took two afternoons - membrane and then edging and gravel but it’s been well worth it!
All in about £250 but that is significantly cheaper than paying for someone to do it and we hade enough gravel to do the front garden (which badly needed it) and cover the pots which now look much nicer. We still have a bucket full too.
It should make the space so much more useable without the rubbish muddy grass along with being much much brighter and nicer to look at.
Now, I mean it this time, no more garden projects! From now on it’s purely enjoying the garden and growing all the flowers 🌸
#newbuildgarden #urbangarden #cutflowergarden #gardentransformation #gardendiy #cutflowergrower
Ranunculus and Anemone Grow Along - Part 1: Pre-sprouting.
It’s taken a while but I’ve edited together my story on pre-sprouting my ranunculus to make the first in a Grow Along series. I treat both anemone and ranunculus the same to the process is the same.
The next one will be planting them out which I’ll be doing in a few weeks.
The general timeline I follow is:
Late September - pre sprout
Early/mid October - plant out in beds undercover (sometimes I need to pot them on first to buy time before getting them out if for some reason I can’t manage it when the roots appear)
October - Spring - monitor them daily!!
This year I am buying metal hoops and polythene sheeting to make my own collapsible polytunnel to grow them in so I hopefully get the best blooms!
#sustainablefloristry #sustainableflowers #grownnotflown #locallygrownflowers #cutflowergrower #cutflowergardening #floristry #buylocal #localflowers #britishgrownflowers #britishflowers #scottishgrownflowers #scottishflowers #portobello #edinburgh #ranunclus #ranunculusseason #ranunculusgrower #ranunculusgrowalong #anemone #anemonegrowalong #springflowers #growalong
Autumn Bowl Arrangement
In love with the autumn tones just now 😍 I’m very much a seasonal kinda gal, half the year with pretty pastels and the other half with the moody tones. I’d love to know which you prefer? Comment below with which palettes you enjoy the most - dark and moody/pretty pastels/joyful brights as I still have some zinnia seeds and dahlias to order so you can help me choose what to order!
The flowers are still going but I’ve decided to stop weekly flowers for the year.
Over the last month or so, since I took a wee break at the end of July, the orders have tailed off to only 2 or 3 a week. This week I had none.
I love making up my flowers, it really gives me such joy being able to arrange my flowers and wrap them carefully for my lovely customers - and my loyal regulars, I honestly can’t thank you enough for keeping this going.
Starting my little micro business in April was a scary thing for me to do. I’ve invested time and money and I always said I’d give it a year.
Thankfully all your orders through the season have funded 2025s seeds and bulbs so I’ll be back in the Spring. I’ve made a commitment to myself to go to markets as often as possible, even if I’ve not much to sell, so I can get myself and my flowers known a bit more. I’m also looking into monthly Edinburgh -wide deliveries.
It’s a juggle doing this with my two little boys and teaching 4 days a week. I have felt quite disheartened by the reduction in orders over the summer months, it makes me anxious I am doing something wrong or people feel my flowers aren’t worth the money. So I need to get the balance right.
I’ll re-evaluate at the end of 2025’s season and see if maybe it’s time to park the business for a few years until I’ve more time and hopefully more growing space.
BUT I’m still here for anyone whenever they’d like me to make a bouquet/jam jar/arrangement up and I’ll be on here regularly to show what’s available while pottering in the garden. Just send me a message and I’d be delighted to rustle a fabulous selection of flowers up for as long as they keep blooming.
Stay tuned as my content switches to growing mode and to be the first to know when the spring flowers are ready. You can watch the flowers you buy actually grow in my garden, isn’t that cool?!
A final thanks again for all the support and
Fresh, local and seasonal 🌸
Every single one of the flowers I use was grown in my garden and a lot of them from seed. It’s something I’m very proud of and passionate about as sustainable floristry really is the way forward. You can’t get any more local than Portobello grown flowers being sold in Portobello!
This week’s flowers really captured the start of autumn feels with the stunning double click cranberry cosmos and the amaranthus.
I had a gorgeously scented jam jar (I forgot to grab a photo 🤦🏼♀️) with a softer palette of lilacs and pinks which very much a bit of me too!
I do love this time of year. I think the flowers feel extra special as we head into autumn and we know that we don’t have much longer left to enjoy them.
Speaking of, I’ll be back next week (Friday 13th) with more bouquets and jam jars. Remember you can put in an order for gift bouquets or arrangements in time by messaging me.
Have a lovely weekend - I hope the sun shines for us all!
