It's time to say thankyou!
To Rev Michael for letting us have the festival in his church
To Mark and Jill and all the ladies from church who helped us set up, take down, and who sold tea and cake during the festival
To David who made us another tree plinth so we could have an extra tree
To Booths for their very kind donation of a memory tree
To everyone who visited the festival and helped us raise more than £356 for church funds
To everyone who brought items for the food bank
To St Peter's Scorton Community Choir who sang for us on Saturday morning - they were brilliant
And finally a huge thankyou to all the community groups who entered a tree - Garstang is just full of talented people and great community groups.
The visitors vote for their favourite tree was White Christmas by Cherestanc WI.
Th winner of the hamper raffle was Alan Pearson.
Thanks again to everyone who helped make the festival a success - we hope to see you next year!