World Mental Health Day 🌍
I share the pictures of my finished pieces on here, the ones which everybody loves. However, what some may not realise is that I feel that my creative pieces come directly from my heart and soul. So much emotion and love is put into the flowers (including things such as anxiety, imposter syndrome, but also care and passion - you name it!) and when I hand them over knowing someone has paid money for them, I am always so anxious that they won’t like them or will find fault in my creation. If a customer doesn’t like them or does find a fault with my creation, it would be extremely easy to take this to heart because of the personalisation that goes into creative work. This is the unspoken part of working in a creative industry (imposter syndrome is a huge issue) and the more I open up about this to other people who are creative, it appears it is an issue which resonates throughout creatives.
On this day, I ask you to also remember that no matter how ‘insignificant’ your problems may seem to someone else’s, different people have different coping mechanisms, resilience and biological reactions. So one person’s ‘big problem’ might evoke the same anxiety, overwhelm, sadness or reaction as someone’s ‘little problem’ in someone else, based on what they’ve got going on or already been through in life. The truth is, there will be obstacles in this life, some more testing than others at times, but it’s important to find the time to have self-care and to be gentle on yourself to overcome and learn lessons; Sometimes alone, sometimes with the help of others, whatever it takes to get you through. If you find someone you can speak to, or vent to – do it. Then instead of saying ‘Sorry for burdening you’ say ‘Thank you for holding space and listening to me’.
Keep sharing your truth. Not just your happy, but your sad, your anger, your frustration, your fears or any other emotions needing to come up. Life’s too short for half-spoken truths and over-thinking ‘what ifs’.
Keep sharing. Keep being vulnerable. Keep listening. Keep Holding Space. Keep empathising. Keep being compassionate.
We all need community so let’s all be there for each other ♥️✨