Dr Paul

Dr Paul Great weekly pub quizzes in Edinburgh, Leith and even Musselburgh. Get in touch for one-off events.

By the way, folks: Oldeastwaytap quiz this coming Sunday (9th Feb) is being shifted to the later time of 6pm because of ...

By the way, folks: Oldeastwaytap quiz this coming Sunday (9th Feb) is being shifted to the later time of 6pm because of the usual s**tty reason: i.e. TELEVISED SPORT swinging its cheb around and behoving all others to get out of its way.

This time it's rugby which is the culprit, as if anyone wants to watch that eggy nonsense.

Anyway, the sportsgame will occur. The men will fall over, sportsfans will roar, and there will be points on a scoreboard. There will be some sort of outcome and whoever loses will say, with a straight face: "We need to learn lessons from this" to a reporter who will feign interest.

After all that, the quiz will restore your sanity at SIX O CLOCK.

Just to let you know.

QUIZ NEWS: For Southsiders - a new quiz starts tomorrow (Tuesdays 6pm) at Craigmillar Park Golf Club at 6pm - offering a...

QUIZ NEWS: For Southsiders - a new quiz starts tomorrow (Tuesdays 6pm) at Craigmillar Park Golf Club at 6pm - offering an early quiz for those who find the Brass Grange one a bit late.
Bonni is the host. It’ll be great. You do NOT have to be a member of the golf club to attend. Anyone can turn up.

Meanwhile, I realise that last Monday I was moaning about how I’d left the tax return to the last minute and was vowing to do it early this year, start in April 6th.

However, by Thursday I had the return all finished with ONE DAY TO SPARE and I felt like King Kong or Legend out of Gladiators.

And now the feeling is air and relief and not caring any more. I ninety-nine per cent bet that I revert the same old toxic procrastination next year. Ho hum.

Anyway: tonight’s quizzes:
6.30pm – Brass Monkey Leith Walk (with me)
Jackpot – £50
Free answer - PICTURE round: "COCKBURN STREET"
Book: 0131 554 5286 or Facebook or the Monkey's online booking system
7.30 pm – Kitty O’Shea’s (with Bonni)
Jackpot – £50
Free answer - PICTURE round: "TITIAN"
Book: 0131 226 2224 or Facebook or the Kitty’s online booking system
8pm - Amber Rose (with Alan)
Jackpot – £50
Free answer: MUSIC round : "BAZZI"
Book: 0131 226 1224 or Facebook
9pm – Brass Monkey Grange (with me)
Jackpot – £100
Free answer - PICTURE round: "DAVID JASON"
Book - 0131 667 2335
With quiz and love,
Dr Paul

New tomorrow night:

New tomorrow night:

I like listening to songs in foreign languages that I don’t understand. You can enjoy the singing without having to put ...

I like listening to songs in foreign languages that I don’t understand. You can enjoy the singing without having to put up with the utter nonsense of what is being said.

I mean, check these out:

“If you judge a book by the cover
Then you judge the look by the lover”

That’s from ‘The Look of Love’ by ABC. It’s just nonsense. Completely meaningless. Another example, from the Black Eyed Peas:

”Mix your milk with my coco puff
Milky, milky, Right”I’m not having that.

And it’s hard to top some of the nonsense Queen came out with (especially in their earlier works). This is from ‘Killer Queen’:

”To avoid complications
She never kept the same address”

Could there be anything MORE complicated than constantly moving house?

Anyway, these are all great songs are they’re not always ruined by the nonsense it’s just that sometimes, when I’m in an analytic mood, thinking about the silliness of the lyrics can get in the way of enjoying the song.

That’s where the foreign stuff works. What are they singing about? I have no idea, but it can still be emotional. Does it sound nice? Yes it does.

4pm – Old Eastway Tap (with Bonni)
Jackpot – £30
Free answer - PICTURE round: "SONG THRUSH"
Book: 0131 259 3495 or get in touch with them on Facebook
6pm – Persevere (with me)
Jackpot – £30
Free answer - MUSIC round: "SABRINA CARPENTER"
Book: 0131 554 0271 or get in touch with them on Facebook

With quiz and love,
Dr Paul

Literal benches

Literal benches

SAME LETTER quiz.Name the three things. Clue: answers all start with the same letter...


Name the three things. Clue: answers all start with the same letter...

QUIZ NEWS  #1 - The Willow is OFF tonight in Musselburgh as the pub has a previous booking to fulfil - a private functio...

