On kindness, decency and community
Sometimes we meet people we don’t like, or who don’t like us.
I’ve always believed that to some I’m their cup of tea, to others I’m their jug of cold p**s. That’s fine, because I also hold opinions such as hating jazz and believing marmite comes from a demonic ar****le.
The thing with the pagan community is…. We’re all in this together - we all have good and bad days and we all want to earn our crust.
Some people however…. They don’t care about others. They care for none but themselves. Now I’m all about looking after yourself first but my gods, it doesn’t mean you can’t be kind when you’ve had your share.
To you, if you’re reading this (who am I kidding…. Hello love!) you’ve been seen, you’ve been seen and the lights are on now.
A wise man once told me “Matthew, you’ll only get out of the pot the things you put in”
There will come a day when your spite comes back and bites you right on the arse, and on that day I’d still offer you a helping hand because some of us…. Some of us look out for our tribe…. Even the truly horrid ones!