I've never been one to gloat over statistics, however I think this is revealing to my my life story. I couldn't ever imagine when I started making tunes in 2014 that I would have nearly 30,000 plays and that's not including all the tracks I have deleted. It seems that a couple of years back that things started to drop, well that would make sense as life got the better of me then. I had a lot of troubles going on and I have been trying to perseu a better quality of life instead of music ever since. Having said that, I am actively trying to improve my life and my sons before I jump back on the grindstone but let me be clear, it's not over. I am going to find the equipment and time I need to make more riddims and I say this because I love the music and anybody who's been following the journey. It's engrained into my happiness, I hope that that soon I can deliver more tunes to everyone and keep the 140 flowing. I really enjoy being a wobsmith and am eager to get going again.