QUIZ NEWS #1 - The Willow is OFF tonight in Musselburgh as the pub has a previous booking to fulfil - a private function. I’m hoping that this was booked before they got the quiz in and that it won’t happen again.The quiz WILL be back at the Willow next Thursday


QUIZ NEWS #2 - There is a NEW QUIZ next Tuesday at 6pm at Craigmillar Park Golf Club, hosted by Bonni. This is in the Blackford area in the south of the city. You do NOT have to be a golf club member. Bar is open to the public. Come along and try it out.

Other than that, I’m glad that most of you don’t care about football enough to interfere with the quizzes. An old Glasgow-based quizmaster friend of mine runs quizzes through in the West and I noticed him posting yesterday about the logistics of hosting a quiz when Celtic are playing in the Champions League. It sounds so draining.

And it’s not the first time I’ve seen him posting about this. He always seems to have to work round the football.

I like football (I go to Spartans games), but as I get older, I get more resentful of big-football just moving its timetables at a whim and then so many of us have to adjust our plans accordingly.

Luckily, Edinburgh is a lot more relaxed about football, and that’s the way it ought to be.

Anyhow - come to the quizzes tonight:

7 pm – Brass Monkey Drummond St (with me)
Jackpot – £50
Free answer - PICTURE round: "GALAXIAN"
No bookings taken - Call pub 031 556 1961 or Facebook

9pm – Newsroom (with me)
Jackpot – £50
Free answer - PICTURE round: "THELMA"
Book: 0131 557 5286 or Newsroom online booking
With quiz and love,
Dr Paul

Hey. Did Nick turn up for a short time at the Shore last night and I just didn't notice? Or is someone else using his ha...

Hey. Did Nick turn up for a short time at the Shore last night and I just didn't notice? Or is someone else using his handle?

  winners from Monday night up at the Grange

winners from Monday night up at the Grange

Wow. Parents night last night - same week as tax return. As I’ve mentioned - I do like January - but this is taking the ...

Wow. Parents night last night - same week as tax return. As I’ve mentioned - I do like January - but this is taking the p**s.

Anyway - the kid’s doing all right. The teachers were all pleasant enough. The Art teacher was cool. The Design teacher used to be in the army and he can do loads of press ups.

So wonderful as it is, January has its drawbacks. I suppose the best month of the year is May. Good weather, Skies full of light. Months of summer ahead. Eurovision.

There you go, May is the best.

Nature itself is beautiful all year round. I’d like to go for a walk. But there’s all this stuff to do….

Anyway, I need to get on with the stuff, so here are the details of tonight’s quizzes:

6 pm – The Joker & The Thief (with me)
Jackpot – £30
Free answer - MUSIC round: "DIRE STRAITS"
Book: 0131 556 3274 or Facebook
6 pm – Oz Bar (with Stuart F)
Jackpot – £30
Free answer - PICTURE round: "TAYLOR SWIFT"
Book: 0131 259 6295 or Facebook
7 pm – Ship Inn, Musselburgh (with Stewart D)
Jackpot – £60
Free answer - PICTURE round: "QUANTUM OF SOLACE"
Book: 0131 665 2642 or Facebook
8 pm – West Port Oracle (with Stuart F)
Jackpot – £30
Book: 0131 283 1960 or Facebook
8.30 pm – Brass Monkey Shore (with me)
Jackpot – £50
Book: 0131 555 7306 or Facebook

With quiz and love,
Dr Paul

Tope of the morning to you:

Tope of the morning to you:

Spanish Inquizition nearly won the money again at Brass Monkey Grange last night but they were foiled by a question abou...

Spanish Inquizition nearly won the money again at Brass Monkey Grange last night but they were foiled by a question about Pink Floyd album covers.

Note to self: write more of those.

Only joking, dear members of Spanish Inquizisition, but it is difficult to maintain a balance between questions that are easy enough for everyone to have a go at, but tricky enough to provide a challenge for trivia expert teams like:

Terrible Trio
Wing Attack
Lorraine’s Legends
Penguin Party Fears II
Abolish Anagrams

(and many others)

Don’t get offended if you are a consistently brilliant team and I left you off the list. These were just the first eight which leapt to mind.

When people hear I’m a quizmaster they sometimes say “What’s your best question?”, but it’s never been about that. It’s always about the balance over a whole quiz.

One of the best methods for “levelling” is pop culture. Teams who know about authors and astronomy don’t always know about telly and pop.

Balancing a quiz. It’s like Tai Chi. Or something.

Anyway, quizzes tonight:
6.30 pm – Brass Monkey Gorgie (with me)
Jackpot – £100
Free answer - PICTURE round: "GWEN STEFANI"
Book: 0131 327 0543 or message their Instagram
6.30 pm – Porty Tap (with Isla)
Jackpot – £30
Free answer - PICTURE round: "THE TICK"
Book: 0131 629 6266 or Facebook
8 pm – Waverley Bar (with Bonni)
Jackpot – £30
Free answer - MUSIC round: "JANET JACKSON"
Book: 0131 557 9855 or Facebook
9 pm - Safari Lounge (with me)
Jackpot – £30
Free answer: PICTURE round: "MALLARD"
Book: 0131 661 4741 or Facebook
With quiz and love,
Dr Paul

Easy money for Pria of Triple Whammy. Well, a few guesses and a tiebreaker, but easy-ish.

