Bùthan-obrach 2024 deiseil!🥳
2024 workshops complete✅
Mòran taing dhan a h-uile duine a thàinig gu bùth-obrach fhleasgan Nollaig am-bliadhna. Rinn mi sia bùthan-obrach uile gu lèir ann an Glaschu, Muile agus Cataibh - uile tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig agus thàinig faisg air 100 daoine! (99 to be exact😂)
Tha mi a’ faireachdainn cho fortanach gun urrainn dhomh seo a dhèanamh agus mìle taing dhuibh uile airson ur taic❤️ chun na h-ath-bhliadhna!
Thank you so much to everyone who came to a Christmas wreath workshop this year - I ran six workshops altogether in Glasgow, Mull & Sutherland, all through the medium of Gaelic and almost 100 people came along to a workshop!
Feeling very lucky that I get to do this and thank you all for your support throughout the year too! I hope you all have a very happy Christmas❤️
Nollaig Chridheil!🎄