2024 - Has been a bit of an adventure for us, new customers, new friends, some worked, some not so well,,, but hey, that life.. But we take it all as an experience, and glad we did it all.. 2025, a slight realignment for us, not so much of somethings, to be replaced with more of otherthings ,,,, but all , for the good..
Have a wonderful year folks, be happy, have fun... love Colin, Sonya & Bronxy.
Have the most wonderful time folks. May all your wishes come true, peace & prosperity to one and all.. Col & Sonya
Out on location today, at our favourite Donkey Sanctuary.
The Scottish Borders Donkey Sanctuary
Castle Frasers History Weekend
History Weekend at Castle Fraser, Garden & Estate NTS... Ok folks two days of hard processsing of images, and we're done,,, yeah. :) .. Thank you one and all for all your efforts.... Northern Alliance Forum - The Douglas Retinue - The Knights of Monymusk - The Company of Saint Margaret - Jackie Phillips for the soundtrack..
Images are on pixieset, slideshow here, and facebook tomorrow
Hawick Reivers Festival 2024, performance by Les Amis
William Wallace looking out over the Scottish Borders
As the team prepares for the up and coming event season,, We give you a fly through a cold and beautiful misty Scottish Borders...
Merry Christmas to all our wonderful friends out there. Have a great time, relax and have fun..... Best wishes Colin & Sonya
2023 Bloopers #1 - Part of a set of promotion videos for our friends at the Scotttish Borders Donkey Sanctuary. Sonya pairs up with one of our favourites, 'Doris'. Doris is an American donkey, and is the biggest donkey in the sanctuary, whereas Sonya aint as tall, but just as lovely.
(ps Sonya's 'I hate this' refers to her love of public speaking)