#sustainablefloristry #sustainableflowers #grownnotflown #locallygrownflowers #cutflowergrower #cutflowergardening #floristry #buylocal #localflowers #britishgrownflowers #britishflowers #scottishgrownflowers #scottishflowers #portobello #edinburgh
Friday Flowers
Flowers for Friday 6th September 🌸
I’ll be offering more small seasonal bouquets at £15 and jam jars at £10 this week.
They will be available from 11am Friday for collection and I can do some deliveries locally on Saturday if you message to let me know.
I’ll be using the same variety of flowers but I’ll try and mix it up as much as I can for my lovely regulars.
I’ll be using more sedum this week - it’s turning a lovely pinky red (it is also actually very good at propagating in water so watch for roots growing from your stems and you can place in some compost to grow your own!) which is just up my street this time of year.
My hydrangea can take a few more stems and it’s at my favourite point just now when it turns muted and mottled with different tones.
Plus lots of dahlia, cosmos, some zinnia, china asters and some amaranthus! I’ll try and get some pictures of all of these to help you identify the flowers.
So message or comment for me to add you to the list by Thursday evening so I can cut your beautiful flowers fresh and get them conditioned 🌸
#sustainablefloristry #sustainableflowers #grownnotflown #locallygrownflowers #cutflowergrower #cutflowergardening #floristry #buylocal #localflowers #britishgrownflowers #britishflowers #scottishgrownflowers #scottishflowers #portobello #edinburgh
What worked well this year 🌸
This has been my first season growing to sell. It’s been a tough season with this weather - dull and dry. A lot that I usually rely on haven’t been happy (that’s for a later reel) but there’s lots that has!
I’ve learnt a lot about what works best where, and this year was all about learning.
Tonight’s job is to start planning for 2025 - what I’m growing and what is going where.
Might make a reel on that.
And I’ve marked the autumn sowing madness in my calendar to stay tuned to see what varieties I’ve got planned for next year - though all of these beautiful blooms will be back for sure!
#sustainablefloristry #sustainableflowers #grownnotflown #locallygrownflowers #cutflowergrower #cutflowergardening #floristry #buylocal #localflowers #britishgrownflowers #britishflowers #scottishgrownflowers #scottishflowers #portobello #edinburgh
Some late summer blooms that are currently sitting on my dining table.
Featuring a bit of everything - dahlia, agastache, Japanese anemone, amaranthus, cosmos, phlox, zinnias, snapdragon and hydrangea.
There’s something very lovely about a very casual picking what you like and popping in the vase with very minimal arranging.
I’ll have some of these flowers available on Friday - I am feeling a mix of jam jars and bouquets. I’d like to cut those very pretty but very small floret zinnias for someone. I’ll post the details on Tuesday.
Have a lovely, peaceful Sunday evening 🌸
#sustainablefloristry #sustainableflowers #grownnotflown #locallygrownflowers #cutflowergrower #cutflowergardening #floristry #buylocal #localflowers #britishgrownflowers #britishflowers #scottishgrownflowers #scottishflowers #portobello #edinburgh
How are your Floret zinnias doing?
These are my Little Flower Girl ones and they really are little!!
So small I can barely use them in a jam jar.
I sowed them straight after they arrived in mid-May. They are in full sun and good soil (I made sure of that when I dug the bed) so why so small?
I do wonder if I let them go too long in their bigger cells before planting out. 🤔
Please share any thoughts! I want to make sure I get these expensive beauties right next year 🤞🏻
#sustainablefloristry #sustainableflowers #grownnotflown #locallygrownflowers #cutflowergrower #cutflowergardening #floristry #buylocal #localflowers #britishgrownflowers #britishflowers #scottishgrownflowers #scottishflowers #portobello #edinburgh
A catch up on the garden interrupted by the two year old! I’m hoping to have flowers available next Friday 23rd August. Details to follow 🌸
Summer Flowers Edit
Phlox Drumondii ‘Blushing Bride’.
A new one for me this year and absolutely a new favourite. I’ll be growing another 2 varieties of this next year.
They are a pain to germinate - they need complete darkness so I covered them with foil and kept checking daily until they germinated.
I found the stems started small but have now grown long enough for bouquets and when you cut, more grows - bonus!
Supposedly they have a scent though it’s not one I pick up on.
Overall their delicate prettiness make them an excellent filler in arrangements while being very beautiful on close inspection so they have earned their place in the garden next year 🤩
Are there any other varieties you think I should grow? I’ve my eyes on Cherry Caramel and Crème Brulee