Easy money for Pria of Triple Whammy. Well, a few guesses and a tiebreaker, but easy-ish.

Every single year, I could do it earlier. I could start work on my tax return on the 6th April, the day after the tax ye...

Every single year, I could do it earlier. I could start work on my tax return on the 6th April, the day after the tax year finishes. No further information is needed. I don’t need to wait. I could just get on with it.

But I always wait the months away until the deadline… and here we are. It’s January, there are three or four days to go and I HAVE to do it now.

The deadline doesn’t care that I feel a bit ropey. All the deadline says is “Get in in for midnight on Friday.”

And every year I think “This is a pain in the arse. I‘ll do it earlier this coming year.”

But get back to me in April and see. I bet I do the same old s**t as ever. I bet that this time next year I’ll be writing the same blog post. Ah well. I guess this is what it is to be human.

Anyway, the quizzes don’t stop for no goddamed HMRC procedural inflexibility so, come and join us out and about tonight:
6.30pm – Brass Monkey Leith Walk (with me)
Jackpot – £50
Free answer - PICTURE round: "DUNDEE"
Book: 0131 554 5286 or Facebook or the Monkey's online booking system
7.30 pm – Kitty O’Shea’s (with Bonni)
Jackpot – £150
Free answer - PICTURE round: "AZTEC"
Book: 0131 226 2224 or Facebook or the Kitty’s online booking system
8pm - Amber Rose (with Alan)
Jackpot – £50
Free answer: PICTURE round : "ROLLERBALL"
Book: 0131 226 1224 or Facebook
9pm – Brass Monkey Grange (with me)
Jackpot – £50
Free answer - MUSIC round: "TWENTY-ONE PILOTS"
Book - 0131 667 2335

With quiz and love,
Dr Paul

Making music rounds. Wham! are amazing.

Making music rounds. Wham! are amazing.

Weird one yesterday. I was on Princes Street with my daughter, just next to Hanover Street, and we saw a woman coming ou...

Weird one yesterday.

I was on Princes Street with my daughter, just next to Hanover Street, and we saw a woman coming out of the Dr Marten shop and laughing wildly as she cast a piece of plastic rubbish down the street before ducking back in the shop. We watched her for a second, and it was clear she was staff.

I picked up the rubbish (like a foot-long piece of plastic wrapping) and took it into the shop to ask her if she’d dropped it.

She said “no”, so I asked who I did see dropping it (it was definitely her) and she asked me to stop “being confrontational”.

It was a weird moment. I told her I thought it was disgusting and that I would do her a favour and put it in the bin for her. We left the shop and put the thing in the bin.

I know there are bigger problems in the world, but litter gets up my nose. What’s the point? Why would anyone ever litter? It’s totally avoidable and it just makes the place look like s**t. Gah.

Anyway, rant over. Put your rubbish in the bin and come to the quizzes today:
4pm – Old Eastway Tap (with Bonni)
Jackpot – £90
Free answer - MUSIC round: "REAL MADRID"
Book: 0131 259 3495 or get in touch with them on Facebook
6pm – Persevere (with me)
Jackpot – £60
Free answer - PICTURE round: "KYLIE"
Book: 0131 554 0271 or get in touch with them on Facebook

With quiz and love,
Dr Paul

Decent pots for a Sunday:

Decent pots for a Sunday:

Rescheduled Quiz at CrossBorders on TONIGHT (Saturday).So it was crazy yesterday. I hope you survived with minimal damag...

Rescheduled Quiz at CrossBorders on TONIGHT (Saturday).

So it was crazy yesterday. I hope you survived with minimal damage. Maybe your bin has gone over, that’s OK. Hopefully you didn’t lose a chimney.

Things are calmer today so the Cross Borders Brewery quiz, has shifted to Saturday.

That’s tonight, Brigid is hosting and you can win cash and booze. I’m not going to write too much more here because I’m taking my daughter out for lunch and I’d like to go out soon. Thanks.

Hope you can make it along tonight :-) You can either just turn up or, to be sure of a table, give them a call on 0131 629 3990

Quiz tonight:

7.30 pm – Cross Borders Brewery (with Brigid)
Jackpot – £50
Free answer - PICTURE round: "KAZAKHSTAN"
Bookings - 0131 629 3990 or Facebook

With quiz and love,
Dr Paul




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